Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1432: Zombie Code (8)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu thought the goblin was there, but the result was not.

But inside that coffin...

Mingshu stepped on the steps to the Wuliang Mountain, and the Taoist temple vaguely showed a corner. She walked casually for a few steps and suddenly stopped.


Why is it so quiet?

There was only the sound of her feet stepping on dead leaves.

He couldn't even hear the song of the worm songbird, revealing a strange lifeless strangeness.

Mingshu once again looked at the Taoist temple that showed a corner, and she walked up slowly, pushing open the dilapidated door.

The kid who always likes to play in the yard is nowhere to be seen.

When she stepped into the yard, she felt cold.

Straight from the soles of my head.

The hairs stood up, and the hind ridges became cold.


Mingshu turned abruptly, grabbed the sweeping broom, and swept back.

Icy fingers pressed her wrist and the broom fell to the ground. Mingshu looked up and saw the man's cold, penetrating ink pupil.

Mingshu only felt that his entire arm was freezing.

The person on the opposite side grabbed the broom and squeezed it gently, and the broom broke.

Mingshu twitched, released the broom, quickly drew the sword and cut it over, the man flashed and disappeared.

There was a gust of wind blowing in Mingshu's ears, biting cold.

The man appeared on her left, flexing her fingers and hit her neck.

The long sword buzzed, seemingly inductive, and wanted to break away from the hand and fly towards the man.

Wherever Mingshu willingly let go, he chopped the man's arm with its power.

The man shrank violently and retreated to a safe place. Ink pupil looked at her coldly without any emotion, as if she was just a moving dead object.

Long sword whispered.

Mingshu's fingers were numb, "Quiet!"

Long sword: "..."

The sword quieted down, and Mingshu looked up at the opposite side.

The man in a black ancient costume, with a jade crown and beams, showed a handsome face with sharp edges, and his eyes were as dark as ink, like a thousand-year-old lake, which made people shudder at a glance.

There was an invisible momentum lingering on him, like an imperial prestige, but noble.

"Are you here to find this?" Mingshu shook his sword.

The innocent ink pupil moved from her to the sword, and Mingshu didn't know what he was thinking.

The whole space suddenly fell into silence.

For a long time, the man stretched out his hand, which seemed to let the long sword go back by itself, and also like Mingshu returning the sword to him.

The long sword whispered and quieted down after a slight shock.

Ming Shu laughed a little, "This sword is not yours now, you want to... just grab it."

The anger on the man is heavy.

Invisible oppression came.

The shattered door of Taoist temple closed with a clatter, the leaves on the ground didn't wind automatically, the air was tight, and the danger of a sudden climbed onto Ming Shu's heart.

Okay, goblin!

How dare you do it today! I won't kill you!

Just when Ming Shu thought he was going to start, the man suddenly looked up in a certain direction.

The next second, the figure jumped up, stepped on the dangerous wall of Taoist temple, jumped into the jungle, and disappeared.

Mingshu: "..."

What are you running!

You have the ability to do it!

Long sword whispered quickly, like a pitiful abandoned by the master.

"Why shake, even if he comes back, I won't give you back to him!" Mingshu pinched his sword, "You pretended to be quite like that before, and didn't give me any response."

Long sword: "..."

Ooo, Owner takes me away, there is a pervert!

Mingshu put the sword away and found a scared ghost in a partial hall.

"Sister..." They were scared to death.

The two little ghosts looked a bit unstable, looking at her pitifully.

Mingshu led them back to the spiritual cards he used to cultivate, gave them incense, and asked, "When did he come?"

The devil replied: "This morning, it's terrible, huh."

This morning……

According to the status of the goblin, he must be a zombie with a thousand years of history? This type of zombie can also be called a sprite, or a dry sprite.

But on the record...

The droughty face is so hideous, it can be said that the green face fangs are the people of Raksha.

The goblin looks just like ordinary people, and it doesn't match the record.

...Of course it's still pretty.

If there were no accidents, the goblin must have come out of the ancient tomb. This sword should have been in the ancient tomb too. Zhang Goegan didn't know how to get it.

Mingshu lay in bed thinking about it.

Never mind.

He will definitely be back anyway.

I'll talk about it later.


In the next few days, the man did not show up, and no one came to her to catch her.

The days are a bit boring.

Mr. X did not know where to be chic.

Still find ways to make money to buy snacks!

After eating breakfast, Ming Shu moved his chair to sit in the yard under the sun.

Use your phone to go to a feudal superstition forum.

The forum was calm and quiet, and there was no news. Mingshu opened a locked panel and entered the password.

The news in this section is quite explosive.

There are quite a few tasks to post. If the big guy has nothing to solve, or feels simple and does not need to do it by himself, it will be posted here.

Mingshu saw Zhiding posts.

It was a discussion about that ancient tomb.

Mingshu looked at the brief introduction of the next ancient tomb.

Mingshu narrowed his eyes when he saw the speculative era, a thousand years BC.

Before BC, there is an initial word.

A thousand years BC... It was the Shang Dynasty...

Oh my!

The millennium zombies she said before all underestimated him!

The tomb was discovered one year ago.

A group of tomb robbers was caught, and the police found two antiques they had never seen from their stolen antiques.

According to the grave thieves, they were stolen in a large empty tomb.

The archaeological team went to the ancient tomb because the antiquities never seen before attracted attention.

Over the past year, the archaeological team has been analyzing the ancient tomb, but for so long, they only wandered around the tomb, which is what the tomb thief called the empty tomb, and found no way to actually enter the tomb.

Not long ago, they finally made progress.

But as soon as he entered, there was an accident.

Others said that when they saw a ghost, they were scared.

The archaeological team often encountered some strange things. At that time, they were only guessing that the tomb was at least more than a thousand years old. There may be toxic substances in it that will harm people.

Accidents occurred frequently in the team.

Only then did the Daomen intervene.

Perhaps it was the wrong place where Ming Shu entered. She did not see the empty tomb, but went directly to the real tomb.

Mingshu turned the following discussion, this post was sent by them before entering the ancient tomb.

It wasn't until the more than six hundred floors, after the time line that she came out of the ancient tomb.

Someone updated the situation in the ancient tomb, and those in the camp who disappeared for no reason.

… Also mentioned her by the way, correcting the rumors of her death.

Although she was not directly said that she was the murderer, it was obviously that she was the most suspected.

Mingshu secretly commented below.

Daozhang Xiaozha: Good people don't live long, and the scourge is thousands of years old.


The dynasty is just to let you understand the time better, and you should still look at it in the background! !

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