Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1455: Mermaid Legend (1)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

#人鱼头条:Chao Shuang does not fit a word#



"Doctor, how is my daughter?"

"The rescue came back last night, but... be prepared."

"Doctor, is there no other way?"

"Our hospital is temporarily unable to do anything."

"I heard……"

The sound in Mingshu's ears subsided, and she slowly opened her eyes to the pure white ceiling.

She was lying on the hospital bed with a breathing mask.

Mingshu stretched his hand down the breathing mask, the smell of medicine came, breathing was difficult, she quickly put it back.

Why is it so pitiful every time I wake up?


The body she uses is not dead, how can she use...

Mingshu decided to receive the memory first.

The original caller was Chao Shuang.

Chao Shuang is the only daughter in the family. Her parents love and happy.

Until the father came back with a little girl about her size.

Of course, not an illegitimate girl.

The person from Chaoshuang's father's military department was the daughter of a comrade-in-arms. The comrade-in-arms died to save him. There was only one little girl left in the comrade's home.

The father was guilty, so he took the little girl home.

Since the little girl came to the house, Chao Shuang clearly felt his father's preference for her.

Because his comrades died to save him, he felt guilty, so he wanted to make up for the little girl.

What did she want before?

Now as long as the little girl likes it, the father has to let her give it to the little girl.

Fortunately at the beginning, after all, they are still small, and Chaofu will also compensate Chaoshuang the next day.

Well, just kidding.

Chao Shuang did not like the little girl, nor did she like it.

After all, after she came, she divided her fatherly love.

But as they grow older, the father obviously prefers little girls, and sometimes things that cannot be balanced are always given to little girls.

The father always said that he owed her father, and she should not be ill-treated, nor should she be wronged, and be patient.

But Chao Shuang is also a child, or his own child.

She also needs to be favored.

In such an environment, even Chao Shuang is a sensible child, and will be dissatisfied.

Chao Shuang became more and more rebellious, and the little girl became more and more obedient.

Such a situation until they go to college.

After going to college, Chao Shuang had someone she liked.

The original owner did not expect that the little girl even grabbed the people she liked. When she saw the two hugged together, it broke out completely and beat the little girl.

She returned home in despair and was greeted by her father's slap.

If it were not for her mother to protect her, maybe that slap would really fall on her.

How did your father tell her later?

Ask her to give up the boy to the little girl.

The original owner never dreamed that his father would say such a thing.

The original owner will not die or live for a boy. Since she wants it, give it to her. She is not uncommon.

But next, as long as she contacts a boyfriend, the little girl will snatch, and those boys are always a pair, and meeting her is the happiest thing.

She did it on purpose.

All of her innocent people in front of Chao Zhao pretended to be.

She deliberately grabbed her stuff.

Grab what you like.

Grab your own father.

The original owner awakened, if it were not for her mother who had no feelings for her, maybe she would even grab her own mother.

The original owner might be mad, and he had an out-of-school gang, and he was okay, but he had a bad temper.

But the original owner has not been good at all these years, and dare not move her.

This time the little girl was obviously hesitant.

The original owner deliberately showed that he liked the little bastard, and the little girl finally started.

However, this time something went wrong.

The original owner did not feel regret, she asked for it.

But the original owner was severely beaten by his father.

The mother was fed up with such a day and filed for divorce, but the father did not agree...

Next, we need to talk about the background of this world.

This is a world where humans and mermaids coexist.

Humans occupy land, and mermaids occupy the sea.

But the war between humans and mermaids never stopped, and war broke out almost every once in a while.

Of course, such a war has no effect on normal human beings.

As long as it is not close to the sea city, it is very safe.

Because of the constant war, students are required to learn combat lessons at school.

It was an actual combat lesson, that is, going to a city in the sea area to conduct actual combat at close range.

This kind of actual combat class will only choose small-scale combat to prevent them from being injured.

The original owner and the girl were divided into a team. The girl was approved by the rest of the team from the beginning, and the original owner was isolated.

In actual combat, there was a problem with the original master's communication device, and no command could be received.

If the rescue of the army is not timely, some people may die.

The original owner was punished and explained that it was because of the communication equipment. However, when they inspected her communication equipment, the communication equipment was intact and determined that she lied.

The original owner didn't understand, it was more resentment by desire, but she could not find any evidence to prove her innocence.

After accepting the punishment, he went out to meet Chao Father, who looked at him with a disappointed look, and finally only took the girl away.

When the girl got into the car, she showed that successful smile, so that the original owner suddenly realized.

She must have been a ghost.

But when the original owner went back, he was in critical condition and there was no cure.

The doctor said she was infected with an unknown virus. Some mermaids carry unknown viruses. It does not matter to mermaids, but it is fatal to humans.

The doctor speculated that it might have been involved in actual combat lessons and was infected in the sea.

Last night the original owner became ill and was sent to the rescue.


Mingshu received the memory and sighed.

Most parents can give their children life.

But there are a small number of parents who can do incredible things...

The original owner was not bad at first, it was the father who caused her to look after.


The ward door was pushed open.

The haggard woman came in from outside, and when Mingshu opened her eyes, she immediately squeezed out a smile, "Frost, wake up."

"Mom." Mingshu didn't have much energy, but just called out.

"Hey." As the mother stepped forward, she bowed her head to hide the tears under her eyes. "How does it feel? If you feel uncomfortable, tell your mother."

"Fortunately, I just don't have much energy." Ming Shu said: "I want to eat."

You will have strength when you are full.

"Want to eat?" The mother was surprised, and she couldn't eat anything since she was sent to the hospital.

In the later inspections and treatments, doctors also forbid eating other things, which can only be maintained by nutritional needles.

As soon as the mother's eyes were hot, she choked: "Okay, mother go and ask the doctor, what can I eat for you, you wait."

Mingshu watched the mother leave in a hurry.

Mingshu turned his head to look outside the ward, lined with tall buildings lined up, and the feeling of depression invaded people silently.


Zhao frost

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