Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1433: Zombie Code (9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu was shocked by the name of the original owner.

What the **** is Daozhang Xiaozhang?

Not at all in line with the temperament of the villain.

Mingshu opened his personal homepage and found that there was no place to change, bite two buns, and summoned the Harmony number to change its name.

[...] Apart from this function, is it useless now?

Harmony suffocated Ming Shu's name.

[Host, are you watching the goblin fight? ] Try to brush a sense of presence.

The goblin doesn't even know where to go, what to see, no to see!

Harmony can be seen regardless of Ming and Shu, and can be opened if there is no match.


Harmony owes it again.

Mingshu ignored the Harmony, quit the post, flipped through the task, and found a task closer to her.

[Daomen Public Enemy: I will take this task and send me the specific address. ]

The other party seems to be online and will be back soon.

[Fairy don't run: Hey, brother, your name is a bit poisonous. ]

[Daomen public enemy: I will work hard. ]

[Fairies don’t run:? ? ? ]

The goblin didn't know what to do with this Daomen enemy, but he didn't say much, and soon returned to the topic.

[Fairy don’t run: A rich businessman’s son is entangled with ghosts. I can’t walk away from here. You can help me solve it. As long as it is solved, you will be paid. ]

[Daomen public enemy: address. ]

[Fairy Don’t Run: Brother, can you do it? ]

[Daomen public enemy: I can do it, do you want to try it, brother? ]

The subtext of this sentence is more like: Is the brother doing the basics?

[Fairies don’t run:...]

Don't know if the goblin was frightened. It took only one minute to send an address.

Mingshu had nothing to clean up, and ordered the two little ghosts to watch the house and shook down the mountain.

Even with a mobile phone, she can only drop to the tractor.

An extraordinary life.

Start by riding a tractor.

The address is in the city. Mingshu passed by train. When it arrived, it was already evening.

The first thing to enter the city

Eat eat! !

Snacks are here to spoil you!

Ming Shu finished eating, and taxied to the address given by the goblin.

The idlers in the villa area cannot enter, Mingshu can only call the other party.

When he came out, Mingshu was a middle-aged man, with a big belly, running forward, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Ming Shu: "..." Why not drive?

"Is the girl calling me just now?" The middle-aged man stepped forward and asked carefully, his eyes slightly surprised.


The middle-aged man quickly recovered from Mingshu's appearance and looked away, "I wonder where the master is?"

With such a young girl in front of him, he didn't even think about the master, at most she was regarded as a master's apprentice or something.

Mingshu pointed his finger at himself.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while, then was full of shock.

This is completely different from what he imagined, the master of the fairy bones!

This is a pretty young girl dressed in ordinary clothes, with a ball of meatballs, looking young and energetic, and carrying a hand in her hand... well, the signature dim sum in the XX floor.

Mingshu ignored the unbelievable sight of middle-aged men and pretended to be... No, high-ranking, calmly said: "Lead the way."

Xu Shimingshu behaved too calmly, but the middle-aged man nodded a little stunnedly, and went in with Mingshu.

There is only one woman and two similar servants in the villa.

But when Ming Shu entered, he also showed various complicated eyes.

Is this a master?

So young?

Won't it be deceiving?

"Who to see?" Mingshu swept around and found that the people here were quite normal, only to ask.

"Cough..." The middle-aged man quickly led the way, "The dog is upstairs, Aunt... Master, please."

Everyone came, and they met a lot of scammers, but for the sake of the son, she still had to see her no matter what.

"Master please." The middle-aged man led Ming Shu all the way to the room.

"Mr. Guo, Master is casting a law inside. Please don't disturb Master." There was a young man wearing a robe at the door, stopping the middle-aged man.

"Ah..." Mr. Guo was a little embarrassed.

After all, he also does business. Although the industry is different, the situation at this time is similar.

Mr. Guo hurriedly explained to Mingshu: "I contacted there before, and no one has been coming, so I will first look for someone else. Master, wait a minute?"

He is also nervous about his son.

He is such a lonely seedling.

"Oh." Mingshu had no opinion, "Are there any food?"

"Yes, my wife, you first take the master downstairs to eat something." Mr. Guo pulled the woman next to him.

Mingshu followed Mrs. Guo downstairs.

The young man who guarded the gate hummed.


Mr. Guo came down an hour later and asked Mingshu to go up.

Below, Mrs. Guo has told her the situation.

Their son said at first that the room was wrong and that someone moved him.

But they wouldn't enter his room. At first, they thought they had entered the thief, but they didn't lose anything, and they didn't care about it.

But then, their son always felt that someone had touched him at night, and then he started talking nonsense, saying that there were ghosts.

My son is getting more and more wrong. They took them to major hospitals for examination, and there was nothing wrong with them.

Mr. Guo is doing business, and naturally he still believes in some things.

The hospital can't check the problem, maybe it's that aspect...

But they also found a lot of people, but they were not cured.

As soon as Mingshu stepped into the room, he felt a yin.

There were signs everywhere in the room. It seemed that there was something burned in the room. There was an unpleasant smell and choking nose.

The young man at the door just stood in the room. The young man was wearing a Taoist robe. He should be the young master.

Mingshu's eyes met him, and the Taoist looked disdainful.

"Mr. Guo, why don't you find me if you don't believe me?" The Taoist said first: "What does she know about such a little girl?"

"Master, don't get me wrong, I'm also eager to save the child." Mr. Guo is a mixed man in the market, and he is very talkative. "You are considerate, I am such a son."

Everyone said that, the Taoist had to sneer.

He wanted to see what this little girl, who didn't even have a line of business, could see.

Deception is not professional, and now young people are impetuous.

Mr. Guo saw that the Taoist prince refused to leave, and it was hard to say anything.

"Master, look at..."

Mingshu smiled at the priest, "You are so powerful."

Suddenly praised Taoist: "..."

Mingshu crossed the Taoist and walked to the bed.

Lying on the bed is a teenager, looking like a seventeen or eighty-year-old. His eyebrows are similar to those of Mr. Guo. At this moment his face turned blue and his brows were locked, and from time to time he showed a panicked expression.

The room was sullen, but there were no ghosts.

"What did the little girl see?" the Taoist asked with a sneer.

Mingshu ignored the Taoist, "When does this ghost usually come?"

Mr. Guo said: "It is usually after midnight, my son always yells at that time, saying there are ghosts..."

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