Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1429: Zombie Code (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


A scream came from the layer below Mingshu.

Ming Shu looked down at the voice. It was a group of people diagonally below her, who seemed to see her and screamed. At this time everyone looked at her with vigilance.

"What's it called?" Mingshu said, "People."

The other party can speak at ease, and be at ease.

"Who are you?" someone shouted.

There is no such person in their team.

"Xunyi, why are you here!" Someone in the Taoist recognized her, frowned and asked, "What do you want to do?"

I can meet her anywhere!

Wasn’t she told that she was dead last time?

Someone saw her fall off the cliff...

Mingshu grabbed the railing of the plank road and leaned over to look at them. "I'll take a look."

The priest had a bad complexion, but he did not choke on her.

"Who is she?"

The only woman in the line, the one who just screamed, frowned and asked the Taoist.

The Taoist sneered, "Scum."

"Eh, I'm still here, don't scold me in my face... Hey, there is something behind you."

Everyone turned around, what could be behind.


"Just kidding." Mingshu lay on the railing with a smile, her eyes blinked, "But this time there is something behind you."

It’s very weird here, even if Mingshu is talking nonsense, just in case, they have to look back.

However, this look was shocked.

On the trail in the back, I don't know when the dense black animals were crawling. They came towards them like tide.



Standing on the upper level, Mingshu could clearly see the animals.

It's a black giant scorpion.

"Shoveling shit, they came up, not yet running." The little beast reminded Ming Shu.

"Catch me."

Ming Shu made such a sentence, then turned over the railing and jumped directly down.

Little Beast: "..." Your uncle! !

Here she is at least five floors above the ground. Mingshu jumped down suddenly, and was surprised by the group of people who had escaped.

Mingshu stepped on the air and landed safely on the ground. The ground was safe and there was no organ.

"Also in front!"

"Jump! Jump down!"

"so tall!"

Above are the screams of the hordes and the screams of the giant scorpions.

"There is water over there, jump into the water." Someone shouted.

There is a pool not far away.

The crowd ran over there, and the first person jumped out of the railing.


Blood splatter.

The man died on the spot.

Everyone seemed to be intimidated by this accident.

The place that looks like the pool water is actually solid.

"This way." A Taoist priest stood on one side, dragging the chain that hung down from above. "Come on, hold on to this!"

The iron chain hangs vertically on the ground and is dragged by someone, making a rattling sound.

Everyone grabbed the iron chain down to the bottom, and the giant scorpions seemed to dare not land, wandering on the plank road.

Seeing this scene, everyone retreated to the middle.

Watching those giant scorpions alertly.

Determined that those giant scorpions would not come down, some people in the team went straight down and gasped on the ground.

Only the few Taoists were more vigilant.

Mainly vigilant Mingshu.

This woman has always been against the Daomen, mixing a good hand with water, and running if she can't win.

A middle-aged man with glasses in the line said, "Several masters, how can we get up if those things don't go?"

"Wait a minute, they may leave." A Taoist Taoist said: "Everyone should take time to rest and restore their strength."

Everyone heard him say this, and began to replenish energy and restore physical strength.

The two Taoists looked at Mingshu, "Xunyi, don't mess up!"

Mingshu drew out the biscuits to eat, and his tone was clear and crisp, "I wasted my time fighting with you."

Taoist priest:"……"

They looked at each other and exchanged their eyes to isolate Mingshu from the team.

The rest went towards the coffin.

The glasses man also followed.

The woman came to the team and sat on the ground to drink water. Yu Guang swept at Ming Shu.

this person……

What started?

Why are those stinking Taoists so afraid of her?

"This coffin seems to have been moved." A Taoist priest said, "Like this when you last came?"

Spectacled man replied: "Dao Dao, we didn't come down last time. We met those strange things on it and damaged people. This is the first time we came down."

The whole black casket has only a few notches on it, adding a little mystery to the casket.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"This coffin should have fallen in the air with a chain. Look at this, there are traces." A Taoist pointed to the bottom of the coffin.

And the thick chain of arms has exactly four directions.

The iron chain hung down on the ground, and there was exactly one next to Mingshu. She looked down, and what strength seemed to break directly at the break.

This coffin should have been dropped in the air by an iron chain.

"Do you want to open the coffin?"

"I don't think it's necessary. Wait for Master to come over and say it again. In this operation, Master explained that we can't be impulsive."

The other Taoists obviously agreed.

Before they came, they received instructions from their elders. After they came in, they could not be impulsive.

"There are so many things on it, we finally walked here, wouldn't it be a trip without opening the coffin." But the glasses man didn't think so.

He directly greeted people over to prepare to open the coffin.

"Mr. Yao!" Taoists stopped them: "You better not open the coffin, we are not sure what is in it."

"Looking at the stuff, we may or may not be able to go up." Mr. Yao took off his glasses. He breathed and wiped with the corner of his clothes. "If we all died here, it would make me understand."

"Mr. Yao!"

Mr. Yao also insisted, "Master Xiulun, you are here to help protect us, and you still have to listen to us for the rest."

The expression of the director who stopped Mr. Yao was slightly ugly.

When the atmosphere dropped to the freezing point, a clear voice sounded.

"If someone wants to open it, you let him open it, maybe you win."

"Xun Yi, shut up!" Xiulun snorted.

"My mouth is long on me, I want to say, you come and beat me!" Ming Shu provoked: "Maybe there is a peerless beauty, and it will be a hundred years if it is opened."

Xiulun: "..."

Xiulun took a deep breath and emptied Mr. Yao. "Mr. Yao, this ancient tomb is very strange. You have experienced so much all the way down. You really have something in the coffin, and we are not sure about it."

Mr. Yao seemed hesitant to think of his previous experience.

He thought for a moment, then looked at the coffin, clenched his teeth and insisted, "Open the coffin."


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