Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1392: Elf Attendant (5)

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Mingshu approached him, and the black magic began to attack.

However, his attack was limited, and when Mingshu retreated a little, it could not attack at all.

Mingshu kept a distance and drew a magic circle to trap the black magic.

She lifted her sleeves and continued to climb the tree: "Pretend to be a ghost, if you can come out, you need to talk nonsense with me."

This little routine can scare me!

Lord of Darkness: "..."


The fruit hung in the middle of the tree, and the sweet smell came across.

She jumped in front of the fruit a few times.

The fruit is only a little bigger than the fist, the whole body is green, and there seems to be a glory inside, which is very tempting.

Mingshu reached out and picked the fruit, wiped it away, and put it to his mouth.

It's delicious at a glance.

"what are you doing!"

The voice of the young boy's anger was corrupted from the fruit.

Mingshu: "..."

There seems to be auditory hallucinations.

Mingshu blinked and continued to send to his mouth.

"You shut up! You bastard! You are not allowed to eat!"

Mingshu: "..."

Ming Shu looked at the fruit in his hand.

The fruit seems to be greener than before, and the brilliance in it turns faster, like it is because of anger and it starts to run aside.

Mingshu disappointed: "The fruit is fine?"

There is a magic ball below that can talk, and there is a fruit above that can talk.

Did you come in a group?

"You're fine!"

The teenager's voice was nice, with a little grumpiness, but the tail seemed to complain.

"How can you speak without it?" You can't eat anymore.

But is there any fruit into essence?

Fruit essence?

Fruit essence?

"I'm an elf, of course I can talk." There was a little pride in the tone of the boy.

"Elf?" There are many races in the magic continent, the human race is the most, the orc is the second, and there are many dwarves and giants.

Among them, there are naturally elves.

It is rumored that the elves, both men and women, look very good, with pure hearts, and they are very cheating... Bah, they are a very kind race.

The elves have a natural sense of the heaven and earth elements and learn magic faster than humans.

Among the elves, the lightest elves are the easiest to be born.

They are bright apostles.

It is the darling of the **** of light.

The number of elves is rare, and there is very little contact with humans. The elves are more mysterious on the mainland.

Mingshu said with a loud voice: "That's not perfect yet."

"You're fine!!" The teenager seemed to be crying.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu tried to touch the beast, but touched the empty space.

She doesn't eat and speaks, but the little beast comers don't refuse.


The trunk shook, and Mingshu was dumped directly.

She grasped the branch to stabilize her body, and looked down with her head down.

The black air below is a demon.

Mingshu pinched the fruit, jumped off the trunk, and stepped back quickly on the ground.

This dark master made a big move!

The magic circle she had just painted was now so weak that it almost disappeared.

Ground cracks, like spider web cracks, spread under the feet of Mingshu.

"What the **** is he?" Ming Shu asked the fruit essence in his hand.

Guo Jing Jing snorted: "Why should I tell you."

"Are you with him?"

The fruit essence immediately retorted loudly: "You and he are together!"

"Not a group, why don't you tell me?"

Guo Jing Jing continued to hum: "You are a bad person, you want to eat me!"

"Who asked you to hang on the tree?" The good elf was improper and turned into fruit and hung on the tree. Isn't this just telling her to eat and come pick me?

Zuo Jing's tongue stumbled: "I want... to control you!"

"Then what is he?"

The Lord of Darkness is too secondary.

When she was bluffing, she would use such a second line.

Whoever believes!

"You don't tell me, I will eat you now!" Mingshu threatened the fruit essence.

Fruit essence: "..."

The ground cracked more severely, and the soil around the withered tree sank to the bottom.

"He is a dark magician." Guo Jing said: "It's a very bad dark magician. He was kept here."

"What is this place?"

The fruit essence was silent for a few seconds and said, "A place in the ground."

Mingshu: "..."

She didn't feel she was in the palace.

What kind of underground palace is the group of people in the Jun family looking for?



The man's wanton laughter came from deep underground.

The sole of Ming Shu's foot cracked directly, and she was forced to fall.

Mixed with stones and mud, the surrounding light dimmed and Mingshu fell to the ground.


The fire magic flew into the air, Mingshu clearly saw where he was.

In addition to her, Jun Yinyin and others are here.

But they didn't seem to fall, but they were here from the beginning.

They stared at her cautiously...behind.

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu turned around, and behind him stood a stand with a man standing on it. There were broken chains scattered on the ground.

The man also has an iron chain on his ankle.

It can be seen that these iron chains were tied to men before.

The man's face is fairly handsome, holding a magic scepter in his hand,

The black scepter has a crescent shape at the top and a red magic gem in the middle.

His location is just under the big tree.

"Little girl." The man's face was ruthless: "It seems that you are like me, a dark magician, and I want you to be a dragon and a phoenix among people, but you don't know how to cherish it."

Thinking of the above, the man gritted his teeth in anger.

But suddenly the man laughed again.

"I thought I couldn't get out, but thanks to this group of people, let me out, ha ha ha ha, my jiuyou finally wants to see the sun again!"

Mingshu turned his head to look at Elder Jun and other people: "You put this out of the second disease?"

The old faces of the elders all over the pleats, blue and white.

They can't understand the second illness, but from that tone, it should not be a good word.

"They wanted to grab my magic scepter, but they didn't expect that the magic scepter was the key to seal me."

Jiu You explained to those over there.

The contempt and disgust in his tone made no secret.

"Take away the magic scepter, and I will come out, ha ha ha ha, a bunch of idiots!"

Public·Idiot·People: "..."

Where do they know it will be the result.

Those who sealed him did not know what to think.

Seal him with a magic scepter.

"Sure enough, it's a bunch of idiots." Mingshu echoed: "That, I'm just passing by, you beat you."

Mingshu slipped away.

"You might as well go to **** with this group of people."

The man suddenly angered, raised the magic scepter in his hand, dark magic condensed countless leaves, like a dark weapon, swept down below.

Mingshu immediately stooped and drove aside.

This meaningless frame, you can do it without hitting it, save a little physical strength.

Men continue to release magic, all kinds of magic, and entangle collision with dark magic.

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