Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1441: Zombie Code (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu felt that the little goblin was really a bit hiring.

Although he has a ‘off my fart’ attitude, Mingshu is still a little irritable.

Mingshu first bought masks and hats for Duqin, and forced Duqin to put him on in the sight of Duqin's murder.

"Don't take your face out and sway, the group of priests are looking for you everywhere, and there is a fight, it's me who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the most troubled."

Duqin's eyes grew colder.

Mingshu pulled down his mask slightly, and the mask hung on his white chin. Mingshu climbed his shoulder and pecked his head.

The hustle and bustle of traffic is suddenly fading away at this moment.

Duqin's body converged a little, and Ming Shu was allowed to wear a mask for him.

For her own sake, she doesn't care about her.

He likes the temperature on her.

Also like her touching herself.

The corners of lips under Duqin's mask were slightly squeezed, and the dark, dark eyes condensed the dark light that was impenetrable.

Mingshu arrived at the place agreed by the other party.

However, the other party did not arrive. Mingshu stood for a while, looked around and found a coffee shop to sit in.

Thirty minutes later, Ming Shu received a call from the other party.

She packed up the little cake and took it away, pushed the door open and went out.

Across the road, stood a man looking around.

"Mr. Hu."

"Master?" Mr. Hu turned his head and saw that a young girl like Mingshu was slightly stunned, and bit her tongue fiercely, before he could speak out the question.

This man was introduced by an old friend of his. He knew it was a woman, but he didn't expect to be so young.

The old friend shouldn't slap him.

Now people cannot judge people by their appearance!

His eyes fell on the man next to Mingshu, this man...

Wearing a hat and mask, and hanging his head, he could hardly see anything, and there was an atmosphere that made people dare not approach.

Just the rabbit in his arms...

This man is extraordinary at a glance!

Mr. Hu thought this a little and felt at ease. "Master, I'm really embarrassed. Something went wrong with my car, which caused a delay."

Ming Shu politely smiled and nodded, "Lead the way."

Mingshu has a good attitude, and Mr. Hu is more humble: "Well, I will stop the car, and the master will wait a moment."

On the way to go, Mr. Hu always looked at Qin, but Mingshu did not introduce him, and he was embarrassed to ask.

After all, the old friend can say that this master is a bit weird.

The car eventually stopped in an old city.

These are all courtyard houses.

Don't look at this kind of courtyard house, because they are all ancient buildings. I heard that they are planned to be protected areas, and the residents here are all uploaded by their ancestors, and they can't be bought with money.

"Master, let me tell you something." When walking inside, Mr. Hu introduced himself.

"Not long ago my grandfather passed away. I inherited this house from my grandfather...Because the environment here is good, my daughter-in-law happened to be pregnant, so I thought about it and moved to live."

"Who knows that it will not take long for me to move in, and my business will become yellow as soon as I am alone, and I didn't care at the time, thinking it was just bad luck."

"But then, I started to be unlucky. My daughter-in-law always heard the movements in the middle of the night, but when she got up, she saw nothing."

"It's just a simple thing. I may always think it's just that I am too old for this year and too lucky. But the combination of the two things is a bit weird."

"Since we moved into this house, it started to get awkward."

"So I invited people to come to see me, and I met a few scammers, but there are also masters who are really talented, but they all said that they couldn't solve it. Let me invite Gao Ming."

"It's here." Mr. Hu pointed to a family in front.

Entering the door is a large yard with many flowers and plants.

"Why not move out?" Ming Shu asked while looking at the house.

"Hey." Mr. Hu sighed: "I haven't thought about it. Moving out is worse than staying here. My daughter-in-law is pregnant and can't stand tossing. We don't know what caused it."

Mr. Hu rubbed his hands and said: "Master, take a good look, money is not a problem."

"Old Hu."

The pregnant woman with her big belly pushed open the door and yelled softly.

"Hey, Master, this is my wife, wife, this is the master I invited." Mr. Hu introduced to both parties.

"Good master."

"Hello." Mingshu glanced across her stomach.

Mrs. Hu is a kind of gentle woman from Jiangnan.

Mrs. Hu was going to pour tea for them, Mr. Hu quickly let her rest, and he was busy.

"Lao Hu, we invited so many people, this..." Mrs. Hu's voice was soft, and she whispered to Mr. Hu.

Mr. Hu comforted her, "This was introduced by Lao Zhou. He can't pit me. The matter of Lao Zhou last time was solved by this master."


This is less reliable than last time.

"Okay, don't worry, I know."

Mrs. Hu whispered and nodded.

Mr. Hu has already said almost the same.

Even after living in this house, he continued to be unlucky.

"Can you just take a look?"

"It's okay, master, just look at it."

Mingshu got up and looked around. This quadrangle is not small, and there are several others in the back.

Looking at the rooms one by one, Ming Shu didn't understand Feng Shui well, but he also learned a little. This house should have no problem.

But she did not see yin.

Mingshu walked to the last room and found the door locked.

The lock has rusted and it seems that no one has opened it for a long time.

Mingshu tried to push the door and couldn't open it.

She tried to look inside, but nothing could be seen inside.


Mrs. Hu's screams came out from outside, and Mingshu immediately turned around.

"Wife-in-law, are you okay?" Mr. Hu helped Mrs. Hu nervously.

Mrs. Hu looked a little nervously at the broken teapot on the ground.

For a long time, she realized a little panic afterwards, her voice was not in tone, "No, nothing."

Mrs. Hu almost fell just now. Even if you fall like this, even if the baby in the belly is saved, it will be uncomfortable.

Mingshu looked back at Duqin, but found him staring at Mrs. Hu.

"What are you looking at?"

Duqin reached out and pointed to Mrs. Hu's belly.



Mrs. Hu seems to be five months pregnant.

But Mingshu didn't see anything strange.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Mr. Hu was comforting Mrs. Hu Hu over there, and then sent her back to the room.

When he came out, Mr. Hu looked ugly, he said: "Master, you also saw that this kind of little thing happens constantly."

His daughter-in-law did not fall today, so next time? Next time?

This not only tortured their bodies, but also tortured their nerves.

Because you don’t know when the next bad luck will happen.

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