Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1393: Elf Attendant (6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu didn't want to go to war, but the Dark Lord didn't want to let her go.

High-level magic kept throwing her.

The Lord of Darkness must revenge on it.

Mingshu was a little annoyed and raised her hand to fight back. She didn't need to chant, the magic came out instantly.

When Mingshu uses magic, the eyes of the Dark Lord shine.

People who are hungry for a long time suddenly see food and water.

Mingshu: "..."

I'm not good!

Mingshu shared half of the attacks of the Nine Nether, and the elder Jun was a lot easier on their side.

"Excessive!" Ming Shu was dissatisfied: "Why am I going to bear half of your attack alone? It's not that I want to grab your broken stick."

Everyone: "..."

Jiu You: "..."

Broken stick? Is his scepter broken!

He must pinch this dead girl!

Jiu You raised his scepter with a sullen face, the jewels on the scepter flickered, and more dark magic appeared one after another.

Mingshu changed direction and ran to their team of elders.

"What are you doing Junjun!"

Jun Yinyin snorted and threw attack magic at her.

The magic was broken with a single blow.

Mingshu successfully concentrated all of Jiuyou's attacks on Elder Jun's side, and she quickly slipped back.

The crowd blocked her figure, Jiu You couldn't find her trace for a while, and could only smash the Elder King of Magic King.


Jun Yinyin exclaimed.

Elder Jun turned back to support Jun Yinyin, and he was taken advantage of the next second.

The elder monarch flew out, and fell to the ground in distress.


Blood flowed from the chest of the elder monarch, and he spit out a **** mouth.

"Elder Jun!"

"It's okay, hurry, withdraw..."

The magic scepter in Jiu You's hands is too powerful, they are not his opponents.

Elder Jun was lifted up, Jun Yinyin was rescued, and a group of people began to evacuate outside.

Jiu You sneered: "Want to go? It's not that easy! Your life will stay here today!"

Jiu You suddenly began to whisper the magic spell of jerky mouth.

The attacks of Jiu You just now were instantaneous, and there was no mantra at all. Now he started to mantra. Everyone's heart tightened and they ran faster.


Jiuyou whispered abruptly.

He shook his body.

Puff fell on the table with a bang.

The people who were retreating outward froze at the same time, looking at the platform strangely.

Mingshu threw away the stone in his hand and looked down at Jiu You from the top: "Dark Lord, your physical fitness is not good."

Just smash it and fall.

The magician's physical fitness is too poor.

"Just exercise well. No matter how good your magic is, you can't beat others..."

Mingshu spread his hands and smiled particularly badly.

This is the unbeatable end.

Nine · Lord of Darkness · You: "..."

Your girl is obviously a sneak attack!

Where did it hit!

When will she be behind him?

Why doesn't he feel at all?

"Don't look at me that way, you are so powerful, I am not too jealous."

Jiu You: "..."

Jiu You clenched the magic scepter, and her lips moved.

The magic scepter was taken away before the spell was finished.


Jiu You wanted to grab his magic scepter, but only grabbed the void.

He glared, trying to make Mingshu return the magic scepter to him with a fierce look.

"Don't stare, it's so ugly."


Mingshu looked back and forth at the magic scepter, and the original owner also had it.

However, the difference in material and function is also very big.

Blessed with magic scepter can make magic stronger.

Unless it is the kind of poor magician, the magician on the mainland has almost one man.

This should be very valuable.

You can change a lot of snacks.

The Lord of Darkness not only wants to flick himself into his younger brother, but also wants to kill people and kill his mouth.

I was scared to death.

This should be my spiritual compensation.

The moment Mingshu picked up the magic scepter, the people on the elder's side became nervous.

Mingshu beat the Nine Nether, then dragged the magic scepter off the stage.

Jiu You: "..." Lao Tzu's Scepter! !

Elder Jun and others watched Ming Shu heading towards the exit, their eyes closely following the scepter.

But given the previous events, no one dared to speak out.

"Ah, yes." Mingshu turned and looked at them.

Everyone took a cold sweat out of the back.

What does she want?

If she did it, could they beat her?

Magic Scepter...

The girl over there just smiled and asked, "Do you still have anything to eat?"

Everyone: "..."

"You die!"

Jiu You's voice burst suddenly.

Only the light under them lighted up, and where they were at this time was a huge magic circle.

The magic light rises into the sky, and the killer contained in the light, the entire magic array is a big kill array.

Jiu You didn't know when to roll from the platform to the ground, and he was lying on the ground in embarrassment, but he had a grinning smile and a vicious tone: "Go to death!"

This killing line was originally prepared for him.

As long as he left the stage half a step, the magic circle will start.

The magic kill formation starts, and various magics begin to form in the formation.

Ice cone, flame, wind blade...

The generated magic actively attacks the people in the formation.

Mingshu avoided a series of wind blades, the magic scepter shook in his hand, and seemed to want to fly back to Jiu You's hands from her hands.


The screams came from the side.

A person was attacked by flames. At this time, the whole body caught fire and hit the ice blade again. The live performance of two days of ice and fire.

Mingshu felt something collide behind, and she unconsciously flashed away.

Jun Yinyin's body pounced on another person.

Mingshu glanced at her and turned to the other side.

Jun Yinyin stared at Mingshu fiercely, but more and more attack magic was born in the magic circle, and Jun Yinyin had no chance to continue to be a demon.

The people around him kept dying, and everyone felt chills.

Are they going to die here today?

Jun Yinyin was guarded by the Jun family, and there was no danger for the time being.

"Miss, here!"

Elder Jun and Zhong Zhong forcibly tore a slit to allow people to go out.

Jun Yinyin immediately turned and ran over there.

Before running two steps, the body suddenly lost its balance and fell down.

The ice blade that flew over beside him made Jun Yinyin's eyes wide.

She urged magic, and the vines were entangled with the nearest person. She dragged her hard, and the person stood in front of her.

Blood splashed on her face, and the man stared at her incredulously.

Jun Yinyin froze for a moment.

But the most important thing is to be alive.

Jun Yinyin got up and prepared to run towards Elder Jun.

However, as soon as she looked up, she saw Mingshu standing opposite.

"What did you want to do to me just now?"

"Jun Shang let go!" Jun Yinyin Yuguang swept to the opposite side. Elder Jun was urging her constantly. The gap was getting smaller and smaller, and was about to close.

Ming Shu smiled.

She flashed forward, grabbing Jun Yinyin's arm, and a handsome one fell over the shoulder.

Jun Yinyin was in intimate contact with the ground, and she gasped with a lingering fear.

Just now she passed by a few swarms of water arrows and almost died...

"Miss, hurry up!" Elder Jun was overwhelmed, urging Jun Yinyin.

Jun Yinyin wanted to get up, but his body was numb.

Jun Shang!

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