Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1402: Elf Attendant (15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Lian Sui is in his room, neither standing nor sitting.

His heart was restless.

For a long time, he opened the door carefully and glanced out. There were elves patrolling the corridor.

Lian Sui closed the door in disappointment and sat in a daze beside the bed.

He missed her so much.

It's not that he missed her.

It is a contractual relationship.

Lian Sui comforted himself so he didn't want the bad guy.

Lian Sui sat for a while, got up and walked around again, and finally he glanced at the window and decided to go out of the window.

He flew out like an elf, and next door was her room, but the window closed.

Lian Sui casts magic, passes through the window, and falls into the room.

The flowers in the room glowed with glare. When Lian Sui came in, the flowers shook with excitement.

Lian Sui raised his fingers and motioned for them to be quiet.

He passed them carefully.

Walking to the flower bed made of petals, he watched carefully for a while.

The girl was lying on the bed with her back to him, and he could not see if she was asleep.

Lian Sui kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, and lay down beside Mingshu. The irritability in his heart disappeared without a trace.

He glanced at the person on his side, then reached out carefully and hugged her from behind.

"I don't want to sleep with you, it's a contractual relationship."

Lian Sui murmured softly, and then she slept peacefully, embracing Mingshu.

He was held by him as a girl, and it took a long time to reach out, hold his palm, and kiss gently.


The next day.

On the blue flower bed, juvenile blond long hair lay beneath him, and the sunlight fell in through the window, revealing the golden luster.

He was awakened by a kiss.

The juvenile eyelashes twitched slightly, and the blurred vision gradually became clearer with the light and heavy kisses on the lips.


Mingshu stopped and propped himself up, leaving him room to breathe.

"Woke up?"

Lian Sui rubbed her eyes blankly and asked softly, "Why do you kiss me again?"

Ming Shu pinched his long hair: "I thought you came to my bed at midnight just to kiss you when I got up."

"No, who made you my contractor." Lian Sui returned rationally, and he sat up and refuted.

His head slammed into Mingshu's chin, and Mingshu hissed.

"You... are you okay." Lian Sui asked stumblingly, fingers touching her chin: "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry."

"No..." Mingshu's words changed: "It hurts."

"I... I..." Lian Sui was a little anxious, and seemed to think of something, he said: "I'll blow it to you?"

Mingshu smiled in the corner of his mouth: "You don't hurt when you kiss me."

Lian Sui winked.

His white face flushed, and he did something wrong. He bit his lower lip and kissed Mingshu's face.


The next second, the teenager was pushed down on the bed by Mingshu, and her hot kiss fell on his lips.

The teenager's eyes were slightly misty.

All kissed her, why did she treat him like this!

con man!

Mingshu has kissed him for a long time, this is not to blame her, it is the tempting taste of him.

Other elves don't have this kind of breath. Although they will also have fragrance, most of them are floral, and only he... has an enticing sweet smell.

He fouled first.

"Release... me!" The teenager was held for a long time, a little bit shaved.

"Are you going to sleep with me tomorrow?" Mingshu released him slightly.

"Who is going to sleep with you." Lian Sui almost rolled off the bed, and the ground was covered with soft petals. There was no problem with falling, and he retreated his hands indifferently.

Lian Sui got up and roared angrily: "I don't want to sleep with you, yesterday was an accident, a contractual relationship, hum! I don't like you!"

Mingshu is funny: "I didn't say you like me."

"I..." Lian Sui's tongue knotted: "You..."

Lian was so angry that she was crying, her eyes were foggy and her eyes were slightly red. He hummed and opened the door to go out.

He forgot, however, that he came in from the window last night.

So as soon as I went out, I met the elf elf who was about to knock on the next door.

Lian Sui: "..."

Elf Elf: "..."

The elf elder's expression was a little surprised, and finally the forbearing anger quickly returned to seriousness.

His Highness is in a contractual relationship with that person, and as long as His Highness is willing, he says nothing.


Your Highness is not yet an adult...

The elder elder frowned deeper, and Shen Sheng called him, "His Royal Highness."


Lian Sui passed by him and disappeared in the palace very quickly.

The elf elder did not rush to chase, but knocked on Mingshu's room.


"Your Excellency, what happened to you and your Highness?" The elf elder asked euphemistically, but his tone was a little tough, and he seemed worried.

"What can happen?" Mingshu asked amusingly.

The elder elder frowned, his voice serious: "Your Excellency, although His Highness and you are in a contractual relationship, you can do whatever you want with him, but I still want to remind you that Your Highness is the future king of my family. ."

"I didn't do anything to him, he came by himself." Mingshu spread his hand.

The elf elder nodded, saying he knew, and secretly relieved: "I'm not targeting you, please forgive me."

"I understand, bear children are hard to raise."

The elf elder sighed: "His Royal Highness is not yet a grown-up, you cannot... Your Excellency Jun Shang must remember this, otherwise something will happen."

"Can't anything?"

The elf elder choked, a handful of age, and his old face was a little bit red: "That's the kind of thing you human men and women do."


Elf Elf: "..."

Mingshu thoughtfully watched the elves and elders leave.


Mingshu thought that Lian Sui had just set up a flag during the day and would not come at night.

Who knew she had just fallen asleep, Lian Sui swaggered into her room.

Lian Sui looked at her and snorted arrogantly.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you sleep with me?" Ming Shu looked at him with a smile.

"Who wants to sleep with you." Lian Sui looks like being trampled on the tail: "The elder said, you are my contractor, I want to stay with you, it is normal!"

Lian Sui focused on biting normal.

This is not what he thought!

It is because of the contract between the elf and humans that he is so dependent on her!

"Oh. Then you sleep over there." Straight man pointed at the petal on the other side that served as a "couch", enough for him to sleep.

Lian Sui took a look and hummed in disappointment: "Why, this is my palace, I don't sleep in such a small place."

"Then you just want to sleep with me."

"Only...not." Shameless, who wants to sleep with you!

Lian Sui climbed into bed, patted Ming Shu's shoulder, and tried to justify the reason: "As a contractor, you have to take care of me, I will give you this opportunity."

Mingshu: "..."

Your parents are afraid not to tell you that!

Lian Sui squeezed over, hugged Mingshu, and rubbed her.

Mingshu: "..."

Don't hug me if you have the ability!

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