Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1473: Mermaid Legend (19)

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No matter what Yaze said, the mermaids felt that Mingshu forced him.

Mingshu: "..." It's nice to have brain powder.

Yaze: "..." Let me go! You idiots! !

"Hurry up and release Lord Yaze!"

"You treat me stupid?"


Anzhu reached out and held Mingshu's wrist, "I'll come."

This is a matter of his family, and she should not be allowed to come forward for herself.

"Can you do it?"

"..." Being so skeptical, An Leng said that he was very angry, "I can!"

Mingshu looked at him up and down for a while, Lisuo raised his hand to stun Aze, afraid that he would wake up halfway, and Mingshu **** the five flowers again, leaving only one eye, but threw the man to him, "Then I will eat crabs."

An Zhen: "..."

How weak is herself in her eyes?

An Leng looked at the man with big flowers in his hand in a complicated way, silently silent.

Probably the most useless kind.

Mingshu glanced at the mermaid, smiled, walked to sit under a column, and dragged a few cooked crabs from behind.

Mermaids: "..."


Yaze is in An Lian's hand, and the mermaid does not dare to act lightly.

Anyway, he once led the Mermaid. An Zhuo's speech was clear and organized, and the whole thing was spread out. He could explain any doubts.

Gradually, some fish began to shake.

Do you think An Zhen is trying to convince people?

Do not!

Even Mingshu was wrong!

After he finished speaking, he took out the treasure box.

"The treasure box is with me, and whoever is with the treasure box will be able to rule the mermaid. Don't you forget this rule?"

Mermaids: "..."

The mermaids looked at each other for a moment.

They looked at Yaze who was still in a coma.


Anzhuo brought Mingshu to a palace. The whole palace was built with shell materials and glowed with white light.

"The treasure box is so useful, why didn't you take it out at first?"

Mingshu thought of the speed at which the group of mermaids were turning back, very speechless.

This horse is like the emperor's jade seal.

Whoever gets it is the boss.

Is this why Yaze chased him?

The teenager looked down at the treasure box in his hand, his voice low, "I don't want them to misunderstand you."

He can take out the treasure box at the beginning.

But without explaining the whole thing, her origins could not be clarified. Even if Mermaid surrendered to him because of the treasure box, she would still misunderstand her.

Mingshu turned around and suddenly approached him, with a light smile in her eyes, "So afraid of them misunderstanding me? Do you like me?"

The teenager widened his eyes slightly.

It sounded like he heard something incredible.

He stepped back slightly, sweeping the silvery fish tail twice unruly, "Can't..."

"You rest first, let me go out."

The teenager almost fled.

Mingshu: "???

What can't be?

Can't like her?


An Leng left the palace with a stunned look on his face.

The heartbeat was as intense as it was about to jump out.

Do you like her...?

An Zhuo stood outside the palace for a long time and summoned mermaids to gather.

He left so long, many things need to re-understand the deployment.

But being busy does not make An Zhen forget Mingshu.

He could even think clearly of every expression on her face when she asked that question.

"Sir Anton, is it okay for us to deploy like this? Although humans are not as advantageous as us in the water, their weapons are more advanced than ours, we..."

"Sir Anton? Did you listen to me?"

An Zhuo turned back, and his delicate brows were cold, "Well, you continue."

Mermaid looked at him for a few times, and saw An Zhen take it seriously before he continued: "We may lose a lot. In the last few battles, the clan people have already had a low morale..."

An Zhen studied the battle with them and planned a new deployment.

Time passed quickly, waiting for the mermaids around to go away.

An Zhuo raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, glancing at the half-pull sleeve.

She had to put herself on such clothes, the sense of restraint made him very uncomfortable, but why didn't he take it off?

Suddenly miss her...

Once Silian's head rises, it can no longer be suppressed.

Anzhu went to the place where Mingshu lived alone, and he stood outside without going in.

These days the mermaids are getting louder and louder.

What is it that a human being stays in the Mermaid?

Even if she is different from other human beings, after all, she is still human.

"Why are you standing here, being the door god?"

A crisp voice sounded from behind, An Zhuo stiffened his body, and the silver-white fish tail seemed to forget to swing.

"Eh, what are you running?!"

An Zhuo ran a long distance, making sure that Ming-Shu did not chase him, he stopped breathing.

Why should he run!

What to run!

What's so scary!

An Zhen was upset, and the mermaids could feel it.

On this day, An Lian pushed everything and went to the depths of the Mermaid alone.

Seagrass forests are like towering trees on land, and you can feel your insignificance when you enter.

Anzhu went all the way to the deepest.


Two mermaids with black tails held Anzhu with a trident.

Anzhuan answered gently: "Anzhuan."

The two mermaids glanced at him, "What's the matter?"

"I want to see you sea witch."


One of the mermaids turned into the depths.

In the Mermaid, who dare to speak to the adults who command the Mermaid, only these mermaids with black tails.

The tail of the mermaid determines the status of a mermaid in the tribe.

Red, yellow, blue and green are all very easy to see.

Gold is equivalent to the nobility in the mermaid.

Silver white is a very rare color, and there are only a few people in the entire mermaid record.

What is nothing is that everyone is very good.

But not every outstanding silver-white mermaid will bring luck to the mermaid, on the contrary, it will bring disaster to the mermaid.

Therefore, the existence of silver-white fish tails is mixed.

But the black fishtail...

That is the existence of disgust in the mermaid, because black, in the mermaid, symbolizes misfortune, disaster...

The black mermaid came back from the depths, "Please."

An Lian passed through the seagrass forest, and the front was suddenly bright.

In front of the house made of coral, a pure black fishtail mermaid sits on a stone, and carelessly caresses his hair with his fingers.

"Master Anzhu, come to me, what's the matter?"

The girl's delicate and bright face, but the voice is hoarse and unpleasant like the old lady, unspeakable violations and strangeness.

An Lian did not show anything strange, his hands folded in front of him, and said lightly: "I have something to ask you."

Mermaid tilted her fingers and twisted her strand of hair. "What do you want to ask me?"

An Zhuo looked at her dullly.

After a long time, he said slowly: "About mermaids like humans."

The hair in the mermaid's hand fell, and she slowly turned her head to look, with a strange smile on the corner of her mouth.

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