Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1385: Killer first (29)

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"Cher, what are you doing?"

Shu mother knocked on the door for a long time, and no one in the room responded.

Ever since Shu Hang entered, their lives have not been easy.

Shu Xue stared at the dark circles and opened the door: "Mom, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Don't go to school?" Shu mother stared at her: "You see you like this..."

"How do I go to school?" Everyone in the school knew that she used to live in a villa in Shu Ran's house. Now that her dad is still in, how would those in school think of her?

"Then what are you doing at home all day?"

"Leave me alone."

"I'm your mother. I don't care who cares about you. Your dad doesn't know what to do now. Are you going to turn over with me?"

"Don't you bother, don't talk about it."

Shu Xue returned to the room restlessly.

"I'm annoying? I've waited for you to eat and drink all day, are you still annoying me?"

Shu Mu grabbed Shu Xue's hand and the two shoved at the door of the room. Shu Mu said more and more angry.

Even if he was driven out of the villa before, he still has a lot of money in his hand, and his life is just fine.

But after Shu Hang entered, she packed a lot of money.

Now that she doesn't have much money in hand, Shu Xue is still like this.

"I don't want to listen, you are annoying."

Shu Xue pushed Shu Mother vigorously and slammed the door with a bang.

Mother Shu: "..."

Back in the room, Shu Xue smashed herself into the bed.

She constantly dialed a number on her mobile phone.

Unfortunately, that number is always off.

Guan Shaoyu was gone again.

Maybe he just went on a business trip...

Shu Xue comforted herself, don't think about it.

However, a few days later, she saw Guan Shaoyu on TV.

Although the code was marked, she could recognize the man at a glance.

Guan Shaoyu was arrested?

How can it be?

Shu Xue sat on the sofa in a loss.

The brain is messy, I don't know what I'm thinking.

She really didn't know what Guan Shaoyu was doing, but he always acted like a successful president, so she was automatically labeled in her heart.

Over the next period of time Shu Xue was muddy.

And Shu mother bumped into each other, and flicked their faces when they didn't agree.

"Shu Xue, I sold this house."

At the dining table, Shu mother suddenly dropped such a sentence.

"What?" Shu Xue suspected that she had heard it wrong.

Shu Mu said: "The property in this house is so expensive, we don't have much money in hand, we can't afford to live here, so I sold it."

"Mom!" Shu Xue stood up, his face angry: "You didn't discuss it with me!"

Mother Shu: "What did you discuss with you? We didn't buy this house for you at the beginning?"

Shu Xue: "Then you can't help but discuss with me!"

Mother Shu: "I am your mother, and you need to agree to sell the house?

Shu Xue's small chest kept rising and falling.

They did buy the house, but it was her name.

Shu Xue gritted his teeth: "You sold the house, where do we live?"

"I rented a house outside." Shu mother sighed: "Xue'er, I can't help it anymore, Cary has little money."

Mother Shu really wanted to sell the house for their consideration.

Shu Xue was speechless for a while.

During this time, Mother Shu was in charge of the house. She didn't know how much money was left.

But think about the time spent on Shu Hang, it is indeed quite a lot.

But it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to extravagance.

Almost half the house is small, the environment is still poor.

Since moving into the Shu family villa, her life has been extravagant. Even before, with the help of Shu Ran’s parents, they also live well.

Shu Xue thought this was already the most difficult.

But unexpectedly.

One day she got up and found that the house was empty.

Shu mother was gone.

Even her salute was gone.

There is only one card left on the dining table, and nothing else.

Shu Xue searched everywhere, but did not find Shu Mother.

She remembered that Shu Hang still had shares in the company and hurried to the company, but was told that Shu Hang's shares had been sold.

The person who sells shares is Shu Mu.

The mother Shuli left her with only two million.

For ordinary people, two million may be able to live a stable life.

But for Shu Xue, this amount of money is simply not enough.

She never thought that her mother would do such a thing.

Shu Xue was looking for Shu Mu in the world, but Shu Mu seemed to evaporate.

Shu Xueqian didn't have much restraint, and two million soon reached the bottom.

She looked for the little sisters in the past, but no one was willing to help her.

At the beginning, Shu Xue was standing tall, holding her in everything. Now she is in trouble. These people don't step on a foot, and they are quite worthy of her.

No way, Shu Xue can only make money for himself in order to live.

But these jobs are tiring and costly.

If she makes a lot of money, she doesn't have enough education.

Shu Xue has been able to make loans in adulthood and has done many loan projects on various platforms.

It is comfortable to use, but difficult to return.

Shu Xue didn't even get the money.

In the end, Shu Xue listened to the work of others making money quickly. After finding out that the work was unjust, Shu Xue shook his sleeves directly.

However, the bank's dunning bill made Shu Xue have to accept the reality.

Once people indulge,

Will be completely pulled down the quagmire.

"Mr. Li, I like this."

Shu Xue, dressed in white fur, was cuddled in the arms by a man. She pointed at a valuable necklace and spoiled it.

"Buy, buy, buy." The man leaned into her ear and said something.

There was a trace of disgust in Shu Xue's eyes, but in the end he had to meet with a smile, pretending to be shy.

After buying the necklace, the man answered the phone and hurriedly left, letting her take a taxi back home.

Shu Xue turned around and returned the necklace, replacing it with cash.

Shu Xue walked out of the shop and stood by the road to take a taxi.

His eyes swept across the crowd and he suddenly stopped.

Across the street, a young couple has a high rate of turning back.

The cold-looking man in a black trench coat, on the girl’s shoulders, took her through the crowd and prevented passers-by from hitting her for half a minute.

The girl was holding milk tea in her hand and was looking at the man with her straw on her side.

Countless envious eyes fell on them.

The light divided a small world around them.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd gradually went away.

They are dazzling.

Like a superstar on stage.

Shu Xue stood in cold place.


Can she live so well?

I want to live like this.

Shu Ran...

Why should she!

My parents are dead, why can she live so well, those things should be hers.


The harsh whistle made Shu Xue recover.

She turned around and found that she had actually walked down the road.

"Go to death! Don't go to Laozi to die!"

The driver looked out and shouted at her.

Behind is a continuous whistle sound, screams and cries continue to come.

Shu Xue shuddered in cold sweat and quickly returned to the sidewalk.

Looking back, the two people were gone.

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