Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1377: Killer first (21)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Xuan Ge returned to the villa. He stood in front of Mingshu's door and knocked on the door for a while.

Mingshu was still awake and came to open the door: "Done?"


"Aren't you killed?"


"That's good." If it is killed, then it will be in trouble.

The air suddenly fell silent.

Mingshu saw that Xuange didn't speak or go, so he could only ask him: "Is there anything else?"

"...It's okay." Xuan Ge took a step back: "Tell me tomorrow."

"Good night." Mingshu closed the door.

Just as the door was about to close, there was resistance holding the door.

Mingshu opened the door and looked at the people outside.

Anything else?

The latter opened the door, pinched Mingshu's chin, and dropped a soft kiss: "Good night."

Then he quickly released Mingshu and went downstairs.

Mingshu reached out and touched his lower lip, the corner of his mouth slowly rising.


Early the next morning, Mingshu opened the door and saw Xuange waiting outside.

The girl was sleepy, her home clothes were loose and hung on her body, her collarbone was looming, her face was light pink, and she was very cute.

Xuan Ge's eyes narrowed slightly.

A love letter is put into the girl's arms every day, rubbing her head lightly, and turning to push the breakfast forward.

Mingshu followed him in while demolishing: "Why are you so early? Can't think I can't sleep?"



Ming Shu silently read today's love letter.

Xuan Ge filled the porridge with chopsticks carefully.

Mingshu put the love letter aside and sat down for breakfast.

"What did you think about last night?"

It was too late yesterday, plus... he was not in a mood to discuss the matter with her.

"No idea, I don't know who is the one who made me, let me know..."

She smiled at Xuan Ge.

If I want to know that if my father and mother do not know, I will eat two more bowls of rice!

Xuan Ge remained silent until she finished her breakfast. He said: "I took a task before and it's about you... But because Uncle Yi is here, I made a deal with him and promised him to protect you."

"You can break the contract casually when you take the task?"

"..." Is this the point?

Xuan Ge remained silent for a few seconds, his thin lips spit out two words: "No."

There are also some costs to breaking the contract, which may be money or other.

But these things, he did not need to tell her.

After all, at that time, he was not for her.

"So you came to kill me before?" Ming Shu returned to the topic.

"..." She is still concerned about the problem just now.

"Well." The fact is the fact, he can't refute it.

"I didn't expect you to like me!" Ming Shu suddenly smiled: "Repent or not regret, this task can be a loss."

"No regrets."

He has no regrets.

Meet her.

like her.

Never regret it.

Xuan Ge pursed his lips: "...Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" The girl leaned her head slightly, with a three-pointed smile, as if in doubt.

"I'm here..."

Kill you.

"You didn't know me before, I was not so unreasonable to make trouble." I made sense.

Xuan Ge: "..."

I wish she would make trouble a little unreasonably.

This is in line with the thinking logic of normal people...

Xuan Ge took a slight breath, and then went on to the topic just now: "Although the normal channel can't check this buyer, as long as you are careful, you can still find it."

Ming Shu raised his eyebrows: "The key is, why should that person do something to me."

"Is it because of my beauty or my talent?"

Xuan Ge's gaze glanced at her, she did have beauty, talent... just her achievements? forget it!

Mingshu touched his chin: "It must not be for my snacks...heritage?"

For Shu family's industry, Shu Hang can try their best to grab it.

But for the big guys outside, it may not even look at all.

Not to mention that it is so much trouble to find a killer to kill her?

Even if she was killed, according to the will, all the Shu family's property would be donated.

Therefore, this person should not come to her.

If it wasn’t for her, then it’s very likely that it was the original parent.

The original parent's parents died least apparently.

"I'm going to ask Uncle Yi."

In the memory of the original owner, Yi Qiao remembers to be the housekeeper at home.

He should know something.

Ming Shu suddenly asked Xuan Ge: "What deal did you do with Uncle Yi?"

A steward of Yiqiao, what can he do with him?

Xuan Ge hesitated and said, "I need Uncle Yi's support for some organizational issues."

"I'm going! Sweeping monk?" Hidden big boss! It's amazing!


Xuan Ge took a few seconds to react.

He explained: "The K organization has been around for a long time. To master the K organization, you need to get the badge of each member of the Presbyterian Church."

"When Uncle Yi was young, he left K organization for some reason, but he had a badge in his hand."

Every organization has wonderful regulations. Such regulations are acceptable.

"You really want to be the boss?"

The man lowered his eyebrows: "I don't want to, but sometimes there is only one way to choose."

He was forced to choose this path.

"I grew up there when I was young, and I have no other choice."

He chose to back down, killing the people who supported him, and also putting himself in a catastrophe.

right now……

He couldn't retreat.

Only being the last person can protect her.

Xuan Ge was suddenly hugged, his head buried in the soft belly of the girl.

"It's ok……"

Ming Shu seemed to say something behind, but it was too light, and Xuan Ge didn't hear it clearly.

Xuan Ge slowly reached out and hugged the girl's waist.

He felt a relief from her.

Let him lay down all the peace of mind.

he thinks……

Stay with her all the time.

This thought flooded up like a flood and could not be stopped.

Xuan Ge's arms were tightened, and he seemed to want to label him the person he held, inch by inch.

Mingshu began to endure.


"Hello... I'm breathless."

Xuan Ge force loosened, but did not release her, hugged her quietly.

He was greedy for the temperature in her.


Mingshu finally got away from Xuange and went downstairs to find Yiqiao.


"Uncle Yi, I want to ask you a little bit about Shu... my parents."

Yi Qiao was a little stunned, he whined: " do you remember to ask Mr. and Mrs.?"

Mingshu smiled: "Uncle Yi let Xuange protect me, don't you know something?"

Yi Qiao: "..."

Yi Qiao's expression was blank for almost a minute, and then he naturally didn't want to pull out a kind smile, but it was a bit stiff.

"Miss, I..."

"Uncle Yi, I'm so old, you should know what you should know. You can protect me for a while, but you can't protect me for a lifetime."

Of course Yi Qiao understands this truth.

But his young lady is still young...

Yi Qiao's sight on Mingshu.

The girl's face was lightly smiled, and her bright eyebrows were full of self-confidence that could be seen without rendering.

She is a little different from the little girl in her impression.

She grew up...


Yi Qiao: I am the legendary sweeping monk.

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