Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1438: Zombie Code (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

ten minutes later.

The man stood outside with frost, looking at the person inside through the window.

She dared to beat herself.

Although it doesn't hurt at all...

Didn't he squeeze a feather duster? !

The man dragged the long-eared rabbit doll with a cold face.

Mingshu watched him leave, and the quiet moonlight fell on the floor, stretching her figure.

This is just the remnant of the goblin. Now his character is magnified indefinitely and he can't care about him.

Mingshu comforted himself a little bit better.

I miss the goblin from the last plane.

Good and soft.

Mingshu ate several packs of snacks, which was a comfort to him.

She just lay on the rocking chair and fell asleep.

Moon moves flowers and shadows, night breeze.

Min-shu sensed the coldness, and was overwhelmed by a pile of feather dusters before opening his eyes.

She struggled to sit up from the feather duster.

The man stood beside him with a cold face.

Apparently he did it just now.


The man froze out a word: "Pay."

Mingshu: "..."

Who wants you to pay!

Are you sick if you step on a horse!

Is it sick?


"Where did you steal this stuff?" Mingshu didn't consider buying at all. Her clothes were bought by her. He may not even know what RMB is.

The man pointed his finger down the mountain.

There is a village near Wuliang Mountain, and the villagers put a feather duster on them, and when they go to the market, they take it to the town to sell it.

"Give me back!"

The man withdrew his hand and hugged the doll in his arms indifferently... a bit like holding a sword.

The meaning is obvious-I will not go uncle!

Mingshu brushed the feathers on his body and said softly, "If I see these tomorrow morning, I will break your sword into pieces."

Mingshu felt stared again.

But looking at it, the man is still cold and smooth.

Mingshu raised his finger outside.

The two froze for a while, and the man stooped to collect the feather duster on the floor, and together with the doll, hugged and jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

He just wanted to get his sword back!

Why is it so difficult!

He went down the mountain and stood on the road in a daze...

Where did he find it?

Holding a pile of feather dusters, the man walked forward aimlessly, trying to retrieve some memory.

But I can't remember it.

He looked back and forth, the empty road, could not even see a ghost.

Throw here...

She shouldn’t know?

He found a place to throw the feather duster, holding the doll ready to go back.

After walking a distance, he paused again.

The moonlight shone coldly on his face, the lines on his side were icy, his lips curled slightly, and he turned back to pick up all the feather dusters.

It was difficult to find the village, but he didn’t remember which one, and finally threw it at the door of a family.

He held the doll and quit the village.


Exploded in the night with a loud scold.

Two people showed up in the darkness, and one of them also took a mobile phone to send WeChat: "Master, I found the whereabouts of that thing. I sent you a location. Come over quickly, we drag him."


WeChat sent successfully.

The man in the black shirt stood quietly in the thick dark night, and the cold momentum of his body gradually became stronger, just like the monarch in the night.

The two stared at each other, struck each other from left to right.

The man didn't even show his hand, but dodged by his body.

He disdained those who were so weak that he could be crushed with one finger.

One of them wanted to catch him. The man fell sideways and instead grabbed the ear of the long-eared rabbit.

The doll slipped out of the man's arms.

The man saw that he had grabbed useless things. Although he was surprised that the toy actually held a doll, he didn't think about it and threw it away.

The doll crossed an arc in the night.

The moment he threw away the doll, he had a fear of scalp tingling.

The surrounding temperature dropped to the extreme.


The man stooped to pick up the doll, patted the dust on the doll's body, hugged it with a sword, and walked towards the darkness.

Behind him, the two lay on the ground, their eyes widened.

The screen of the phone lights up suddenly.

After flashing several times, it fell into darkness.


After half an hour.

A group of people rushed to the scene and were surprised when they saw the disciples lying on the ground, but they seemed to want to predict the situation again.

One of them stepped forward to check the situation of the two.

"How is it?" someone asked.

The person who gave the disciple's pulse shook his head, and he was full of anger, but the cultivation base was... afraid that it would be useless.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

Two good people said that it would be useless.

"They really met that thing?" There was no strange breath in the vicinity, and even a little bit of anger didn't appear.

"Someone had photographed him in front of that day, and he should not have mistaken."

"Last time we met him... his strength is unfathomable, we are not his opponents, hey..."

When they received the news, they immediately told them not to be impulsive, but the two disciples did not see it.

"The sword in Xun Yi's hand..." Someone said, "Is it really possible to deal with him?"

No one answered this question.

Whether he can deal with him or not, Xunyi doesn't hand over the sword at all now.


The man returned to the Wuliang Mountain, the window closed, and he walked around the room. He reached out and tried to push, but no push.

His thin lips twitched slightly, his fingers pressed slightly, and the window snapped with a click.

He jumped into the window and walked straight to the bed.

Mingshu had already sat up, his entire face hidden in darkness.

Half a meter away from the bed, the man paused.


It's back.

Mingshu lay back, "If you disturb me to sleep again, I will kill you."

the man:"……"

He stood motionless, looking at the direction of the bed.

The **** the bed suddenly moved, and she looked up: "What's your name?"



There seemed to be no living things in the room.

In the end, the man lost.

His voice was clear: "Duqin."

Du Qing? Du Qing?

Which word?

Obviously Duqin didn't mean it.

Mingshu lay back on the bed, looked at the mosquito net, pondered for a while, and the sleepiness struck, whispering to Duqin, "Don't mess up."

The person on the bed gradually calmed down.

Duqin looked at her, and looked around her, and put it on the whole room.

Where will she put the sword?

The whole room was shabby. Except for a bed, there was only the rocking chair that she had been lying on, which could be read at a glance. There was no place to hide anything.

Duchin retracted his gaze and pinched the doll.

Why can she sleep in peace?

Are you not afraid to start with her?

However, Duqin asked himself in the bottom of his heart, would he do it for her?

The answer is no.

He won't let go.

Not even willing to hurt her.

He loosened the doll and spread his palms.


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