Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1472: Mermaid Legend (18)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


It looks like an ancient temple, with round pillars standing like the needles of Dinghai God.

There are three cylinders in total.

There is a large space in the middle of the column, and at this time there are a variety of mermaids.

"No news yet?"

"Sir Yaze has been involved in the canyon for so many days, can he come back?"

"What should we do if Lord Yaze doesn't come back?"

"Without the command of Lord Yaze on the front, two games have failed."

"If we let human beings know that our Lord Azer is not here, we will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble."

The mermaids whispered, some talking about front-line wars, and some talking about Yaze.

Someone vaguely mentioned An Zhuo.

"Master Yaze is back!"

In the distance, the mermaid flew over from there.

"Master Yaze is back!!"

All the fish were surprised by the face, and rushed to the front.

The entire mermaid is supported by such round columns, which looks like some kind of ancient ruins.

Ming Shu looked at these pillars, and he was carrying a big red crab in his hand.

At the beginning, Anzhu was terrified that Mingshu could cook seafood in the sea.

But the habit is just fine.

"Master Yaze!"

"Master Yaze..."


The merging mermaids stunned when they saw the silver fishtail boy standing on the back.

The young man was wearing a shirt, and the button was just at the junction of the fish tail and the body. The extra part was pulled up and tied.

It does not seem procrastinating, but also adds a little unruly.

Such a costume has never been seen in a mermaid.

But the young man is expensive and elegant, dressed in this way, it does not appear abrupt at all.

As if he were born to be like this.

These mermaids look from surprise to doubt, and finally turn into anger.

"Why is An Zhen, Master Yaze?"

"That's human? How did humans come here?" This is the sea, not the land.

How can humans be the same as mermaids?

"How come humans come here?" No matter how they come, humans are their enemies!

The mermaids glared: "Anzhu betrayed the mermaid, he even dared to bring humans back!"

The voices of the mermaids gradually grew louder.

"Master Yaze!"

Some fish saw Yaze who was tied to the pillar by Mingshu and exclaimed.

Yaze was tied with his hands and feet, and even his mouth was blocked.

Use four descriptions-embarrassed.

Yaze never thought about it, when he faced An Zhuo, he did not fall in the wind and was not embarrassed.

Finally, I experienced it in a human being.

"Uh-huh!!" Grab them for me!

Mermaids do not need to use language, there is a special way of transmission between them.

Yaze's order was received by the mermaid, and all the fish entered the fighting state.

Mingshu held the crab tongs and clicked twice like scissors.

"You still have such a crime?"

Betrayal mermaid?

He hadn't said it before.

An Zhen had no chance to return to Mingshu's question, and Mermaid had already attacked.

"I didn't betray the mermaid."

An Zhen's voice was drowned in verbal abuse.

Mingshu took a bite of the crab meat and turned to hold Yaze in his hand.

Yaze was dumbfounded.

An Lian was besieged, she would not help, she ran over to carry him?

What about the rescuer he called to save himself?

Ming Shu smiled and opened the crab pincers, pinching his neck.

When I am stupid!

Now that they have listened to him, they will naturally take him first.

She shouted over there: "Feed the little cubs over there, if you don't stop, I will just eat...and kill him!"

Yaze: "..."

Did she just want to say something?


On the way back, he was afraid of his tail, Yaze now felt disgusted when he heard this.

Yaze was put on his neck, and the mermaids were forced to stop, watching Mingshu cautiously.

An Leng was also surrounded by mermaids.

They neither gave way nor dared to step forward.

A mermaid roared: "Lord Lord Azer!"

Ming Shu: "Whoever is stupid."

Mermaid: "..."

"Let him come."

Mermaid: "..." whoever is stupid!

Ya Ze groaned, a distorted look appeared on her face, she she she...

It hurts!

It's about to die!

Quick release! !

Mingshu couldn't see the expression on Mr. X's face, but from the reactions of other mermaids, it was definitely uncomfortable at this time.

The woman said she would do it without any hesitation.

An Zhen came over from the mermaid, and he had a complicated look at Ming Shu.

"What do you want to say?" Mingshu nodded his chin, "Say now."

An Zhuan lowered his lip, looked at the mermaid, and said with a loud voice: "I never betrayed the mermaid. All this was planned by Yaze."

Before Yaze designed a play in order to seize power from him.

Said he colluded with humans and betrayed the mermaid.

An Zhuo told them about it.

From the establishment of Yaze, to their misunderstanding, he was forced to leave the Mermaid.

After being captured by humans, met Mingshu...

"It is Yaze who really betrayed the Mermaid, not me."

An Lingqingyue's voice spread through every mermaid's ear.

"But..." Someone stood out. "We all saw the evidence."

"Yazawa stolen it for me." An Zhuo replied calmly, not because the tribe misunderstood himself, nor because they did not believe that they were dissatisfied.

"How can Lord Yaze do such a thing?"

"That is, Lord Yaze will never deceive us. Don't believe him, he will hook humans now..."


Yaze's screams interrupted the man's words.

When everyone looked at Mingshu, they saw Yaze half kneeling on the ground, and the crab tongs on his neck had penetrated into his skin.

Mingshu bent down and smiled, "You said, did you design to frame him?"

Yaze had heavy shoulders, and the crab tongs on her neck were like sharp blades.

It's not just physical pain.

There is also mental pressure.

He suddenly felt that the girl standing beside him became terrible.

As if she could grow terrible tentacles at any time, pulling him into hell.

Creepy oppression.

Yaze panted, gnashing his teeth and admitting, "Yes... yes, it's me!"

Mingshu raised his eyes, his eyebrows bowed, "Look, you Lord Azer admitted it yourself."

"That's your intimidation of adults!"

"Adults will never do such a thing!"

"We don't believe it!"

Yaze's brain remnants are typical of ‘I don’t believe I don’t listen, you deceive people’ scene.

"Ah..." Yaze screamed again, panting even harder. "Yes, it's me, that's what I did!!! It wasn't she who forced me to say it!"

Mermaids: "..."

Crab tongs are still on the neck!

Isn't this convincing at all! ?

"Really I did it!!"

Stop beeping!

I'm going to hang up!


I can only update here today, and I can write six thousand. I have put out my wild power! ! [Basket 6000 I still catch up! 】

Let’s find out the second day of the countdown to the aid activities.

It’s all here...

Let's work hard, don't drop the top ten! I beg your luck to woo woo woo~~

Finally, thank you for your birthday wishes~ I love you~~

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