Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1380: Killer first (24)

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Mingshu looked at him.

Xuan Ge is very innocent, he didn't work hard.

"I said it was useless, do you believe it?"

It really doesn't matter to him.

Ming Shu raised his hand to hit him.

Xuan Ge didn't hide, letting Mingshu's fist not fall on him.

He wrapped Ming Shu's hand in his palm and said softly, "My fault."

Mingshu: "..."

I can't help this guy.

"Let go." Pulling and pulling early in the morning, what a system!

Xuan Ge took her hand and kissed it.

The temperature from the fingertips, crisp and numb, slowly flowing to the limbs.


Mingshu calmly withdrew his hand.

She picked up the cracked music box. This thing must be repaired badly.


Mingshu brushed away some bits and pieces, and underneath was a cartoon-type USB flash drive.

What is this?

Did it fall out of the music box?

Looking around Mingshu, I didn't see anything special about this kawaii USB stick.

Mingshu looked down on the ground, and there was a stack of paper under the debris.

The stacked paper shape is also a cute little animal.

Ming Shu opened the stack of paper.

There is nothing else on the stack of paper, only a pattern.

The pattern that Yi Qiao drew to her.

Mingshu: "..."

Is it so childlike?

"This thing..." Xuan Ge said: "That's what those people are looking for?"

Mingshu is also uncertain.

Yi Qiao painted a box for her.

How come to her is a U disk?

Is the USB stick inside the box?

Isn’t this more conspicuous?

Mingshu thought about it for a while, but didn't want to understand that it wouldn't waste snacks.

She hugged him by the neck: "You still use it a bit."

Xuan Ge: "..." It turned out that she was always useless in her heart?

When Mingshu finished his kiss, he got up to find a computer and plugged in the U disk.

The computer didn't respond for a long time, and Mingshu tried it several times.


Xuan Ge stood at the back and said, "This USB flash drive should have been around for several years. It's not surprising that it has broken."

Counting from the death of Shu Ran’s parents, this USB drive is almost five years old, and things that are not used are easily broken.

And the kawaii USB stick looks very inferior...

"Then...Isn't the person looking for this thing a fool?" Isn't this funny?

Something struggling to find it turned out to be broken.

Xuan Ge: "..."

People don’t know it’s broken!

At first, people who used this USB drive probably didn't expect that there would be such a long timeline.

Mingshu poured a glass of water and took the U disk to throw it inside.

"What are you doing?" Xuan Ge stopped her.

"Give it a bubble bath."


What kind of bath do you give others?

"Maybe it can be fixed."

"Why fix it?"

"You don't want to know what is inside?" Xuan Ge paused. "There is a great possibility that your parents are killed because of the contents."

"I don't want to." Mingshu pressed Xuan Ge's hand and threw the U disk into it: "I don't have so much energy to know this, is it more trouble-free to ruin it?"

Xuan Ge watched the U disk being soaked in water, and had a new understanding of the people he liked.

She does not rely on logic at all, but on mood and convenience.

"Even if you ruin this, the other party will feel that something is in your hands and still won't let you go."

"Then give it to him."

"You..." Xuan Ge looked at the contents in the cup, how to give it?

"I think about it."




Splashes of water splashed, ripples from circle to circle, rising from the water.

Moonlight shattered.

The slender man stood quietly on the shore, as if he was merging into the darkness. The sparkling light of the water swept through, revealing the tip of the frightening iceberg.

Xuan Ge solved the people who slipped in. Yi Qiao appeared with two bodyguards. The bodyguards went down and pulled the people out of the pool.

Yi Qiao asked: "This is the first one?"

Xuan Ge looked at the starry sky: "Five."

These days, someone has been trying to come in, and Xuan Ge secretly solved a lot.

It seems that if the other party does not get anything, he will not give up.

The two remained silent until the bodyguard dragged the man away.

Yi Qiaocai said: "At night you... protect the lady."


Yi Qiao said: "But you are not allowed to do anything to the lady! There is no danger not to enter the lady's room! If you dare to do anything to the lady, I will not let you go!"

Xuan Ge: "..."

Xuan Ge and Yi Qiao separated and returned to the room. His room had been moved to next door to Mingshu.

Xuan Ge stood beside the bed, not knowing what to look at, and after a long time turned and pushed open the window, turning from the window to the next door.

He fell silently into the room.

There was no light in the room, and the girl was lying on the bed.

Xuan Ge approached, slowly squatted down, hooked the girl's finger, entangled little by little.

"Xuan Ge?"

"Huh." Xuan Ge heard the voice without panic, but instead took her hand directly: "Wake you up?"

"What are you doing in my room?"

"protect you."


Mingshu thought this was an excuse for the goblin.

Singer Xuan's palm rested on Ming Shu's head, rubbing it a few times like a pet.

"I'm not arguing with you, just watch you and sleep."

What are you doing here, just noisy me!

Mingshu moved a little inside: "Come up."

Xuan Ge froze for a while, and naturally lay down.

Mingshu found a comfortable position to hug him, rubbed his chest, and closed his eyes.

"You don't have any taste at all?"

In the darkness, the girl's voice rang softly.

He is too clean.

Clean and unpopular.

Xuan Ge's fingers flicked Mingshu's long hair: "Any taste may be the cause of failure."

He hugged the person in his arms.

"However, I am willing to dye your taste in the future."

"Then your mission failed, don't you have to rely on me?" Why did you touch the porcelain again?

Xuan Ge's voice was low: "Rely on you forever."

"Who wants you all your life, have I promised you?"

"I'm sorry." His voice was particularly clear in the dark: "I'm the one who decides without permission and will give you my future."

"I do not want."

"You can't help you."

"Are you still buying and selling?"

"Huh." Li Ye was straight and strong.

Mingshu: "..."


The goblin is too gruff.

Xuan Ge listened to Ming Shu's breathing gradually calmed down, and his mood was exceptionally calm.

He never thought about it.

One day, there will be such a person around.

Organizational people use cold-hearted, murderous machines to describe him.

He always thought they were right.

Because he has no feelings.

Su Qi and Wei Yi, he didn't care, just because they were useful, so he was willing to let them follow.

He is a cold-hearted and indifferent person to the extreme.

His world seems to be static.

Sometimes I wonder if I am alive or dead.

Until she appeared.

His world began to turn when he met her.

Alone for her.

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