Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1378: Killer first (22)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

In fact, there are no twists and turns of grudges.

Shu Ran's parents just kept a thing for a friend.

But I didn't expect that that thing would cause them death.

A good house, ruined if you ruin it.


"I don't know, I only know it's a box, what's inside..."

Yi Qiao shook his head.

He had only seen the box once, and never seen it again.

What is inside, he does not know.

Yi Qiao briefly drew Mingshu.

The most striking on the box is the pattern.

It may be that Yi Qiao also can't remember clearly. The pattern in the middle is a little blurry, and I can't tell what it is.

"This pattern?"

"I don't know." Yi Qiao still shook his head: "I have never seen such a sign."

"So now some people think that this thing is in the legacy my parents left me?"

Yi Qiao nodded: "It should be like this."

So when he saw Xuan Ge, he would rather use the exchange he wanted and let him protect her.

He has not been unchecked these years, but the clues were broken that year.

He has no way to start.

Shu Ran became more and more alienated from Shu Hang under the sway of him...

Mingshu wondered: "Since this is the case, why did people start to track down after so many years?"

Yi Qiao reminded Mingshu: "Miss, Cai Yuanpeng has always been by your side."

Cai Yuanpeng...

That doctor.

Mingshu did not find the memory related to this box in the original master memory.

The original owner should not have seen...

Mingshu contacted lawyer Jiang and asked to see all the inheritance of Shu Ran's parents.

Lawyer Jiang didn't feel embarrassed, and soon arranged for her.

In addition to the company, some shares and real estate, there are many other things.

But these things are in the bank's safe, and they need to be inherited after she is 18 years old.

But there is Lawyer Jiang, and it's okay to take a look.

But after looking around, I didn't find anything related to the box.

The box was not found, and no one behind the scene showed up.

Mingshu was a little worried.

…Or eat snacks.


Shu Xue didn't come to school for several days.

The father of a student in the school is a cadre of the Public Security Bureau. It is known that Shu Xue’s father was arrested and involved a lot, which has long spread.

"Shu Xue used to live in Shu Ran's house, and he said he was his own. It's shameless."

"Shu Xue's father is Shu Ran's uncle. After Shu Ran's parents died, he moved in. Gee... Usually when she was at school, she really thought she was a wealthy man."

"You said, will it be the Shu Xue family who wants to seize other people's property?"

There are many speculations like this.

The Shu family's industry is all made by Shu Ran's parents, and has nothing to do with the older generation.

Therefore, others leave their property to their daughters, and there is no problem at all.

If Shu Hang really took care of Shu Ran, it would be fine, fortunately, relatives.

But for so many years, Shu Xue enjoyed what was supposed to be Shu Ran.

Shu Ran didn't have any news at all.

Came to school, and was also reported to be mentally ill.

When these students think about it, their brain holes can't stop.

Various giants' grudges, eight-point dog blood drama.

In such an environment, where does Shu Xue dare to come to school?

The man before had never appeared since Shu Hang was arrested.

It was like a dream in the mirror.

Shu Xue muddled downstairs and went shopping for Shu Mu.

The car stopped quietly beside her.

Shu Xue was startled.

But seeing the familiar car, she felt a sudden burst of joy in her heart.

It's him!

The car window fell, showing the handsome and handsome face of the man.

"Mr. Guan..." Shu Xue screamed excitedly.

When I finally remembered what I was like, I bowed my head angrily.

She went out without makeup.

It must be ugly now.

She and Guan Shaoyu didn't have much intimate relationship. They just ate several times and gave themselves something.

Therefore, Guan Shaoyu suddenly disappeared from her life. She was confused and did not know what to do.

Now he suddenly appeared again...

Guan Shaoyu nodded politely: "Miss Shu is going out? I'll send you?"

Shu Xueji held it for a while and then got on the bus.

Guan Shaoyu took the initiative to explain: "In the past few days on a business trip in the field, I have been in a hurry, and I have no time to tell you."

"That's right." Shu Xue was relieved, he had just been on a business trip.

He also actively explained to himself that Shu Xue couldn't help but feel a little sweet.

Shu Xue is concerned: "Then you must be very hard, right?"

"Fortunately, how are you recently?"

"Quite...very good."

Guan Shaoyu didn't say much, it seemed to just drop by and send her a ride.

In the next few days, Shu Xue could meet Guan Shaoyu.

Even though Guan Shaoyu did not show anything to her, Shu Xue still felt different.

She believes that Guan Shaoyu must like herself.

Otherwise, why would you meet yourself every day?

Guan Shaoyu is really good to her, and the food is the best for buying.

Even if Shu Xue refused, he would send someone to come the next day.



In the evening, Mingshu nest wrote homework in Xuan Ge's arms.

Xuan Ge flipped through a physics textbook and looked at the girl in her arms from time to time.

Seeing the girl writing with a frown on her face: "Don't write when you are tired."

Ming Shu immediately dropped the pen, Xuan Ge took her hand, and gently rubbed it a few times: "I will tell you, listen."

Ming Shu: "..." Just listen to the lullaby, the goblin's voice is pretty good.

Xuan Ge talked about two more big questions, and the servant came up and asked them to eat.

After eating, Yi Qiao asked Ming Shu to see the room, which was already decorated and ready to be moved down.

Mingshu turned around in the room and was quite satisfied.

The room is large enough to hold a lot of snacks.

Xuan Ge approached her, hugged her into her arms, and whispered: "Did you let me choose furniture, did it imply me?"

Ming Shu was straightforward and strong: "I just don't bother to choose."

"Then I was injured last time, and you let the maid give me food every day..."

"That's Uncle Yi."

Xuan Ge's finger pressed against her earlobe: "I find that you don't like telling the truth very much.

"I do not have."

Xuan Ge tapped the tip of her nose with her fingertips, indulging her with words: "Okay, you haven't."

Xuan Ge's throat rolled a little, his eyes were slightly convergent, his eyes focused and serious, like years of aging wine, intoxicating.

He lowered his head, slowly pressed Mingshu's soft lips, tossed around, and tentatively swept her lips with the tip of his tongue.

"Miss, I just found something in the utility room. It should be..."


The box fell to the ground.

Yi Qiao looked at the two people in the room in shock.

After a moment, Yi Qiao rushed in and dragged Xuange away, scolding: "Xuange, what are you doing!"

Let him protect her, not let him... Bully Miss!

"You come with me!" Yi Qiao turned his head and said softly: "Miss, don't be afraid."

Mingshu: "..."

Easy housekeeper is indeed a man of God!

When others saw this scene, the first reaction was that it should not stay here for long.

He was good, he rushed in...

Facing the Xuange silently, I wish you good luck.

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