Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1383: Killer first (27)

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"You wait a moment."

Mingshu suddenly got up.

Guan Shaoyu: "???

The muzzle was away from Shaoyu's eyebrows, and she turned slowly. The people on Guan Shaoyu's side, looking at the timing, immediately shot at her, trying to force her away from Guan Shaoyu.

Mingshu also did exactly what they wanted, leaving Shaoyu off...

Skimming towards them.

The bullet hit her. The magnetic field around her was like a bullet. The bullet automatically bypassed her and shot from both sides.

Everyone: "?????

What is the situation?

Can bullets recognize people?

People who had never seen such a weird scene said that they were frightened, and the bullets began to fight.

Guan Shaoyu was almost accidentally injured.

"Sir, this woman is a little weird. Let's withdraw first." Someone dragged Guan Shaoyu up, preparing to take him withdraw.

Guan Shaoyu didn't refute, and let his own people take him away.

Mingshu solved these people and turned his head to see that Guan Shaoyu had been put up by someone and was away for some distance.

"Mr. Guan, don't go, we haven't finished talking yet."

She shouted faintly.

Guan Shaoyu: "..."

Don't go and wait to be killed by you madman?

The people around Guan Shaoyu ran faster.

Someone fell down from time to time in the back, groaning.



The heavy rain continued, and the wipers swept the rain on the windshield.

The buildings in the distance are hazy, like ghosts, and make people feel hairy.

The car door was violently opened.

"Drive, drive fast!"

The driver had never seen Guan Shaoyu so embarrassed that he did not respond for three seconds.


Guan Shaoyu roared, and the driver started the car in a hurry.

The sound of the engine was almost finished by the rain.

The driver was about to step on the accelerator, and a person suddenly appeared in front.

He had not yet seen who it was, the door was opened, and the person had been dragged out.


After the driver's scream, there was only a clattering rain outside.

Guan Shaoyu swallowed.

The girl sat in the driver's seat: "Mr. Guan, I have nothing to say."

There was silence outside the car.

His people seemed to be gone.

Guan Shaoyu reached out to drive the door, but the door was not known when it was locked.

Mingshu turned around and his tone was as light as before: "Don't be nervous, your people are all right, not dead, I don't kill."

Guan Shaoyu: "..."

He is miscalculated today.

"What do you want." Knowing that he was unlikely to run away, Guan Shaoyu calmed down instead.

"Just ask you a few questions."

Guan Shaoyu leaned against the car window, and the sound of rain clawing outside seemed to make this small space less scary.

"What do you want to ask?"

Mingshu's lips and lips are slightly ticked: "Is your parents' accident caused by you?"

Guan Shaoyu initially prepared the answer to this question, but did not expect that when she asked it, the situation would be like this.

He gritted his teeth: "Yes."

"You know, they just help keep things, why kill them?"

Guan Shaoyu's face was so pale that he couldn't see the blood, and there was the appearance of the big brother just now.

He gritted his teeth: "I gave them a chance."

Not necessary, why did he cause accidental murder.

Ming Shu was silent for a moment: "Cai Yuanpeng was sent to me?"

Guan Shaoyu didn't really want to say that Ming Shu raised his hand to grab him, and Guan Shaoyu suddenly shivered, and from the place where she touched, there was a burst of pain.

He couldn't describe the feeling.

It hurts...

"……Yes Yes……"

Ming Shao let go, and Guan Shaoyu flinched.

Looking at Mingshu's eyes, he was horrified.

Who is she?

Do not……

Is she human?

"After your parents died... I searched everywhere, but I didn't find what I was looking for."

Guan Shaoyu's voice was intermittent.

He didn't know Shu Ran's parents. Where did he hide things, where could he find, and no one had any relationship with Shu Ran's parents.

Later thought Shu Ran knew.

So send Cai Yuanpeng to go.

But Cai Yuanpeng betrayed him at last, he didn't get any news.

"Aren't you awesome? Why don't you go straight and need to turn around like this?"

"...My identity is very sensitive in China."

If there is too much trouble, he will definitely be targeted.

Not just the police, but others...

Mingshu was curious: "So what is that thing?"

It is worth so many years of perseverance without giving up.

Immortal medicine?

Guan Shaoyu held back for a long while, and didn't want to say that, but after a special move, he couldn't help shaking: "...the recipe and some information."

He has never been as embarrassed as he is now.

He was not afraid of her.

But the body is out of control.

It seems that the person in front of him is an insurmountable peak.

Mingshu raised his eyebrows, really immortal medicine!

"What formula?"


A new type of poison.

The cost is low and it is more profitable than what is currently on the market.

And this thing is not like ordinary, it is not addictive, just like a one-time experience.

Of course, it does not mean that it is not addictive.

If you use it more, you will naturally become addicted.

Cai Yuanpeng used this kind of thing for Shu Ran, causing Shu Ran to continue to hallucinate and finally be driven crazy.

The original owner ingested very little, because Cai Yuanpeng just wanted to cliché.

But obviously the original owner didn't know anything, and Cai Yuanpeng didn't get useful clues.

"No, does Cai Yuanpeng have the finished product?"

Guan Shaoyu didn't know what to think of, and his face was occupied by strong hatred.

It was the person who researched this thing who took the U disk back then.

Not only did he take away the recipes and materials, he also destroyed most of the finished products.

In addition to looking for this U disk in recent years, it has also been researched.

After a few years, there was no result, but there were not many finished products left.

This is really sad for the hearers, and tears for the listeners.

Ming Shu converged his expression at the theater: "Why do you catch me?"

The original owner didn't know anything, this man still caught himself?

Guan Shaoyu said: "Even if you don't know, things must be in the Shu family. You will be grown up in two months. When you inherit the family business, I will always know..."

So it was threatened to catch it back.

Or there are worse plans.

But Guan Shaoyu certainly won't say it.

Anyway, he hasn't done it yet, no one knows but himself.

"Do you know where this thing is hidden?"

Mingshu decided to crack down on this little naughty.

Guan Shaoyu was alert and asked in a dumb voice: "Where..."

Mingshu's smile was dazzling: "It was inside the toy when I was a kid."



The police station was very lively early in the morning because of a man.

Saying that he is a big brother in a certain area abroad, he has done a lot of bad things, and his conscience has found that he is particularly responsible.

Everyone at the police station: "?"

The man had a wound on his body. Although it didn't hurt, it seemed as bad as it seemed.

Everyone at the police station: "?????"

This man is afraid of losing heart.

Now the man was sent to the hospital for treatment. The bureau also invited an expert to prepare to show him his brain.

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