Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1384: Killer first (28)

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Guan Shaoyu ran to himself, which not only stunned his men but also the others.

What is the operation of the big brother now?

Guan Shaoyu also suffocated, what can he do.

If you don't come first, you must be outside and be with the devil.

Thinking of the girl who always smiles...he would rather surrender.

When he came in, he chose to explain, maybe he could go out.

But Guan Shaoyu obviously underestimated Mingshu.

He dared to mess with himself like this, where Mingshu would let him choose to say.

Let Harmony collected some of the crimes, together with the death of Shu Ran’s parents and the package of new drugs, sent to the police.

Is it true, don't worry about her.

Anyway, after the police know, they will go to investigate.

She wanted to find out everything, and what else should they do?


When Xuan Ge learned of the news, his mood was slightly more complicated.

It took her less than 24 hours from knowing the principal behind the scene to getting it done...

This simple and crude way...

He has to digest it well.


Also learn her, just call back and forget.

But the news came back. Why didn't anyone come back?

She went out with no one yesterday, and even her bodyguards who supported the field, she didn't take it with her and left alone.

He didn't know until she left.

Xuan Ge called Mingshu.

The phone indicates that it is off.

Could something go wrong?

There was no news from the police station that she was there...

Xuan Ge fidgeted.

He was about to go out to find Mingshu and suddenly received Wei Yi's call.

"Boss, have you heard the news?"

"what news?"

"The K organization..." Wei paused. "I was taken over."

Xuan Ge buzzed in his head: "What?"

"I don't know the specific situation, I just received the news." Wei Yidao said: "I heard that someone exposed the location of the organization and let the note touch the past.

Xuan Ge's expression returned to normal, and Mei Yu coldly said: "Have you been arrested?"

"That's not there, all who can run have run."

And most of them were outside, and only a small part was caught.

It's just that the organization is being connected, I am afraid it will involve a lot of things.

Even if they are, I am afraid there will be trouble.

"Boss, who said this?" Although they were chased and killed by the organization, they did not want to destroy the organization directly!

Some thoughts flashed in Xuan Ge's mind.

Will it be her?

How can it be……

She only solved the principal behind the scenes, how could she have time to solve the affairs of the K organization?

The headquarter of K organization is concealed, except for the internal staff, the outsiders do not even know.

She can't know.

Xuan Ge suppressed those thoughts: "I don't know."

"Boss, I will inform you as soon as there is news over there."


Xuan Ge hung up and went downstairs to leave the villa.

As soon as he walked out of the villa, he saw Mingshu coming from the other side of the villa.

"Huh, are you going out?"

Xuan Ge walked over a few steps, with a hint of eagerness in his tone: "Where have you been?"

Ming Shu: "Solve the one who caused the trouble."

"You go out alone, don't you know that I worry about you?"

"Am I all right?"

"What are you going to do, what should I do?"

Xuan Ge's voice was slightly louder, his eyes were quiet, and he did not see floating, his lips slightly pursed, condensing his emotions to the lowest, but still revealed his mood at this time.

When she didn't come back, he wasn't so worried.

Instead, she came back and her emotions suddenly broke out.

Ming Shu was stunned, and opened his arms to hug him Shunmao: "Am I not coming back? Rest assured, I am awesome."

"Can you consider my feelings next time?"

"Think about it, you must think about it." Mingshu agreed quickly.

Who let this be her goblin.

What can you do besides being spoiled?

Xuan Ge hugs Mingshu: "I am really worried about you."

"Well, I know. Will I take you wherever I go?"

Xuan Ge: "..."

Why does it seem like he is making trouble for no reason?

Obviously it was her fault.

Ming Shu saw that Xuan Ge's mood was not very good, and did not enter the villa, and took him away.

The trail was quiet and the two didn't walk fast.

"Actually, I am really..."

Xuange's gaze swept over, and the straight male shut his mouth in an interesting way, holding Xuange's arms: "Teacher, you will protect me in the future."

The girl snuggled up beside him, her eyes sparkling, her eyes clear with a faint smile.

Xuan Ge's heart softened.

Sure enough, she was angry with her.

"I know you are very powerful." He lowered his voice, as if afraid to scare her: "But you don't tell me where you go and what you do, I worry about your safety."

It doesn't matter whether she is powerful.

All he cared about was her safety.

"Uh huh."

Ming Shu nodded.

Whatever Xuan Ge said, Mingshu should respond, and it seemed very obedient.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that most of the perfunctory ingredients.

However, Xuan Ge's words were clearly heard.

The goblin is just a bit sticky, it's better than death.

Mingshu responded so well, and Xuan Ge was not good enough to continue to talk heavy.

The atmosphere was a bit quiet, and Mingshu held his arm and walked slowly.

He thought about it and put the man in his arms: "Tired? Go sit down there?"

"Well." Ming Shu followed Xuan Ge to sit down under the lawn: "It's better to have something to eat."

This is in the villa area, where to buy food.

"wait for me a while."

Xuange went back to the villa and returned with some snacks.

"You are so nice." Mingshu's eyebrows curled and sent a nice card.

Xuan Ge sat down next to her, with a radiant arc at the corner of her mouth: "I am only good to you."

"I find that you can speak more and more."

"is it?"

"You haven't said that before."

Xuan Ge didn't hear the allusions in Mingshu's words, only before she said.

"People will change."

It seems that the secret of coaxing your girlfriend to stay up late is useful.

Xuan Ge saw Mingshu eating snacks. She ate slowly and slowly, and was supported by her face, which was a pleasing picture.

"The thing about K... has anything to do with you?"

Xuan Ge thought for a long time, but asked.

"What is it, what does it have to do with me?" Mingshu was at a loss.

Xuan Ge stared at her for a while: "It's okay."

Mingshu looked at him strangely before lowering his head.

The two sat on the lawn for a while and returned to the villa before the housekeeper Yi came out to find someone.

There are so many things today, Xuan Ge does not need tutoring for Mingshu holiday.

At night, Xuan Ge waited for Yi Qiao to check the room and turned into Mingshu's room from next door.

Xuan Ge hugged Mingshu and felt that he slept very well.

Mingshu was a little angry.

Who protects who?

You sleep like a pig on a horse.

Ming Shu and other Xuan Ge fell asleep and sat up.

She stared at Xuan Ge for almost a minute before she leaned over and hugged him.

She kissed his lips and said softly, "You don't have to choose."

There is no way to choose.

I will destroy it for you.


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