Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1386: Killer first (30)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu leaned on the pillar to drink milk tea, and Xuan Ge bought good things and came back.


Mingshu opened the bag, and the smell of milk came, and she smiled with a frown: "True fragrance."

"Without your fragrance."

Xuan Ge's confession in his hand.

A little couple next to him happened to pass by. The girl poked the boy's chest: "Learn to learn from others, just look at what you say all day, and you don't know to coax me."

The boy rolled his eyes: "You don't have any parents looking good."

These words drove the girl away, and the boy chased back and forth.

Ming Shu rested in Xuan Ge's arms: "True."

Xuan Ge: "..."

As a person who is often angry, he does not want to express his opinion.

The subject is straight, but no boy can match him.

Xuan Ge asked her: "Where else do you want to go?"

"That X..." Mingshu didn't know what the naughty name was: "Is the one you caught last time still there with you?"


"Let's see him go."

Xuan Ge's eyes sank with a brush.

What is he doing?


One hundred unwillingness in Xuan Ge's heart, finally brought people over.

In the secluded little courtyard, there was curling green smoke rising, and there were faint voices.

Xuan Ge knocked on the door in accordance with the secret code.

The door was quickly opened.


Su Qi's surprise sound resounded throughout the yard.

"Boss is coming in."

Su Qi warmly invited Xuan Ge to enter.

However, what Su Qi didn't expect was that Xuan Ge turned sideways, and the little girl behind revealed.

Su Qi's expression froze.

Why is she here!

Su Qi's eyes fell on Xuan Ge and Ming Shu's hands, like thunder.

He must be dreaming at the moment.

Su Qi wanted to throw the door, and then went back to lie down.

But the man in front of him is his boss, he dare not, even in a dream.

Xuan Ge led Ming Shu in.

There was a barbecue grill in the yard, which smelled of aroma.

Bai Hao was tied to a chair not far away, and was entangled into a mummy.

It's a bit difficult to break away from the rope...

And Bai Hao Chihong stared at the barbecue, as if the barbecue was his enemy.

When Mingshu came in, Bai Hao's murderous sight instantly hit her.

How dare this woman come!

Ming Shu gave Mr. X Killer a gentle smile.

Bai Hao: "..." She laughed at herself!

"Boss." Wei Yi also came out: "You come back..."

Seeing Mingshu, Wei Yi froze.



The girl standing with the boss!

Su Qi closed the door and slipped to the side of Wei Yi: "Wei Yi, she was the one I told you last time..."

"Which?" Wei Yi was a little short-circuited and didn't respond.

Su Qi took Yu Guang to Mingshu and lowered her voice: "That was the last time I was injured."

Wei Yi suddenly.

It's her.

But how could the boss be with her?

"Boss, you..." Wei Yi dare than Su Qi, asked tentatively.

"Shu Ran, my girlfriend."

In just six words, it seemed to weigh a thousand pounds and hit Su Qi and Wei Yi.


Is that girlfriend they understand?

Su Qi looked at Mingshu in horror.

Boss is already terrible, another one?

Let the people live!

Ming Shu: "..." What kind of eyes are he, and I don't eat people.

Although Su Qi and Wei Yi were shocked, they were shocked and quickly accepted.

As killers, they must have a good mentality to accept all new things.

"Sister-in-law, please sit down, sister-in-law drinking tea, sister-in-law eating barbecue..."

Su Qi diligently served water to Mingshu and served barbecue.

Xuan Ge lifted people away.

Give her food, she must not treat you and Yan Yue?

Xuan Ge glanced at Su Su coldly.

This is his!

Su Qi: "???

What did he do wrong.

Wei Yi dragged Su Wei to the side and sat down. The boss obviously didn't want them to be close to the sister-in-law. You still got up, isn't this looking for stare?

"Last sister-in-law's last thing, if I knew you were my sister-in-law, I would never be disrespectful to you."

Su Qi said this, and Xuan Ge was direct.

Otherwise, he would not ask that.

So Su Qi was very embarrassed, fearing that Ming Shu would settle the accounts after the autumn.

You can only admit mistakes first.

"It's okay, I'm very generous." Mingshu's voice was soft, with a smile, and it was particularly nice: "Did I push you down at the time? It was your death if you didn't fall to death."

Su Qi: "..."

Her voice is not good at all!

very scary!

As terrible as the boss!


Bai Hao struggled over there.

He was imprisoned here for several months, and they tortured him every day!

Tortured every day!

Barbecue every day!

But just don't give him food!

He hasn’t eaten meat for months!

This group of demons!

Mingshu bit the barbecue and looked at Bai Hao, a little curious.

"Did he not run?"

Xuan Ge watches Wei Yi.

Wei Yi also knew Bai Hao without knowing Mingshu, but Xuan Ge meant to ask him, so he quickly replied: "After two runs, we gave him some medicine, which is much more honest."

Bai Hao's strength is indeed good, but he likes to defraud most, making people less defensive.

They all know who Bai Hao is, so he has been guarding him, although he was ran through twice, but fortunately caught back in time.

"Is this useless?" Mingshu murmured.

Could it be that the Apocalypse Tower has been closed for a long time and the brain is closed?

The memory is gone, and some abilities should also be blocked... and locked up for so long, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being stupid.

Mingshu ate two barbecues and got up and walked towards Bai Hao.


Xuan Ge gave him a casual look and Su Qi immediately shut up.

Ming Shu dragged the things in Bai Hao's mouth.

Bai Hao's pupils were congested, and the shackles were gone. He immediately shouted: "Laozi wants to eat meat!"

Mingshu: "..."

One step back in silence.

How can I eat your barbecue!

Don't give!

"Do you have any last words to explain?" Ming Shu asked him with a smile.

Bai Hao: "..."

Last words?

Why should he explain his last words?

"No? Then I'm welcome."



Mingshu touched the stone.

As soon as Bai Hao saw the stone, he felt dangerous subconsciously, and his hair grew up.

Xuan Ge looked casually, and nothing happened.

Wei Yi and Su Qi both looked a little dull.

#Our family big sister seems a bit strange#

Bai Hao's head kept going back, not wanting to touch the stone.

But in the end the golden stone stuck to his eyebrows.


The stones are slightly cool.

There was no other feeling close to his eyebrows.

Bai Haosong breathed.

It's okay.

Mingshu murmured: "Not yet."

Bai Hao watched Ming Shu take the stone back, and then sat back to continue to eat barbecue.

Bai Hao: "???


The first few naughty ones are definitely not so powerful, try to make it step by step. But with Mingshu... it's not difficult.

Uh, mom!

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