Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1431: Zombie Code (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The chains are like ants on a chain, one after another.

They scrambled to climb up. There were too many people and the iron chain was shaking. Some people were not good at climbing the iron chain and fell directly.

When it falls, it will be overwhelmed by the giant scorpion.

Mingshu waved those giant scorpions and reached another chain. I don't know if she was awesome, followed by two tails that could not win other people.

The two held a group and followed Mingshu.

Mingshu glanced at them, grabbed the chain and climbed up first.

As soon as Mingshu left, the giant scorpions rushed in madly, and the two immediately grabbed the chain and followed.

The situation on the other side is not so good. A large number of giant scorpions attack them, and some people scream from time to time.

The iron chain was only connected to the sixth floor, and Mingshu fell lightly onto the plank road.

The giant scorpion hasn't come up yet, and the plank road looks safe at this time.

She looked around and found her mouth along the path.

The person who climbed first over there also reached the sixth floor, and the ones who were alive next, and the several Taoists also came up one after another.

"Hurry up." Xiulun urged them as he dealt with the giant scorpion that climbed up.

Some people found that following Mingshu was the safest and moved closer to her.

" slow down!" Ming Shu was suddenly dragged, and Shan Biyun gasped: "We can't keep up."

Mingshu was suddenly dragged and almost pulled her clothes down.

She pulled the clothes back and smiled, "This young lady."

Shan Biyun froze, after all, she could still laugh at this moment. Even though she smiled softly, it still felt strange.

"If you can't keep up, you don't have to follow me."

The girl's voice was gentle and nice, but what she said made people shudder.

Shan Biyun's eyes widened: "You..."

Mingshu distanced her and opened the giant scorpion in front of her, "You can keep up with your luck and meet me, you can't keep up, and I have no obligation to save you."

"Why are you like this..."

"I'm not with you, don't count on me." Mingshu interrupted her. "Everyone asks for blessings. Good luck."

She does not drive them away, does not mean that she will save them by doing too much work.

After Ming Shu finished, speed up and rush to the exit not far away.

Shan Biyun was pushed by someone and stumbled to follow.

Shan Biyun was angry in her heart. She was obviously capable of dealing with those giant scorpions. Why wasn't she the same as those Taoists?


Moon hidden stars are rare.

The cold wind raged across the mountains, and the tree shadows were like monsters, with their teeth spreading across the ground.

A head popped up in the collapsed place, and then a person drilled the soul out of the gap, it was Mingshu.

She stepped on the gravel and jumped to a safe place.

Then the second, the third...

Then there was light all around, and vocals began to rise.

The people above were paralyzed on the ground, and they saw the happiness of the sun and the rest of the life after the disaster.

The priests came up at last, some people were injured, and they were helped to sit aside, all of them looked embarrassed.

Except for some dust in Mingshu, compared with their embarrassed group of people, they are simply people of two kingdoms.

"Will they catch up?"

The night wind blew the canopy of the canopy, rubbing everyone's eardrums, spreading all the way to the bottom of my heart, and fear continued to breed.

The dark spots in the collapse, no one knows, those giant scorpions will catch up.

It's not that they don't want to run.

It's really weak.

They waited for a while quietly, and after the collapsed place was normal, everyone sighed with relief.

"How did it become like this..." Someone reacted from fear, why didn't they come up for so long?

"What about people?"

"Where did they all go? Did the camp collapse and move the place?"

The camp was very different from when they left. It was a mess. The most important thing was that there was no one.

Their communications failed at the bottom and could not be reached at the top.

I don't know what happened above, but even if the camp collapsed and the place was moved, it is impossible to try to rescue them, and no one stayed here.

Someone dragged a tired body to check the camp, and finally reached a heavy conclusion, "The communication equipment is still here, everything is here, and there are a few bowls of instant noodles that have just been soaked, they... are missing."

Everyone who escaped looked at each other.

Is it easy to escape from below, and the people in the camp are missing again?

Xiulun stepped forward, "Xunyi, you came down behind us. What happened to the camp?"

Mingshu was touching the cookie and was named. She looked at it blankly. "How do I know what happened?"

"You came down behind us." Xiulun said: "When you came down, the camp has become like this?"

Mingshu smashed his mouth and pondered, "Do you suspect that I did it?"

Xiulun did not deny it.

Someone was guarding the camp, it was impossible to let her down casually.

And in the eyes of the Taoist, she is a demon, scum, scum... Will the missing person in the camp have anything to do with her?

A Taoist shouted angrily: "You come down later than us. You know what happened in the camp."

Mingshu pulls the hate value to get used to it, too lazy to explain, she pouted, "Do you have any evidence?"

The camp saw no fighting.

And at night, almost nothing is clear, and it is difficult to find evidence at this time.

"Where did those people go? What are you doing to them!?" Shan Biyun was angry before, so it was not good to see Mingshu.

"How do I know, maybe I was eaten." Those people should all go down below, but how to get on... a little bit confused.

At that time she only heard the sound of collapse, but no screams or other sounds.

Those who saw me down...

She didn't know what happened, anyway, she didn't meet anything strange.

Mingshu looked down at the sword in his hand again, perhaps because the sword was there, and the things hidden in the dark did not dare to show up.

Shan Biyun scolded: "Don't you do it? Why don't you know?"

Mingshu said innocently, "Well, I haven't said that, you said it yourself."

Shan Biyun: "..." ·

Mingshu retreated to a darker place: "We are now a society ruled by law, what can you do to me without evidence?"


"Hey, I won't play with you anymore. If there is evidence, welcome to Wuliangshan to catch me." Ming Shu's voice melodiously passed through the forest.

"Xunyi, you stop!" Xiulun chased toward Mingshu.

But when he passed, there was no figure there.

"Doctor, did the woman just do it?" someone asked in a low voice.

Xiulun frowned, but he still argued, "Not necessarily, there is no evidence for this matter, so we can't make a conclusion."

He doubted her only because she was the most suspected.

But he wouldn't just convict her, otherwise it would be different from the demon way like her.

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