Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1454: Duqinfanwai (End)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Duqin couldn't remember how long he had been in the pool.

After the green muscles on his body burst, the flesh began to fall off.

The white bone was exposed, which was terrifying, but it didn't hurt, as if it was not his flesh.

He became a skeleton.

"Hahahaha, it's really extraordinary, so it's okay." The master of the country laughed at the edge of the pool, "My ambitions domineering hahaha!"

Duqin felt that his consciousness was somewhat uncontrolled, no...

Duqin wanted to fight, and that force was even stronger than him.

He realized that he couldn't compete with him.

He fell into chaos.

From time to time, the voice of the national teacher will sound.

He left the pool.

Guo Shi always let him kill.

Killing many, many people, countless people scolded him for monsters and scolded the state teachers for their inhumanity.

The earth, which had been quiet for two hundred years, was once again plunged into blood and death.

Duqin didn't know how many people he killed. He wanted to break away from the chaos, but his strength was too weak.

But he can control the body briefly.

He began to slowly regain consciousness behind the national teacher.

This process is long and arduous.

But he persevered.

When he could completely control his body, he did not rush to show off with the national division, but continued to grow his strength without moving.

The national teacher still let him kill.

Do not……

He is now king.

The territory of the Guoshi is getting bigger and bigger, and he is getting more and more powerful. When the Guoshi dominates the world with killing, he finally remembers to remove him.

It is a pity that it is too late.

Duqin killed the state teacher and threw him into the original pool, letting him watch his bones and flesh separate.

However, even if he killed the state teacher, he could not control his desire to kill.


Endless killing.

There are countless dead souls under his sword.



"You wake up!"

"Wang, don't do this!"

Whose voice?

Duqin didn't know.

But the voice was always in his ear, he was very annoyed, kill...

"Wang, look at me, you wake up!"

Duqin was awake suddenly for some reason.

In his hand, however, he pinched a child about ten years old, and his face was so blue.


A tender voice came from his throat with difficulty.

Duqin looked at him suspiciously, then let go, and the child fell to the ground. He coughed, but he didn't run away.

"Wang, great." The child looked at him happily. "You don't want to kill anymore."

Duqin looked at his white hand bones, "Can't help it."

"It doesn't matter Wang, I will help you." The child's face was firm.

"Help me?" He didn't need help.

Duqin glanced at the child and lifted his feet to walk in the distance. It was a city of humans.

The child followed stumbled, and he cried, "King, don't go anymore."

Duqin was so wakeful for so long that he paused and looked back at the child.

The child was crying very sad.


What is he sad about?

Duqin looked at the city in the distance, looked at him again, and finally fell silent, turning to walk in the other direction.

The child followed him step by step.

He always calls him king.

He is king...

What king?

Whose king?

Duqin felt that he had forgotten many things.

Every time he wanted to kill, the child would call him, again and again, as if to pull him back from the abyss.


He seemed used to the child's existence.

However, they were hunted down by human beings, and they were obviously only a weak child, but they protected him every time, and bruised themselves.

"Wang, I will protect you."

The child stared at him firmly and seriously.

What he saw from the bottom of his eyes was just a bone shelf.


The child smiled happily, "You are my king."

Duqin wanted to tell him that he wasn't, he didn't even remember who he was.

But he didn't say a word in the end.

They were chased and killed along the way, and the child fled with him to prevent him from killing.

after that……

They found a place to hide.

There is no killing.

No blood.

Duqin remembers that he lived there for a long time, and that child grew from a teenager to a young man.

The youth occasionally left, and Duqin was able to control himself well, so he left, and Duqin did not feel anything.

But young people have been leaving longer and longer.

Until that day...

The young man came back to pick him up.

When humans saw him, the look of horror was still fresh in his memory.

However, the young man did not care and took him out and lived in a big palace.

They called the young king.

But the young man can bend his knees and bow his back, respectfully calling him king.

The young man tried to find a way to restore his flesh and blood, but at that time the national teacher didn't know the method to use, and he had never found a way.

The youth is getting old.

But he is still the same.

Instead, the strength is getting stronger.

The youth seemed to be afraid.

Duqin didn't know what he was afraid of.

It took the youth ten years to build the ancient tomb.

"Wang, you sleep." Youth said: "I will greet you again after a long time."


The man in the dragon robe knelt on one knee, "King, without me, I am afraid they will bully you."


Duqin did not hesitate.

He didn't know the meaning of living like this.

He lay in the prepared coffin.

The young man was old, his temples with white hair, standing outside the coffin, looked at him sadly.

He told himself that because he was afraid of losing control, his power was sealed in half on his portable sword, which was both a seal and a killer.

Later, he closed the coffin himself.

The world of Duchin fell into darkness.

He heard the cry of sadness outside.

"Wang, wait for me."

This is what he said to him last.

But Duchin did not wait for him.

He woke up many times, no one came to him, he was always in the dark.

Later, he became impatient, so he went out on his own.

The outside world made him a little confused.

The strangeness left him at a loss.

Those who wore weird people still stared at him, but it was no longer the horrified look, but another...

He looked for the sword and found her.

At that time, he just wanted to get his things back, but never thought that that person would become his most important person.

Later, he saw himself in the window.

He, who was supposed to be a skeleton, had recovered his flesh and blood, but he was at a loss.

Then the girl approached him with a smile and stuffed him with furry dolls.

She broke into his world without warning.

But he does not exclude her.

He likes the temperature on her.

Also like her.

Duqin stood on Wuliang Mountain and looked towards the tomb.

"Little zombie."

Duqin turned his head back, and the girl stood in front of Taoist Temple, and called him with a smile, like the gentleness she first saw.

He held the doll and walked towards the light in his heart.

"I remember his name is Qingcheng and it was my priest."


Jiu Shao only inherited Duqin's memory, not the previous Duqin.

Ah, suddenly Qingmeng and Duchen!

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