Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1425: Zombie Code (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#道士头条: Xun Yi believes in science if he doesn’t agree


Bean-sized raindrops hit his body, and his body was cold, and the smell of the earth poured into his nose.

"Cough cough..."

Mingshu sat up from the mud.

The distant mountains were shrouded in darkness, with only blurred outlines.

She was in the wilderness!

Ming Shu sighed and checked the body first. There was no obvious trauma, but the body was uncomfortable. It was estimated that there was some internal injury.

She looked around and found a place to avoid the rain to receive the memory of this body first.

The original caller was Xun Yi.

When I was a child, I was sick and sick. I often saw unclean things. My parents were very scared. After finding some people, they had no effect and planned to throw her away.

The original owner was just thrown in a strange place.

Then she met the traveling Qingchengzi, and saw that her roots were good, and she was well-connected, bringing her back to Wuliangshan.

There are not many people in Wuliangshan, and she is only five.

In addition to Qingchengzi, there are three other brothers.

Xunyi became the youngest disciple of Wuliangshan. The three brothers liked her very much and were spoiled.

But only a few years after the original owner went up the mountain, the entire Wuliang Mountain was killed.

The original owner luckily escaped.

Since then, she began to investigate the truth of the year.

Knowing the truth at the time, but the various gates used Qingchengzi as a non-righteous person, instead of preaching justice for Wuliangshan, but after covering up the murderer, the original owner began to fight against each gate.

The original owner learned the Taoism by himself, wherever he could mix the water, the person who made the Daomen hate her for having her teeth tickled, but she couldn't help her.

She knew her skills and ran away every time she did something.

However, it will naturally not give away the head in vain.

This time someone found an anomaly in this neighborhood and seemed to have received the above help. People from all walks of life came here to check.

The original owner may be out of luck and meet a ghost with great abilities.

It was also discovered by the Daomen who fell off the cliff when they met.

Probably fell to death...

No wonder the body hurts so much.

Mingshu sighed on the tree, first eat to replenish his strength.



The desolate Taoism seemed to be uninhabited. Mingshu stepped on the grassy ground, pushed open the only clean door, and threw himself on the bed.

I finally got a good night's sleep.

Mingshu got a lot of energy after sleeping.

She felt the aura in the air and it was pretty good.

The original master law was generally learned, but she was well drawn.

There is a saying-a little aura is a symbol, and Mo and Zhu are wrong in the world.

Qing Chengzi didn't know that she had this ability at the time, and she discovered it after she brought it back.

Ming Shu walked out of the hospital door, the ground was covered with moss, and spider webs hung on the eaves corners, revealing a deserted, unpopular.

The original owner didn't come back often, and the Taoist temple was not cleaned. For a long time, it naturally became so lost.

She stretched out and walked down the yard.

Wuliangshan had no incense before, because Qingchengzi of Wuliangshan was an evil way...

Well, in Daomen, Qingchengzi is like this.

But in the memory of the original owner, Qing Chengzi was a very kind person, even if a stranger was killed, he would help.

Anyway, in the memory of the original owner, Qing Chengzi was a good master.

Mingshu stepped on the moss and went outside.

Not far from the mountain is a small town, you can go to town to eat, by the way...

Repair this run-down Taoism.

Mingshu walked down the hill and there was a road to the bottom. She was too lazy to walk and squatted by the road to stop the car.

The original owner didn't even have a mobile phone, otherwise he could just drop it.

After waiting for most of the day, let alone the car, she didn't even see her.


Ming Shu narrowed his eyes in the direction of the sound.

The tractor drove slowly, silently, still reaching out to stop the car.

Taking a car is better than walking.

You cannot grieve yourself.

The driver was a simple and honest man, and seeing a little girl from Mingshu, let her get on the bus generously.

The man was curious. "Why is the girl here alone? Are you wearing a robe?"

Ming Shu wore a Taoist robe, but it was not as formal.

The original owner is so slick, and wearing such clothes is not ugly at all.

No matter how ugly the clothes are, they will look good with the value of the face. This is the reason.

"Huh." Mingshu nodded.

The man suddenly apologized, "It turns out to be a little aunt."

Mingshu: "..."

What a ghost!

There is no such name as Taoist in Taoism.

Orthodox Taoism is called Kun Dao.

But the world understands so well that Mingshu is too lazy to explain. Some things you explain a lot, but confuse people.

The man talked a lot, and Mingshu smiled and listened to his bragging, and soon reached the town.

Mingshu thanked the man.

The town is just in time for crowding, crowded, very lively.

Mingshu took out the original owner's card and checked the balance. The original owner was looking for trouble for others, making too little money, and the balance in the card did not exceed four digits.

How can this be alive!

Mingshu took a little money, first replaced an inconvenient gown, and then found a place to eat.

Just as she was eating, a group of people suddenly rushed in, all looking embarrassed.

"Boss, get us some stomach pads first."

Mingshu's gaze swept over those people, his gaze paused a bit in the void, then he moved away and continued to eat his own.

The people over there lowered their voices to discuss.

Mingshu left after eating, looking for someone to go back to the Taoist temple, remembering that he was poor, and could only give up.

I bought some food in the town and prepared to go back.

This body has to be nurtured, otherwise it will be a disadvantage to fight.

"Girl, get your stuff, get it."

The lady boss shouted loudly.

Mingshu took the things and gave the money to the boss.

"Eh, there was a dead man just over there. Would you like to see the excitement?" A woman came in from outside and said, pulling the boss lady.

"I'm doing business here."

"Oh, come back and do it in a while, and now everyone is going to watch the excitement," the woman said.

"...Well, I'll find the little girl's money first." The lady boss found the change to Mingshu, hurriedly closed the door, and followed the woman to the crowd to watch the excitement.

Mingshu stood in the same place, and the deceased had nothing to look at, but he was not too sullen.

But the way she went back, she had to pass that way.

The person who was killed was one of the few people I met before eating.

The death was terrible, and the head was gone.

Mingshu uttered, it was too bloody.

However, I didn't see a few other people on the scene. I didn't know if it was not when the incident happened, but I ran away.

Mingshu looked into the void, pulled off the corner of his mouth, and walked casually through the crowd to leave.


Modern Ha! This is modern! Not ancient!

A little aura is a symbol. Mo and Zhu are wrong in the world. ——Baidu, it is unclear where it came from.

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