Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1442: Zombie Code (18)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu did not know what Duqin wanted to express, but it was not easy to ask at this time, and he could only change the subject.

"What's in that locked room?"

Mr. Hu took a few seconds to answer: "That room, when we came, the room was locked, maybe it was locked by my grandfather. The room was enough, I was busy, and something like this happened I didn’t go to see what was inside."

"Can you open it and see?"

"Okay." The house is now his, of course it can be opened.

Mr. Hu also didn't have a key. He directly found something and opened the lock.

Unexpectedly, the room was empty, there was nothing, no debris.

Mingshu turned around in the room, except that the room was a bit cold and there was no yin.

"Master..." Mr. Hu called Mingshu anxiously, "Do you see anything?"

"Not yet."


He invited so many people, no one could solve it, and Mr. Hu was just disappointed.

"Look at it again." Mingshu turned over two folded peace symbols for him. "You and your daughter-in-law, please don't leave."

"Good..." Mr. Hu took over: "Then I will arrange the residence for the master first?"


Mr. Hu arranged a room for Mingshu and Duqin alone. When dinner was in the evening, Mrs. Hu seemed to have no trouble, and she cooked the food herself.

There used to be servants in this yard. Later, there were too many unlucky things, and the servants could not keep going.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hu is not a person who knows nothing, and she can take care of herself.

"I don't know if you are used to eating..."

Mingshu tried a dish and nodded, "Not bad."

"The master likes it." Mrs. Hu seemed relieved and sat down next to Mr. Hu.

Mingshu was eating happily, and Duqin didn't even move his chopsticks. He held the doll and sat there like a sculpture.

With him in place, neither Mr. Hu nor Mrs. Hu dare to speak loudly.

"Master, does this... little brother don't eat?" Mr. Hu asked tentatively.

"He lost weight." Mingshu replied casually: "Don't care about him."

Mr. Hu and Mrs. Hu looked at each other without daring to ask again.

Mainly, the breath on Duchin was a little scary.

Mr. Hu gave Mrs. Hu a soup and whispered, "Drink some soup first."

Mrs. Hu smiled slightly at Mr. Hu.

After the meal, Mingshu and Mr. Hu spoke for a while, and then circled around in the courtyard before returning to the room.

She had just closed the door, and it was dark in front of her.

Know who it is without looking, Mingshu reminded him, "Your room..."

Icy hands held her shoulders, pushed her against the door, and the kiss without temperature fell down, blocking her words back.

Mingshu: "?"

What's wrong with this little zombie?

Mingshu raised his head slightly, and had no skill in cooperating with him, only knowing to plunder, without temperature kiss.

The man closed his eyes slightly and could only peep into the dark, dark-colored pupils.

The long lashes were swept, causing a slight itching.

Ming Shu simply relaxed against the door, the man's slender body pressed, entangled her every inch of temperature.

He was greedy for the temperature in her.

With such a thought, Duqin let himself indulge in it.

Mingshu was kissed with some brain hypoxia.

Duqin loosened her lips at the right time, and the lips were still close to her. He whispered: "Hug."

"You are cold, little zombie."

"Hug." Duqin stubbornly expressed his intention with a word.

Mingshu: "..."

Why don't you go according to the script!

What kind of cute selling dead face paralysis!

Mingshu stretched out his hands helplessly and surrounded the cold man.

The man's lips lightly touched her cheek, moved down little by little, and finally fell on her neck.

Mingshu didn't say anything, she felt Duqin rubbed several times, and then tightened her arms quietly, holding her in her arms and staying still.


There has always been only one tone of tone, and at this time it even brought questions.

"Huh." Mingshu nodded.

Normal people are now estimated to be ice sculptures.

As soon as Mingshu nodded, his body emptied.

She was picked up by Princess Duqin, Duqin walked towards the bed, tucked Ming Shu into the quilt, and hugged her under the quilt, "So?"

Mingshu: "..."

Do you think the coldness on your body can be resisted by a quilt? What is your misunderstanding about yourself!

Duqin saw Mingshu not answering, and suddenly reached out to squeeze her face.

"Little zombies, don't you have to measure your feet!" Ming Shu clapped his hands.

Duqin's eyelashes twitched slightly, and a low voice said: "Duqin, life-saving degree, Jingdingqin."

This is the longest sentence that Mingshu heard from him.

I thought he wouldn't speak.

Feelings can talk, but just don't want to say such long sentences?

"Little zombies don't sound good?"

"Do not."

Who is the little zombie!

He is not!

"But I want to call you that." Mingshu deliberately approached him. "What should I do?"

Duqin said nothing.

He held Mingshu without saying a word, tightening and tightening, Mingshu suspected that he was going to suffocate himself in the quilt.


Mingshu wanted to pull apart the quilt, and Duqin pressed her back expressionlessly.

Mingshu: "..."

"let go."

"Do not."

"Do you say it again?" Mingshu was not good at speaking.

The latter closed his mouth but did not let go.

Mingshu: "..."

I'm so angry! Such people should enter the cold palace!

Mingshu struggled for a while, the quilt wrapped his hands and feet, not very easy to display.

She looked up at the person next to her, rubbed hard, kissed the corner of his mouth, and rubbed again to complete a complete kiss.

Mingshu's kiss was more skillful than his unruly kiss.

Mingshu successfully rescued himself.

She kicked the person down with one foot, and wiped the corner of her mouth with her hand. "Duchin, you dare to move me again, I will kill you!"

Duqin disagreed, she said it many times, but she didn't treat her every time.

"You come up and try!"

Duqin's hand rested on the bed slightly, then retracted after a while, stood up silently, and retreated to the dark room.

Mingshu sat on the bed, looking at the darkness there.

She fell over her head and didn't want to.

The dead goblin can't be petted.

Mingshu turned his back over there.

Not knowing how long it took, Mingshu turned over, "Little Zombie."

The man standing in the dark moved, saying he heard it.


The shadow over there shook twice, and then Mingshu saw him come over and stand two steps away from the bed.

In the dark, no one can see whose expression.

Ming Shu sighed, "Come up."

"You are cold."

Ming Shu was stunned, thinking that he was afraid of hitting him before converging.

"I'm not so coquettish." Ming Shu said: "Come up."

Duqin took two steps to the bed, and he moved slowly into the bed.

"Sleeping and undressing."

"..." Duqin thought for a moment, then suddenly retreated to the bed.

"Eh, what are you running for?" Mingshu grabbed him.

"will not."

"Why not, give you a face, do you still have to push your nose on your face?"

"Clothes, no."

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