Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1437: Zombie Code (13)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

9 Mingshu found someone to rebuild Taoist temple. Taoist temple is not big, but this is not a job that ordinary people can do, and spending money is like spending water.

"Sister, sister, a priest came up the mountain."

The little ghost floated in from the outside, yelling in his throat.

"Come up, come up." It took so long for the tomb to pass before the priest came to the door. She was very surprised.

"Where?" The workers behind couldn't see the imp, thinking Mingshu spoke to him, and asked in doubt.

"Nowhere." Mingshu got up and walked outside.

The workers looked at each other.

This employer has always been weird and occasionally likes to talk to himself. If it is not Taoism here, they are also a little afraid.

The imps followed Mingshu, but they did not dare to go out, but they were all Taoists outside.

When Mingshu walked out of Taoist temple, a few Taoists outside just happened to go outside Taoist temple.

The leader was the Xiulun I saw before, and the remaining Taoists did not know, most of them were old.

Mingshu raised a standard smile and greeted them: "Scatter, do you find evidence to catch me?"

"Xunyi, we didn't come to you for that matter." Xiulun said: "We have checked that matter and it has nothing to do with you."

"That's a pity." The black pot didn't do it.

Xiulun: "?"

What a pity?

"Then why do you come to me?"

Xiulun glanced at the people around him and said, "Whether the sword you used in the tomb last time was obtained from the tomb."

Mingshu raised an eyebrow, "No."

She didn't get it from the ancient tomb, so she didn't lie.

Xiulun frowned and didn't believe what Mingshu said.

He said: "Xun Yi, the things coming out of the ancient tomb are of great importance. I hope you can give us that sword."

"If you let me pay, I will pay?" I don't have a face!

And this is a little goblin thing, how can it be given to you.

Xiulun: "How can you give it to us?"

Ming Shu: "Did you forget something?"

Xiulun was a little puzzled. What did he forget?

"I'm a scum of Daomen, are looking for me now and let me give you things, are you not taking medicine today?"

"This matter involves the entire Daomen, and even the whole metaphysical world..."

Mingshu raised his hand, "Don't tell me what the imaginary, metaphysical world, Daomen have to do with me? I'm a demon, a scum, and saving the world has nothing to do with this demon."

Xiulun: "..." Endless, right?

The priest behind could not help but yell: "Xunyi, don't force us to move!"

Mingshu said Yan Yan with a smile: "Ouch, I like you to be rough."

Taoists: "..."

Mingshu's attitude to the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, which caused the Taoist priests to explode.

"Catch her, and you don't believe in finding a sword."

This proposal was approved by the rest of the Taoist priests, and it was a demon Taoism themselves. They seized her and regarded it as a Taoist gate to eliminate harm for the metaphysical world.

Xiulun stopped them: "We are not here to find trouble this time."

"But with her attitude, it is impossible to give us the sword. If you don't get the sword, you won't find that thing."

Mingshu listened to their conversation, and Yo Mo understood it.

They want to use that sword to find... Speaking of it, what is the goblin called?

Thousands of years ago, people who want to come to the metaphysical world can't just ask him to drink tea, definitely to destroy him.

It's also pitiful.

Finally, it has to be chased and killed.

But Mingshu soon had no mood for the poor goblin, and she was besieged.

"Xun Yi! Hand over the sword with consciousness!"

"We can open the net to you!"

Xiulun didn't stop these Taoists. They surrounded Mingshu and began to speak one by one.

"I won't pay, you beat me!"

"You asked for it!"

"Well, come on!"

Mingshu made a gesture of confrontation.

The priests glanced at each other and started to work simultaneously.


The Taoist gate broke out, and the workers inside went out.

But when they arrived, they only saw the Taoist lay on the ground, which seemed to be over.

Their employers sit on the ground sighing buns...

Why is this picture a bit wrong?

"Miss Xunyi, this..."

"You came just right." Mingshu looked at them, "throw these people down the mountain."


If the people on the ground were still moving, they all suspected that she was telling them to throw the body.

Over the next few days, people continued to visit Mingshu.

The purpose is that sword.

Not to mention that the sword was a goblin, even if it wasn't his, she couldn't give it to a rival.

As a result, the Taoism that was cold and quiet on weekdays suddenly became lively.

The workers did not know what was happening, and they went out every day to carry people down the mountain.

Their employer can really fight.

So many Taoists are not her opponents.

Taoists: "..." fart! She cheated!

In order to save physical strength, Ming Shu used symbols. The original master's spells were generally learned, and she used her signature skills to deal with them, and there was nothing wrong with it.

She was just... painting better than the original owner, with a variety of effects and a longer duration.

Fortunately, it was once soared, but can it be more dumb than this group of people who can't even fly with a sword?

At the end of the day, the workers have already rested.

Mingshu was sitting by the window, and the moonlight sprinkled on her, as if coating her with a hazy halo.

The air around him suddenly became cold.

The light in front of him dimmed, Mingshu raised his head slightly, and a tall man stood in front of her.

He wore the clothes he changed last time, not messy at all, as clean as he had just bought.

The doll was carried by him and almost dragged to the ground, the doll looked extremely pitiful.

He faced Mingshu Station, the moonlight was blocked by him, and his entire face fell into darkness.

"It's blocking me from the moonlight." Mingshu said aloudly.

About ten seconds later, the man turned sideways, and the moonlight fell on Mingshu again.


He is here to get his sword.

Mingshu put his hands to his head and smiled and said, "I gave that group of Taoists."

The temperature fell sharply.

Ming Shu shrinked his body, good little fairy!

Mingshu looked around and dragged up the feather duster who was not there. He jumped up and greeted the man.

Let you die!

Dare to run last time!

What I wear is my...well, what I don't eat, but what I wear!

Dare to run!

Let you run!

The man grabbed the feather duster easily, and the ink pupil looked cold.

"Let go!" Mingshu murdered him.

The man's fingers pressed hard, and the feather duster made a slight click.

Mingshu took a deep breath and tried to squeeze out a smile: "I say it again, let go."


The feather duster was cut in two.

Mingshu held half of the feather duster and looked back and forth at the person on the opposite side and the feather duster for several seconds.

It's amazing.

Goblin is about to turn!

Break up!

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