Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1453: Duqinfanwai(29)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

1479 BC.

Cross the river.

Three consecutive months of heavy rain have caused the Yuehe River to rise, flooding the surrounding area, causing countless deaths and injuries and howling.

However, at this time a man was standing out of thin air across the choppy river.

He has dark hair and black eyes, and is in a tall and straight posture, like a god's mansion suddenly coming.

Under the vast rain, you can get a glimpse of the man's stunning looks.

He stood quietly across the river.

The water across the river is getting turbulent.

Like an angry beast, it rushed into the distance, drowning more souls.

The man suddenly looked up.

The clear voice penetrated the rain curtain, "I, Duqin, would like to sacrifice heaven with my own body, pray to the gods, and save the spirit from fire and water, so as to avoid their suffering."


On the clouds, there seemed to be thousands of horses running.

The thick lightning of the arm cut through the sky and seemed to tear the whole sky.

The world is shaking.

The blood stained the river water.

The choppy crossing of the river gradually subsided.

The sky is clear.

But above the river, the man's figure could no longer be found.

Thick bells came from afar.

"Long live my king..."

Above the mountain, people on the altar spit out blood.

He fell on the altar, looking at the direction of crossing the river, and raised his hand tremblingly.



1279 BC.

Two hundred years have passed, and no one remembers the disaster that year.

As the dynasty changed, the people lived and worked in peace.

"It's not good anymore, Yuehe turns red!!"

"Yuehe turned red!!!"

The horrified voice spread in the village near the Yue River.

The villagers rushed across the river.

They lived on the edge of the Yue River for generations and lived on the Yue River.

At this time, the clear river crossed the scarlet, like someone dumped paint in the river and dyed it red.

The whole river is red.

Some villagers went to watch them upstream and downstream, they are all red, I don't know where they spread.

"what's up?"

"It's scary, isn't it a monster?"

"Is this blood?"

The cross-river vision made people afraid to approach the river, but the cross-river was as calm as ever, and nothing happened for several days.

The people had a lot of discussions, and finally the villagers decided to look across the river.

They **** the bamboo rafts, selected several villagers with better waterborne properties and got on the bamboo rafts together.

Someone was more courageous and reached for a cup of water, but the water was clear in the palm of his hand.

Everyone looked at each other.

They paddled carefully on the river.

The Yuehe River is still the original Yuehe River. It seems that the color has changed without any change.


Suddenly someone pointed to the front left.

There seems to be different colors.

Everyone swallowed.

"In the past?"

"In the past... right."

It’s all here, isn’t it not in the past?

They looked to the shore, and the villagers crowded on the shore, watching them.

"Come on, be careful."

Everyone took the sharpened wooden stick in their hands and used it as a weapon.

As the bamboo raft advances, the water surface ripples and sways towards the shore.

As they got closer and closer, the different colors gradually enlarged, and as the things there showed up, the people on the bamboo raft slightly widened their eyes.


The man folded his hands in front of his chest and sank quietly in the water. The ink-colored hair was taken away by the running water and fluttered slightly.

The red brilliance brought by the running water is set against the face of a man, like a fairy in the sky.

They have never seen such a good-looking person.

Even if the man is sleeping, they can feel the noble spirit of the man.

There is a sword beside the man.

The sharp blade seems to break out of the water.

The villagers hesitated at first, and finally negotiated to get the people out.


Duqin slept for two hundred years.

Opening your eyes again, the world turned upside down.

And he is a dead man.

At that time, he led troops to conquer, and the killing was too heavy, resulting in the heavy rain that didn't stop for three months, which caused the world's souls to be charcoal.

Before him, it was not that no one else sacrificed.

But no.

But he did not expect that he could wake up again.

In the appearance of a dead person.

It is a pity that all his power seems to have disappeared, he is just an ordinary person.

After Duqin left Yuehe, Yuehe returned to normal.

Duqin woke up and left the fishing village. He did not know what his death and resurrection would bring, but he intuitively told him that he could not stay in that place.

Facts have proved that his intuition is correct.

Not long after he left, the fishing village welcomed a group of strangers.

The villagers were very scared and told them all about the fact that they were fishing alone in the Yue River.

After that, Duqin was pursued by the group.

They don't want to kill him, they want to catch him.

That was the thirteenth day he woke up.

He was resting in a cave. In the middle of the night, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The blue muscles on his arm burst, and there was a cold force in his body, as if to freeze him.

Then he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he found that he was locked in a cage. He could only sit in a half-height cage.

The blue tendons on his arms disappeared, and what happened before he lost consciousness seemed to be an illusion,

The cage was placed in an empty temple.

There was a strange fragrance around.

That fragrance...

very special.

Duqin tried to open the cage, but he was too weak to open it.

He did not know how long he had spent in that empty hall.

He doesn't need to eat.

There is no need to sleep.

Until one day, someone came in.

The man claimed to be a national teacher.

He said it took a lot of effort to find himself.

The national teacher asked him if he would be his right arm.

Duqin felt that he should be angry, but he seemed to forget what anger was, but calmly and indifferently rejected him.

The National Teacher was not discouraged either, and tried to persuade him for several days.

Duqin thought about how to leave.

The National Teacher persuaded him for a few days and was a little angry to see him unmoved.

He called several people in, and Duqin heard people call them wizards.

Together with the cage, he was carried into a secret room in the hall.

There was a pool in the back room, and he was thrown into the pool.

The wizard surrounded the pool, and there were things around him that made him uncomfortable. He couldn't get close to the edge of the pool or even leave.

"The best of your acquaintances is to agree to my request. What's wrong with following me? In the future, it will be more than 10,000 people!"

"No need."

He was above ten thousand people.

Why do he need to achieve himself?

"Humph!" The national teacher sneered. "Toasts don't eat fines."

The master of the country gave orders to the wizard, and the wizards turned around the pool and read strange spells from time to time.

Two hundred years is enough to change many things.

Duqin was forced to stay in that strange pool.

At first he didn't feel much, but gradually, he found that those blue muscles appeared again on his body.

Then his flesh started to rot.

Chi Shui seems to be able to erode his soul...

Do not!

He is dead.

How can he still have a soul?

But is it the soul, why is he alive again?


The background is aerial, don't check it.

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