Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1443: Zombie Code (19)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu thought about it for a while before he understood what he said.

Because he won't take off his clothes, will he give up sleeping with himself?

Mingshu was frightened by this recognition.

This little goblin is afraid of being poisonous.

Who was going to die or live before, strangling you without being hugged?

Mingshu dragged the person back, Duqin hugged the doll, sat on the bed, bowed his head, the air pressure was a little low.

Mingshu reached out and unbuttoned his clothes, took off his coat, and then rudely pressed the man down, then lay directly in his arms, pulling the useless quilt over the two.

Duqin seemed to be confused by this accident.

There was no response for a while.

"Hello, you hold me and hold this rabbit?"

"..." Duqin moved the doll away and put it aside, arms around Mingshu.


Nothing happened overnight.

Mingshu woke up from Duqin's arms the next day. Xu Shi fell asleep and did not work smoothly, causing her hands and feet to be stiff.


Wouldn't it be painful to sleep with the goblin in the future?

Mingshu was trying to touch the pressure of snacks and was suddenly pressed under him.


His hands and feet were still stiff, and Mingshu was forced to bear a good morning kiss.

If Mr. Hu knocked outside and told her to have breakfast, it is estimated that Duqin would not let her go.

Ming Shu glanced at him, "You didn't respond?"

Duqin hugged the doll and looked over blankly.

What reaction does he need?

Mingshu: "..."

Mingshu felt like a strange aunt. She coughed and got out of bed first, then dressed Duqin.

"You're learning things so fast, why don't you wear clothes?" He used his mobile phone before.

The Duchen little zombie responded aggressively to her three words: "No need."

No need...



Nothing happened last night, even the voices that Mrs. Hu always heard were gone.

Mrs. Hu slept well and her spirits improved a lot.

Mr. Hu was thankful to Mingshu.

Mingshu: "..."

She didn't do anything and saw nothing at all yesterday.

After breakfast, Mingshu and Duqin sat in the yard. She leaned beside him and asked him, "What did you do with her belly yesterday?"

The man with his head down slightly raised his head, and only the girl in her dark pupil.

Obviously it was cold and no temperature watching, but it would make people feel that he took a little tired seriousness.

"Yin Qi." The man lowered his head when he finished, and continued to pinch the doll in his hand.

I really want to hug her,

He wanted to take her back and sleep with him.

It must be nice to be with her.

Mrs. Hu came out and saw Duchen's cruel doll. She took a breath of air and suddenly stepped back, not knowing what to step on, and fell back.


Mrs. Hu knocked over something behind and made a loud noise.

"daughter in law!"

Mr. Hu ran out of the back room, his face changed drastically, and helped Mrs. Hu up.

"How are you, wife? Where are you, wife?"

Mrs. Hu's face was pale, she covered her belly and spit out a few words, "Lao Hu, my child..."

Yin Hong's blood ran out from under Mrs. Hu, and Mingshu saw a ray of black gas dig out from Mrs. Hu's stomach. The ray of black gas seemed to provoke Mingshu, twisted a few times, and flew towards the back room.

"Wife-in-law!" Mr. Hu shouted in panic.

Mingshu took out a symbol and shot it on Mrs. Hu, and then chased the black air past.

All the way to the room I saw yesterday, the door of the room was not locked, and Mingshu pushed open the door to enter.

It was still an empty room.


The door closed suddenly, and when Mingshu turned around, the surroundings suddenly darkened, as thick ink splashed in the air.

But in an instant, she was in darkness.

Can't see anything.

Can't hear anything.

At this moment, the fierce ghost suddenly appeared in front of Mingshu, opened the blood basin and rushed over.

"I'm going!" Mingshu jumped back and smashed the beast.

The little beast was thrown out, and hit the ghost.

The ghost form dissipated, and the little animal fell to the ground.

The shimmer glowed slowly.

The little animal jumped up: "Shoveling shit!"

"Frightened me." Mingshu patted his chest.

Little Beast: "..."

The little animal jumped from the ground, jumped on her, crawled to the palm of his hand, and took a sip and ate what was in her hand.

Mingshu: "..."

I bring such a thing to make a copy!

Mingshu was devastated by the little beast.

The little animal was struggling.

A ghost appeared quietly from behind Mingshu, stretched out its sharp claws, and grimaced...

Mingshu suddenly threw the beast back.

"Have you hit it?"

The little animal jumped up and roared: "I will remind you again that I am a pig!"

Ming Shu disagreed, "You can't, you don't have much pork."

Little Beast: "..."


Right now!

Who wants this master who wants it!

From time to time, ghosts appeared, and Mingshu carried the beasts in a mess.

"I said, what are you doing to hide, and come out chattering." Mingshu pointed to the void.

"Many business!" Sharp, indistinguishable to the voice of men and women, came from all directions, "Go die!"

A group of fierce ghosts suddenly appeared, screaming at Mingshu.

"I'm going! You don't talk about ghost looks!" Such a terrible look, want to scare me to inherit my snacks?

Mingshu no longer threw the beast, and began to spread symbols.

For a time, the whole space was a ghost scream.

Mingshu's eyes swept through the darkness around him, and finally locked somewhere.

She rushed out of the group of ghosts and went straight to the other side. She grabbed her fingers in the darkness. The darkness seemed to be alive and escaped from Mingshu's hands.

"How did you find me!" The anxious voice sounded.

"Probably because of my strength."


After the panic at the beginning of the voice, he quickly calmed down, "You are trapped by me now, do you think you can leave here if you find me?"

"Wow, you are so powerful."


Mingshu asked curiously: "Since you are so powerful, why didn't you know that Mr. Hu and Mrs. Hu were killed?"

"It's too cheap to kill them!" The voice was full of hate, "I want them to lose everything, not to die."

Ming Shu praised: "Good aspirations."

The voice said fiercely: "Hurry up with your consciousness, this is the grudge between Hu and me, it has nothing to do with you!"

Mingshu shook his head: "That won't work, I still have to make money."

The voice roared: "You stinky priests, take care of your business! Let me die!"

In the darkness, a horrid group of ghosts appeared suddenly.

Ming Shu lifted her sleeves to prepare for a dry rack, and the temperature around her suddenly became cold, and she was hugged by someone in the next second, her back leaning against a cold chest.

The darkness faded away.

She was still standing in the empty room, and the man wrapped her arms around her from the back and hugged her completely.

There seemed to be screams of fierce ghosts in the air.

Every sound is full of fear and despair.

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