Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1426: Zombie Code (2)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu looked back, a little impatient, "What are you doing with me?"

There is a beautiful female ghost floating behind, but it looks like only about twenty, the image is normal, there is no spicy eyes.

The female ghost said firmly: "You can see me."

"What about then." Ming Shu laughed, "Do you want me to overdo you? I want to collect money, do you have money? I don't want to pay money!"


The female ghost probably didn't expect that Mingshu was a vulgar man who talked about money with his mouth open.

Ming·Jiaoren·shu: "Don't follow me if you have no money, otherwise you will be destroyed!"

The ghost can be blamed.

Female ghost: "..."

"I have money!"

The female ghost called quickly.

Mingshu gave a slight pause and looked back at her.

"I really have money." There was someone who could see her and hear her talk, and she couldn't let this opportunity go, "As long as you do me a favor, you will get the money."

"What's busy? Murder? I don't do it."

The delicate female ghost's face was grim, "My own hatred is reported by myself."

She recovered quickly, showing a little sorrow, "You help me tell my family, where is my body, let them take me home."

Minshu thought for a moment, "How could they give me money?"

"I will give them dreams." The ghost said: "Please."

She wants to go home.

"Since you can trust your dreams, why don't you just give your family dreams?"

"...I can't live without it. It's too far away." As long as her body is taken back, she can leave here, and naturally she can also dream of her family.

Mingshu is now poor and has to buy snacks.

After thinking for a while, she agreed to the female ghost's request.

For justice!

For snacks!

The female ghost was called Yu Jiao, and she was angry with her boyfriend. She ran out to relax, who knows to meet the gangster.

After being humiliated, he died in another country.

Mingshu will bring back Taoism to Jiao. Seeing such a ruined Taoist temple, Yu Jiao is also a bit stunned. Is this where people live?

"Will it be cleaned?" Mingshu asked her.

Yu Jiao shook his head.

"Clean up here."

"..." She said she would not! !

The girl in front of her looks about the same age as her, always smiling, but Yu Jiao is a little counseling. I don’t know why, but she always feels a little scary.

And this is Taoism...

There is also a temple next door, which is uncomfortable as soon as she approaches, but there is no feeling here.

Perhaps it is because of ruin.

Yu Jiao didn't dare to refute, she still begged her and began to clean up silently.

"When will you contact my family?" Yu Jiao asked Mingshu, who was sitting under the eaves and gnawing his buns.

"I can't just call back and say, I know where your daughter is? I will be caught as a murderer."

Yu Jiao thinks too.

"So what are you going to do?"

Mingshu pondered for a moment, "I don't know, think about it when you are full."

"..." What do you think about!

If it weren't for such a long time, only she could see herself and hear her talk, and she didn't want to ignore her.

Yu Jiao cleaned the yard more ugly.

Facing Ming Shu's inexhaustible sight, she whined, "I said I wouldn't."

Mingshu shook his head back to the room.

Yu Jiao, "..."

Why is there something that she brought herself back for... to clean?

In the next few days, except for going out to buy food, Mingshu will not leave Taoist temple.

When she saw her, she ate either the moon or the sun. What else did she say to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon?

Treat yourself as a goblin?

Yu Jiao sometimes leaves Taoist temple, and Mingshu doesn't care what she does. One person and one ghost are extremely harmonious.

In recent days, Yu Jiao has learned to simply clean, and the yard has been tossed cleanly by her, at least not as desolate as before.

"When are you going to help me?" Yu Jiao learned Mingshu and squatted under the eaves.

"I'll pinch a finger..." Mingshu looked up at the sky with a serious look, "Few days later."


"Oh, my body is uncomfortable, not suitable for climbing mountains and wading."


She should change her person.


Three days later.

Mingshu finally let Yu Jiao lead the way to the place where she died.

The place of death was not far from Wuliang Mountain, and there was almost no road on the mountain. Yu Jiao was turned on the road at that time. When she woke up, she was locked in a cave.

There is no one on the mountain.

Tian Tian should not call the earth to be ineffective.

All she could see were the gangsters who kidnapped herself.

They didn’t come here every day. One day the couple drank and came together, and...

Yu Jiao didn't want to think back.

Mingshu climbed up the mountain and stood outside the cave, where it was covered with hay. She opened the hay, and the smell immediately spread out from the cave.

The cave is not big, and a corpse lies in the corner.

The strange thing is that the corruption of the corpse is not big. According to Yu Jiao, she has been dying for almost a month and a half, but the corruption is obviously not in line...

Yu Jiao didn't dare to go in, she was afraid to see herself.

Mingshu looked around the cave, and there was a cold air, and he drilled straight into his body.

Yu Jiao's body was lying on the ground, there was nothing to cover on his body, Ming Shu picked up the clothes on the ground and put it on her.

Then clean up the traces you have entered and exit the cave.

"Are you contacting my parents now?" Yu Jiao asked softly.

Mingshu glanced at her, "Of course it is the police, and the police will contact your parents."

If she contacts directly, she will definitely get in trouble.


How is it different from what she thought.

Mingshu called the police after going down the mountain.

The police arrived soon, and as the first person discovered, Mingshu received various cross-examinations.

In particular, she was a little girl who ran into the wilderness and found the body, which was very suspicious.

Mingshu casually broke one reason and said that he was looking for Ganoderma on the mountain.

Some villagers nearby have indeed found Ganoderma lucidum on the mountain, barely able to make sense.

Mingshu was investigated as a suspect and finally determined that she was not suspected. After all, when Yu Jiao died, she was not here.

The police quickly identified Yu Jiao's identity and contacted her parents.

Parents rushed over the night and saw Yu Jiao's body crying.

Yu Jiao stood beside his parents and wanted to hug them, but his body always walked through them.

The daze and sorrow intertwine on her face.

She is dead.

Finally came Yu Jiao's boyfriend, his face haggard. The man stood at the door, his face as blank as Yu Jiao, and he stiffly walked in for a long time.

"You must catch the murderer and give Jiao Jiao an account!!" Yu Jiao's boyfriend crimsoned and yelled at the police.

"It's all my fault!" Yu Jiao's boyfriend burst into tears and cried. "If I let her, she won't leave. It's all my fault, it's my fault..."

Yu Jiao stood beside him, trying to reach out and touch him.

Fingers crossed his hair.

Yu Jiao looked at her boyfriend silently and sadly, if it weren't for her willfulness, she wouldn't fall to today's level.

Yu Jiao's boyfriend seemed to feel, looking in the direction of Yu Jiao.

His eyes fell on the void, and naturally he saw everything.

Yu Jiao couldn't help crying.

It is a pity there is no if.

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