Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1476: Mermaid Legend (22)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

In order to send the goblin to her, Mingshu chose to land in a remote place. She walked a long way before she came to the road.


Finally, a car was blocked.

The owner was a couple and asked where Mingshu was going. Both husband and wife were shocked.

"S City has been blocked. I heard that the epidemic is serious. What are you doing there as a little girl?"

Mingshu was a little ignorant.

blockade? epidemic?

It took a while for Mingshu to figure out what happened when she left.

A rare mermaid virus broke out in city S.

Once infected with this virus, it will occur within 12 hours, and it will die on average within seven days. Now the infected person with the longest duration is twelve days.

But in the end it was still dead.

In the past, the mermaid virus could only be transmitted through water. That is to say, as long as you don’t drink the water of the mermaid virus, it will not be infected by skin contact. Of course, some humans with weak resistance can contact it through the skin. infection.

However, the current mermaid virus does not require water to spread.

They can pass through contact between people, food, water...

Once infected with this virus, it will become a source of infection.

Mingshu reactivated the wristband and looked online.

The entire city of S is now blocked and cannot enter or exit.

Mingshu first called the Korean mother, but prompted to shut down.

Mingshu called Dongge again, but Dongge picked it up. Dongge expressed his' cordial' greetings for her disappearance for so long.

After greetings, Dong Ge told her the situation in the city.

"The situation in the city is not good now. All parties are stepping up to study the drugs to suppress the virus. The blood you provided before has been used up, but there is no result..."

Ming Shu asked only after listening: "How are my mother and Hao Yan?"

"Hao Yan is fine, your mother is not clear."

"You help me take a look."

"All streets are blocked and no one is allowed to walk on the street." East Gordon paused: "I think of a way."

Ming Shu asked the couple to put themselves in a city and then find a way to go to S City.

All traffic to S City stopped.

Can only find a way to go by himself.

Mingshu left a text message to the mother.

Brother Dong contacted her on the third day: "I went to the place where you live, no one, the best result is that your mother is okay, the worst result is infected, sent to the epidemic prevention station, or..."


Mingshu hung up the phone and looked at the scenery flying past the window.

Although she hasn't been with Chao Mu for too long, Chao Mu really loves this body.

Ming Shu breathed a sigh of gas.

Obey the fate.

All roads leading to S City were barricaded and could not be passed.

There were many people outside, some were locals who were not in S city when the virus broke out.

Others have friends and family in S City.

Mingshu tried to get into the voluntary medical team and got into the city.

After entering, she went straight to the villa where she lived. As Dong Ge said, there was no one here.

When Mingshu recalled the work unit of the original mother, he suddenly received a strange call.

"Is it Miss Chaoshuang?"

The arc sound was unfamiliar.


"Hello, we are family members evacuating the headquarters, are you in S City now? If so, please tell us where we are and we will send someone to pick you up."

Family members retreat...


"Jianjin?" The other party froze for a while. "You are talking about your father? Sorry, we are the family members of the institute, that is, your mother, Ms. Yu Jingya."

"Is my mother okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry. Where are you now?"

Mingshu told them where they were, but within half an hour, someone came to meet her.

After getting on the bus, the person in charge told her: "The evacuation notice came out. You were on the first batch of evacuation lists. We have contacted you before, but we haven't been able to contact you. This is our last batch."

The first batch of evacuation lists should be regarded as the family members of more important figures in order to be included in the first batch.

Is the original owner's mother so powerful?

But think about it too. It is reasonable for Chao Jin to hold a key position in the army and be able to marry him.

Mingshu looked at the direction of the car and asked, "Now go out of town?"

The other party shook his head: "No, just evacuated to a safer place. The epidemic is serious. We dare not take the risk of sending everyone out. But you are the daughter of Ms. Yu Jingya. We will send you to the institute for placement. You also I can see your mother."

Two others were received halfway.

The car drove steadily all the way to the resettlement site. After the two of them went down, they drove a distance further to the resettlement site of the institute.

Ming Shu needs to be quarantined to make sure there is no infection.

Yu Jingya may have received the news and hurried over.

Yu Jingya was not afraid of infection. She ignored the staff's obstruction and went straight in, hugging Mingshu, "Where have you been, worried about your dead mother."

"..." This is a bit hard to edit.

So Mingshu compiled a thrilling story about helping the grandmother cross the road but being kidnapped.

Yu Jingya pulled her nervously.

Seeing my daughter's birth, she was relieved.

The isolation time was a little long, and Yu Jingya was there to accompany her, let her not worry about Yunyun.

During that time someone came to call her and saw her in the isolation room, so it was difficult to say anything, and asked a few questions and hurried away.

"What is my mother studying?"

"Just the virus that broke out this time." Yu Jingya said: "This virus is different from the previous mermaid virus, which is very difficult."

She had received the news before and left, also thinking of this.

But at that time, the mermaid virus had not yet broken out.

"Because of the spread?"

Yu Jingya nodded, she held the palm of her hand, "This time there are too many ways to spread the mermaid virus. If the solution is not good, it may be more than S city."

If the virus really spreads across the board, they have no response yet. This is a devastating blow to humanity.

Mingshu inexplicably thought of the man from Dong Gecha.

Does this matter have anything to do with that person?

Yu Jingya accompanied Mingshu to the end of the isolation time, and then took her to the dormitory in person.

Yu Jingya is the main researcher, and the assigned dormitory is very large. There is no other dormitory for Mingshu.

Even at this time, Yu Jingya still patiently handled all the procedures for her.

"Mum still has work there, so I can come back later. On the second floor is the cafeteria. If you are hungry, you swipe your card in the past."

Yu Jingya handed her a card and carefully told her: "Don't run around. If you can get online when you are bored, you can go to the activity area below, but you can't leave here. Do you understand?"

Ming Shu nodded: "Well, I see."

"That mom is gone?"


Ming Shu sent Yu Jingya to the door.

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