Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1381: Killer first (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Miss, Miss Shu Xue is here, saying there is something very important, and telling you."

Mingshu raised his head from a pile of snacks: "Who?"

"Miss Shu Xue." The maid said again.

Shu Xue?

"Don't see." Mingshu continued to eat snacks, who has the idle time.

The servant went out to talk back, and who knew it didn't take long before he came in again.

"Miss, Miss Shu Xue said, if you don't go out to see her, you will regret it."

"Well, I like to regret it."


When the servant went out to speak again, Shu Xue waited outside and never left, so she had to see her.

When Yi Qiao came back, Shu Xue also pulled Yi Qiao and told him to tell Ming Shu.

"Miss, Shu Xue..."

"If you don't go to the Three Treasure Halls without incident, you will definitely have no good intentions."

Yi Qiao said slightly: "Miss Shu Xue said that she knows the true cause of death of her husband and wife."

Mingshu looked up and Yiqiao's eyes met.

For a while, Mingshu said: "Look, I said she didn't feel well!"


This is not the reaction of normal people!


Mingshu walked out of the villa, when the sun went down and the twilight fell.

Shu Xue stood outside the villa, her thin body, and looked a bit bleak.

She didn't show much excitement when Mingshu came out.

But in a short time, Shu Xue couldn't do much better even if he learned to cover up his emotions.

If you look closely, you will find her staring eyes with hatred.

"Shu Ran, I thought you would not come out."

"Prove what you think is wrong." Ming Shu answered with a smile.

Mingshu went out from the iron gate and raised his eyebrows to look at Shu Xue: "Do you know how my parents died?"

Mingshu cuts directly into the theme.

Shu Xue almost didn't keep up.

She straightened her waist: "If you want to know, just follow me."

"I'm stupid." Mingshu looked at Shu Xue with an idiot's eyes: "You dig a hole and let me jump, can I jump?"

"Don't you want to know?" Shu Xue sneered, but her parents.

What if she knew it was a trap.

Mingshu shrugged and waved his hand behind.

The bodyguard came out of nowhere and surrounded Shu Xue directly.

"..." Shu Xue's expression couldn't help: "What are you doing?"

Ming Shu smiled: "Little cute, have you heard how much bullying is?"

Shu Xue: "..."

Shu Xue is a little girl, where is the opponent of tall and sturdy bodyguards.

Without knowing anything, Shu Xue was tied up.

Shu Xue was dumbfounded.

This was completely unexpected.

She had thought that Mingshu would question and be angry, but she just didn't expect that she would let someone catch her directly!

This is not the case on TV! !

"Little cute, less watching TV." Ming Shu said: "You are white when you play me?"

Shu Xue reddened his eyes.

Ming Duan·Shu: "Now you should be happy to tell me what my parents' real cause of death is."

"You let me go!" Shu Xuejiao huh.

"That won't work, you have to tell me, how did my parents die, don't you know?"

Shu Xue was driven in the middle by the bodyguard, both sides looked like iron tongs, and he couldn't break free.

Shu Xue: "...I don't know!"

Mingshu said, "I don't know? What are you doing to me?"

Shu Xue's eyes seemed to have quenched the poison, staring at Mingshu fiercely: "You quickly let me go!!"

Shu Ran this bitch!

She must destroy her!

All this was originally hers! !

Mingshu smiled first: "You are so cute, how can I let you go."

Shu Xue was shocked by the lovely voice, and she had goose bumps all over her body.

She boasted of her cuteness and was completely unhappy.

This neuropathy!

Shu Xue forced himself to calm down: "What do you dare to do to me, Mr. Guan will not let you go."

"Mr. Guan...the man behind you?" Mingshu thought for a while: "Is it the man who picked you up last time at school?"

Shu Xue: "..."

Shu Xue's expression already said everything.

"It's him who made me." Mingshu took out two snacks and was surprised. "Scary."

"Hurry up and let me go!"

Mingshu glanced at her: "That Mr. Guan asked you to cheat me out?"

Shu Xue suddenly said nothing.

Shu Xue did not say that Mingshu naturally had a way to let her speak.

But obviously Shu Xue didn't know much.

Guan Shaoyu just asked her to take Mingshu to a place.

Mingshu thought about it and decided to go to this appointment.

Don't get him done, calculate her all day.

He is not tired, she is still tired.



The weather changes.

The dark sky, the large raindrops hit the beans, the rain curtain blocked the view, and could hardly see the distance.

Mingshu reached the waste factory in the suburbs under the umbrella.

She glanced at the building that was silent in the rainy night and swaggered in.

The people who watched in secret first wondered, but did not dare to show up, afraid of any ambush.

But for a long time, I only saw Mingshu alone.

The people inside appeared slowly.


The light shines where she is, dispersing the darkness.

"It wasn't you who invited me, why did you stop me again?"

The other party approached carefully, as if to determine whether she had a weapon.

Finally, Mingshu was invited in.

The sound of rain was gradually cut off by the building.

Mingshu followed the people and walked all the way inside, and occasionally he could see the burly giant guarding every exit.

Mingshu doesn't quite understand why this kind of thing should be chosen in such a place.

Can't we find a comfortable place to solve it?

Dangdang, go to this kind of place and get more prices.

Not at all in line with identity.

"Sir, people are here."

The person in front stopped and bent in a direction to report.

Ming Shu looked down.

In the dilapidated factory, there is a leather sofa with a man sitting on it.

It was before that, outside the school, there was Guan Shaoyu who had a relationship.

Mingshu took the initiative to move forward, and someone immediately approached her.

Guan Shaoyu raised his hand slightly.

The person who held her back sideways.

Mingshu went to Guan Shaoyu two meters away.

Guan Shaoyu was very confident: "It is very difficult to see Miss Shu Ran."

Mingshu is more calm than Guan Shaoyu: "After all, people like me are not the ones you want to see."

Guan Shaoyu: "..."

For a normal person, suddenly encountering such an answer, a little do not know how to answer.

But Guan Shaoyu just froze a little, then smiled: "Miss Shu Ran is really humorous, if your parents are still there, it should be very gratifying."

Guan Shaoyu so blatantly led the topic to Shu Ran's parents.

He didn't hide his gaze, observing Mingshu's reaction.

The corners of Mingshu's mouth rose slightly.

In Guan Shaoyu's pupils, the smile became brighter and brighter, like a rainbow after the storm, and the bright people couldn't move their eyes.

Guan Shaoyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

This reaction is a bit different from what he thought.

In other words, he did not expect that she would react like this.

Does she care about her parents?

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