Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1382: Killer first (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

At a distance of two meters, it is neither long nor short.

Guan Shaoyu still suspected Mingshu's attitude, and the distance of two meters was suddenly shortened.

Mingshu suddenly started, first solved one of his bodyguards, pressed the bodyguard, jumped directly in front of him, and pointed the black muzzle at him.

Guan Shaoyu is not surprised to be false.

But his professional qualities made him cover up well.

Even if he was pointed at the muzzle, he still calmly calmed down without showing confusion.

This is his home court.

He has this confidence.

"Miss Shu Ran, do you think you will leave me alive today with your hands?"

"How do you know if I try, can I go out alive?"



The bullet penetrated Guan Shaoyu's arm, the color of confidence cracked from his face.


Countless muzzles behind, aiming at Mingshu's direction.

Guan Shaoyu covered the wound, his eyes gradually gloomy.

She actually dared to shoot herself directly.

Guan Shaoyu, who was refreshed with three views, raised several levels of Mingshu's alert.

Ming Shu's eyes swept around: "Look at whether your gun is fast or my gun is fast."

Mingshu is too close to Guan Shaoyu. If she shoots, Guan Shaoyu must lie down first.

Guan Shaoyu's people apparently hesitated, holding the gun and daring not to fire it.

Where Mingshu turned away, a person quickly stepped forward and rushed towards Mingshu.

Mingshu seemed to have long eyes behind him, avoiding sideways, kicking his legs up, and the man was swept aside, smashed to the ground, and made a muffled noise.

At almost the same time, someone fired.

Guan Shaoyu immediately got up and ran to his own side, and Mingshu dragged him back.

Guan Shaoyu's own skills are not bad.

But Ming Shu hit his injured arm exclusively.

My hand was already numb, and I was beaten by Mingshu at this time.

Guan Shaoyu felt his arm was about to break.

Unguarded, he was thrown back to the sofa by Mingshu.

Head dizzy for a second.

He lifted his foot and attacked Mingshu.

After Mingshu's elbow pressed down and knocked his leg back, he immediately leaned over and pulled him by the collar, restrained him, and dragged him directly in front of him.

One of the bullets that came over came directly into Guan Shaoyu's calf.

Guan Shaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, unable to stabilize his body, and slid to the ground.

The gunfire stopped.

"Oh, I didn't hit it." Mingshu threw him back on the sofa: "You don't want to move anymore. If you hit him in the heart next time, you're done."

Guan Shaoyu panted heavily and gestured with his eyes, not to act lightly.

He covered his arm and pressed the bleeding point as much as possible.

The calf missed the point, and there was not much bleeding.

His sharp eyes, like eagle dogs, slowly moved to Mingshu: "Miss Shu Ran, I am really impressed."



Her tone of praise is a few words!

Who praises her! !

It should be your uncle!

Guan Shaoyu gasped and tried to use a calm tone: "Miss Shu Ran, I am not malicious to you."

Mingshu said with a loud voice: "You have tried to kill me several times, and you still have no malice towards me? Then, Mr. Guan, do you mean by maliciousness that you let me settle down?"

Guan Shaoyu glanced at his injury: "I just want to get my things back, Miss Shu Ran must have known them, so I don't need to say more? Is your parents hiding my things, you just give them to me , What I can do has never happened."

She must know a lot like this.

Guan Shaoyu had thought before that he might spend more time explaining.

Now it seems that it is not necessary.

This woman... really cannot be underestimated.

"your things?"

Mingshu reached out and touched his pocket.

The people outside were suddenly nervous, fearing that Mingshu would find something strange.

Guan Shaoyu's eyes followed her hand closely.

He saw a little pink in his pocket, followed by a cartoon figure.

Mingshu took out the U disk and put it in front of him: "Are you looking for this?"

Guan Shaoyu was slightly stunned.

This thing...

Why is it a bit weird to watch?

"If you are looking for this, then I will give it back to you." Mingshu said and threw the U disk over.

Guan Shaoyu couldn't even take care of his injuries and reached out to catch them.

After catching it and reacting again, he asked cautiously: "You found this thing?"

"Is it still made by me? Then I should thank Mr. Guan for believing me so much."

If it weren't for the girl to hold the gun against herself.

Guan Shaoyu would feel that the girl in front of her smiled and her eyebrows were curvy, harmless to humans and animals, it was simply a beautiful girl who would shine.


She just gave it to herself? This is not right...

Guan Shaoyu doesn't know if things are true or false.

He glanced back and wanted someone to check.

Mingshu did not stop his behavior.

The person behind took the U disk and quickly took the computer.

It was so easy to get what he wanted, Guan Shaoyu was not excited, but was somewhat alert and skeptical.

After a few minutes, a voice came from behind.

"Sir... has been damaged."

it's broken!

Guan Shaoyu looked at Mingshu.

The latter's innocent face: "It's none of my business, it's already like this when I get it."

"How do I know if you dropped the package!?"

"You don't believe me!" The drama was launched in seconds.

"..." What did he believe in her?

U disk this thing, how easy it is to think about the package.

Guan Shaoyu was thinking, and suddenly heard the girl say: "Well, actually I took a bubble."

Guan Shaoyu: "???

What is the operation to take a blister?

Electronic equipment is basically finished when it sees water.

Are you still taking it?

Is your brain flooded?

"But this thing is true, you believe me." Mingshu sincere face: "I definitely did not drop the bag."

Guan Shaoyu was anxiously corrupted: "You are sick!"

"Look at what you said. Wasn't the doctor before you looking for me? Am I sick? Are you unclear?"


Mingshu is curious: "What the **** is inside, it's worth not giving up after so many years."

Guan Shaoyu was so angry that he could not speak.

"Isn't it something you can't describe?"

Guan Shaoyu: "..."


The cartoon of the USB flash drive is very strange, how could it be true?

He doesn't believe it!

This woman must be confusing.

Guan Shaoyu asked in a cold voice: "You said this thing is true, is it true?"

"Yes." Ming Shu nodded: "I said it was true, it is true, do you have an opinion?"

The muzzle is close.

Guan Shaoyu: "..."

Too much blood loss caused Guan Shaoyu's head to be dizzy. He took a breath and said, "You have to give me a reason to be convinced?"

"Why should I give you reasons." Mingshu laughed: "You don't really think I am here to send you something? Even if I drop the bag, how can you treat me?"

Guan Shaoyu: "..."

Such a arrogant and arrogant tone, Guan Shaoyu has not seen it.

Kill her!

Immediately! !

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