Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1428: Zombie Code (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Half a month after Yu Jiao's case was resolved, Mingshu took Hou Qiang's tractor again.

This man is much quieter than before.

"I haven't had time to thank my little sister-in-law before." Hou Qiang said when he got off the bus at Mingshu: "Our family is poor and there is not much money. I'm ready to send it to the little sister-in-law. where is it?"

Several other suspects were tortured mad.

Only Zhang Gouzi surrendered himself early and seemed normal.

If it wasn't for her to remind...

Maybe dog eggs are the same as everyone else.

Ming Shu said: "There is a sword on the window sill of Zhang Gou's house. Give it to me."

Hou Qiang went back to find a circle, only to find the sword Ming Shu said.

Rusty, no value at all.

Hou Qiang sent Mingshu to Wuliang Mountain, and the Taoist repair was overturned, but in addition to being neat and tidy, it was still shabby... everywhere it was very poor.

There is a village near Taoist Temple in Wuliangshan that basically knows.

But this view has long been abandoned and no one lives.

Although Hou Qiang was curious, he did not dare to ask more.

"Do you know where this sword came from?" Ming Shu asked with a pinch.

"This..." Hou Qiang shook his head. "The dog's egg hasn't been doing right all day. I don't know where he got it from."

In Hou Qiang's view, this is a rusty, useless sword,

Hou Qiang said tentatively: "If the little aunt wants to know, I can help you run errands and ask Zhang Gou."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, then I have news to tell you again."

When Hou Qiang left from the mountain, he always felt something was following him, but when he looked back, he saw nothing.

Mingshu wiped the sword out, revealing the luster of the sword itself.

The sharp blade and the hilt are inlaid with some kind of gemstones, luxurious and exquisite.

If you sell this stuff, you can buy a lot of snacks...

"Cough..." Mingshu suppressed this thought, she felt Qi Yu's breath on the sword.

Although strange...

But this is indeed the case.

Mingshu tried to wave his sword, nothing special...

It is an ancient sword that is relatively old.

"I said I should put sugar!"

"Put salt!"

"Put sugar!"

"Huh, I won't argue with you, let's ask my sister!"

Two half-big imps came in from the outside and shouted at you.

One of the imps ran fast and spoke first, "Sister, do you like sweet tofu or salted tofu?"

Mingshu waved his sword, "Can I have it all?"

Two imps: "..."


Hou Qiang brought news to Mingshu four days later. This sword was found on the mountain where Yu Jiao's body was found, but the specific Zhang Goujin did not want to say.

Hou Qiang said, Zhang Goudan said that the whole person is not right here, and he dared not ask any more.

Mingshu told the two little ghosts to leave the house with their swords.

The cave has been cleaned up, and even the taste is gone.

Mingshu looked at it carefully with a flashlight, and found nothing wrong.

Mingshu stood outside the cave and looked far away. He could see Wuliang Mountain and there was a village not far away.

Mingshu turned around in the mountains. He didn't meet anything other than being treated as a sweetheart by mosquitoes.

She grabbed a rabbit and ate it while thinking about whether the sword was accidentally left here, or...

She tore the ground with her toes.

Below this?

If it is below, where to go?

Can't she let her lift the mountain directly?

This is not a real world.

Mingshu did not think about whether to lift the mountain. At noon the next day, she saw a group of people up the mountain.

A group of Taoists...

And a group of people similar to the archaeological team.

Their destination is not this mountain, but over, into the rolling mountains behind.

Mingshu followed them silently.

Seeing them stop in a dense forest, a group of people started camping and camping, and it seemed that they were planning to fight a protracted war.

Mingshu waited outside for half a month, and she had penetrated all the neighborhoods, but she didn't see a ghost.

There was no movement in the group.

Until this night, Mingshu was lying on the tree, closing his eyes and raising his mind.

A rumbling voice came from the direction of the camp. She jumped down the tree and walked towards the camp.

The entire camp collapsed and was in disarray.

No one was seen in the camp.

This is not right...

Mingshu pulled in a circle and did not see anyone.

She looked into the collapsed gap, which was large enough for people to pass through.

Mingshu took away everything that could be eaten in the camp, and then went through the gap.

The following also collapsed. Mingshu crawled in the gap for a long time before going down to a similar passage.

He couldn't reach the black with five fingers.

Mingshu touched the little beast and shook it.

The small animal's paws lay softly on Mingshu's hands.

Why shoveling shit! It's too much to disturb others to sleep!

"Light it up."

Little Beast: "..." I am not a light bulb! !

Although the little animal was so angry that it burst into a glutinous rice ball, it still illuminated the surroundings with integrity.

Walking through about one meter wide, there were dull marks on the ground, Mingshu squatted down and looked, it was blood stains.

And there are traces of dragging, extending towards the end of the channel.

Mingshu walked along the passage, which should be an ancient tomb.

There are many institutions, but many of them have been destroyed.

Mingshu jumped into a trap, and as soon as he stood firm, a blood man threw himself in the dark.

The blood man hadn't rushed to her, so he slammed on the ground.

Mingshu patted his chest and scared me!

The blood man reached out his hand, "Save...Save me!"

Mingshu glanced at the man's clothes carefully, as if he were a Taoist?

"What did you meet?" Mingshu asked him.


The man's words died before he finished.

The typical story will die if not finished.

The next Mingshu met two people, one was also a Taoist and one ordinary person.

Both of them were dead dead, and naturally could not ask anything.

There were more and more blood stains on the ground, which looked shocking.

Mingshu took pictures of the little beast. There were two doors in front of her. One door was clean and the other was full of blood fingerprints. Like countless people, it suddenly poured into that door.

Mingshu stood in front of the two doors, which... which one to choose?

"You choose one." Mingshu poked the beast.

The little animal grunted, "That's bloody."

Mingshu walked toward the **** door. The stone door was heavy and needed force to open.

The stone door moved slightly louder.

But the stone gate was quiet and no monsters popped out.

Entering Shimen, it is still a passageway, and there seems to be an exit in front, with a light light.

Mingshu walked to the exit a few steps, his vision suddenly bright.

She was now standing on a suspended plank road.

Looking around, the whole space is round.

It's like a round building with a blank space in the middle.

She stood on only one of the floors, from top to bottom, and there are several layers, each with a boardwalk.

In the middle of the blank, there is a black coffin.

This tomb was actually going down, but she walked just now, and she didn't feel anything at all. She didn't know she was going down.

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