Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1403: Elf Attendant (16)

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Lian Sui had quite a lot to learn every day, and Ming Shu looked at him with pain.

Not only to learn magic, but also to learn various affairs in the family.

Lian Sui is a light elf and his royal prince. Every time he uses magic, he is like a god.

...Of course it was when he wasn't frying.

A fried child is a bear child.

The elder elder wants to ask Mingshu to teach Lian Sui. After all, Lian Sui will listen to her now.

However, where did Mingshu dare to take this hot potato.

She has never used magic since she came in. If you let this group of light-loving elves know that she is a dark magician, she must not evict her collectively.

Two years passed quickly.

An adult ceremony for Lian Sui will be held soon.

The whole elf race is very lively, and beautiful elves can be seen everywhere, laughing and preparing.

Lian Sui was standing behind Mingshu, with a slight blush on Xuebai's face. He whispered, "I will be an adult in a few days."


He walked next to Mingshu, his long bamboo fingers, and gently pulled her sleeve: "You said you would take me out of here."

The teenager is much taller than her, and there is hope and dependence in the golden pupil.

That excessive foul look, the behavior of the teenager at this time, will not make people feel inconsistent, it will only make people feel uncomfortable.

"Isn't this a few days?" Ming Shu said: "What's the hurry?"

"You promised me, you must take me out!" Lian Sui was not at ease.

He has been emphasizing this matter these days.

Mingshu scared him: "If you say it again, I will leave you and leave alone."

When did I promise him not to do it?

Suspected me!

If it weren't for your sweetness and deliciousness, I would have beaten you!

"No." Lian Sui hugged her suddenly: "I want to be with you."

Mingshu patted his back: "Don't say that."

Say she can coax once or twice, twice a day, she has that time, it is better to eat two more snacks.


Lian Sui said nothing.

Mingshu thought he would continue, who knew he hadn't heard him mention it in the next two days.

It was estimated that she was scared by that sentence.


This little goblin is very scary, and it's also very deceiving.

The adult ceremony of the elves is very important, and this time they are the sire of their elven family, so the adult ceremony is held grandly.

Lian Lian will put on new clothes when it's dawn.

The green clothes were on his body, and the skin became whiter. His every move seemed to capture the soul and soul.

But the elves are somewhat immune to such looks, and they all look good.

When the starting point of the comparison is high, Lian Sui is in their eyes, probably it looks so little...

Lian Sui's blonde hair was put into a beautiful hair bun, leaving half behind her.

The delicate boy looked at Mingshu.

Ming Shu smiled briefly, stepped forward, and stood with him.

The elf carried the corolla and flew through the air, putting the corolla in the hands of Mingshu.

The crown of flowers has a quiet and light fragrance, and it smells relaxed and happy. Every flower blooms just right, and some even have crystal dew.

Mingshu took the corolla, turned around, and stood face to face with Lian Sui.

The teenager bowed his head slightly, and Mingshu put the crown on him.

Mingshu took a step back and froze for a moment.

The young boy's skin is as white as snow, delicate and exquisite, like delicate jade, and the blonde hair dangles to the shoulder, and an arc is drawn.

The gorgeous color of the flower crown makes the teenager feel a bit different.

He had been very good looking before, but now he seems to be beautiful...

If the elves were quite calm just now, but when the crown was put on, the elves would be a little excited.

"Your Highness is so beautiful."

"It's not our loss that is our highness. It looks good in any way."

"Your Highness is the best!"

The elves discussed in a low voice, and finally turned into shouting slogans, their highness was the best!

"Does it look good?" The teenager asked Mingshu in a low voice.

He just wanted her praise.

Ming Shu swallowed. "The crown is beautiful."


The next year Lian was all angrily, she didn't praise herself, he couldn't compare to a corolla? No vision!

They are now going to the tree of life.

Perform the next adult ceremony in the tree of life.

The tree of life is the most important thing for elves, and outsiders cannot enter.

However, Mingshu was the contractor of Lian Sui, and Lian Sui also agreed to let Ming Shu enter, so Ming Shu was honored to enter.

The tree of life is huge, and the crown of the tree is like a huge house.

There are many fruits hanging among the leaves.

These fruits are slightly different from the green color of the lotus year old to the purest color in the world.

It was light blue.

Some have begun to glow lightly.

This is the elf is about to be born.

The tree of life grows in the water, and the surface of the water is covered with a faint mist.

A pale white platform was built by the water's edge.

The elf elder stood on the platform with a few elves holding the flower tray.

All elves are standing below.

The exquisite teenager was pushed forward, and he gritted his teeth on the platform.

The elf elder stepped back slightly, took a thin cicada-like cloak from the flower tray, and tied it to the teenager.

Then came the magic scepter that symbolized the rights of elves.

The turquoise color of the whole body was held by the young white slender hand, which made people wish to turn into that magic scepter.

Then came the elder elder chant.

After a few minutes, all the elves sang along with the elves.

Mingshu saw a spot of light fall on the tree of life and kept entering the lotus body.

He looked at Mingshu from afar, with a faint smile in his golden eyes.

But soon he frowned lightly, remembering what he had done just now, and turned angrily.

The light spot continued to fall. When the elder elder's chanting stopped, the light spot that fell between the tree crowns slowed down and finally disappeared.

The elf elder took a glass of water from the misty pool and handed it to Lian Sui: "Your Highness please."

Lian Sui flattened his mouth and took the cup to drink.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

"Congratulations, Your Highness..."


Congratulations from the elves came from all directions.

"Your Highness, elder, it's bad! Our magic enchantment has been destroyed!"

The elf flew in from the outside and shouted in horror at the people under the tree of life.

The elf elder was startled: "How is it possible, how can the magic enchantment be destroyed?"

"I... I don't know." The reported elf shook his head.

"Magic enchantment was destroyed..."

"How could this be? That's the magic enchantment that protects us..."

"Will anyone break in?"

The elves below had heated discussions, and their magical enchantment had never been destroyed.

Mingshu walked onto the platform in a few steps and stood beside Lian Sui.

"Send someone to see first." The teenager's voice calmed.

Although he didn't want to be His Highness, he still had the prestige and momentum as His Highness. As soon as he made a sound, the elves seemed to find the backbone of the Lord.

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