Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1477: Mermaid Legend (23)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu understood the current situation, and the situation is indeed very bad.

This mermaid virus, it seems that no one can come up with a way to suppress.

Dongge asked Mingshu if he could give a little more blood.

Although the world has changed now, but the previous transaction is still there, Mingshu let him come to the institute to get it.

In order to hand him this thing out, Mingshu had no difficulty.

Mingshu didn't meet Dongge. After getting the blood, Dongge called her.

"Is there any way for the research institute?"

Mingshu swiped his card to eat, and said, "Are you asking about the enemy?"

"..." Dong Ge was speechless for a few seconds: "In this case, the most important thing is to study the antidote."

Who knows if this mermaid virus will spread through other methods?

They have not been infected yet, but they have not been able to solve it, they have been trapped here.

This is not to say that if you cram some money, you can go out with some power.

In the entire city of S, none of the official personnel can leave.


"Well, I will let you know if there is any progress." Dongge cleanly said: "By the way, you call Hao Yan, she has been making trouble to find you, hang up first."


"Is there anything else?"

"The person you checked last time, what did you find later?"

Things have happened recently, and it took a while for Dongge to remember who Mingshu said.

"My people have been watching for a while, and have never seen anyone, and there is no trace of activity in the society. It is very likely to be dead."

Without further ado, Dong Ge immediately understood the key: "Do you think this matter is related to that person?"

"This is a coincidence," Ming Shu said.

"It's a coincidence." Brother Dong echoed.

Mingshu: "..."

What use do you want!

Mingshu hung up the call.

Biting chopsticks and thinking, there is still a person behind that person. What is the purpose of the other person? Virus outbreak, make a fortune?

In this case, there must be antidote in the opponent's hand.

Now that the virus is still fermenting, the other party has not stepped forward and may want to make more money.


If this speculation is wrong, then nothing is true.

Never mind.

Say enough.

In the next two days, Mingshu could only see Yu Jingya come back to rest in the middle of the night, and left when it was not bright, or simply worked directly until dawn and hurried away.


Yu Jingya rubbed her eyebrows, "How did you wake up? Is the light too bright? Mother turned off the light."

Mingshu put the drinking glass at Yu Jingya's hand: "I fell asleep during the day, you can't keep going like this, rest early."

Yu Jingya took a sip of water and said, "Mom hasn't finished this job, so many people are waiting, how can I sleep..."

Now every minute and every second, it is possible that someone will die.

Time competes against seconds.

"But you can't let yourself get an answer right now. Poor rest will affect your thinking, and it will only reduce your work efficiency and even cost you your life."

Yu Jingya froze.

Mingshu put away what she had at hand and "rest early."

Yu Jingya was silent, and finally nodded: "Okay."

She went into the bathroom and washed her face, and fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

Ming Shu turned off the light, leaving only a small night light. She sat at the position before Yu Jingya and turned over the information.

The next day, Yu Jingya's spirit was much better than before. When she left, she seemed to have some new ideas and gave Mingshu a big hug.


Mingshu thought Yu Jingya would come back very late today. Who knows it was earlier than before, but his face was not so good.

Mingshu sat on a chair and nibbled the buns coming from the cafeteria, and looked at the probe.

Yu Jingya followed others.

Not someone else, it was Chao Chu.

"Shuangshuang." Yu Jingya called out, "Chao Chu stayed here for two days."

"Sister." Zhao Chu shouted obediently.

Ming Shu said nothing, and Yu Jingya let Chao Chu come in.

Zhao Chu was looking for someone to deal with her before, but in the end he suffered. After that, they never saw him again.

But Mingshu sent her a congratulatory message before, she must know...

It can still come here so calmly.

I admire you.

Yu Jingya's dormitory has two rooms and one hall. Previously, Mingshu and Yu Jingya had one room each, but now they can only make one room for Chaochu.

"Mom, why are you bringing her?"

"You... Chao Jin called me personally. He was a husband and wife anyway. He was still your father. At this time, my mother can't just sit back and watch?"

"Isn't there a family evacuation point there?"

"There are many people in the evacuation site, and Chaojin is worried." Yu Jingya said faintly.

She lived here in the dormitory of the academy. There was a house for one person. There were also guards with real bullets on the outside. Patrols on the third and inner floors were better than evacuation sites.

Even if it is the status of the DPRK in the military, at the evacuation settlement point, at most, it can only arrange a single room for the DPRK and Chu.

But is it safe to evacuate the settlement?


There was a problem with an evacuation site last night and was attacked by some patients infected with the virus.

Chao Jin was worried about this happening and called her to call.

Yu Jingya is a soft-hearted person.

Yu Jingya brought Zhao Chu back, and left to continue to work.

Only Mingshu and Chaochu were left in the room.

Zhao Chu's expression was darker than before, and there was a deep hatred for Mingshu deep in his eyes...

She almost ruined herself.

those people……

Chao Chu couldn't imagine what would happen if she was tainted by those people.

Zhao Chu resisted the color of resentment and entered the room Yu Jingya pointed to her without a word.

Ming Shu silently finished the bun.

Going forward is awesome.

Who is it?

Mingshu can not say that Yu Jingya is stupid. At this time, as long as it is not a cruel and indifferent person, the husband asks for himself, most of them should come down.

Yu Jingya came back in the early morning, and Ming Shu was still sitting on the chair.

"Shuangshuang, why are you still not sleeping?"

Yu Jingya asked her while taking off her shoes.

"Ready to sleep."

Yu Jingya looked at Zhao Chu's room, "She's inside?"

Mingshu nodded, never came out, and didn't know what to do inside.

Just as the two were talking, Chao Jin's phone came in.

"Yu Jingya, Chu Chu is still a child, you are angry at me, what are you doing to make your child angry!"

Going head-to-head is a roar.

Yu Jingya opened the volume, and Ming Shu naturally heard it.

"Chaojin what do you mean?" She came back after a tired day, and Zhaojin's unexplained sentence also caught Yu Jingya's anger.

Zhao Jin said over there: "What do I mean? What do you mean by not giving Chu Chu a meal?"

Yu Jingya: "..."

When will she stop eating for Chao Chu?

"I know you are dissatisfied with me, but you can't blame children, I tell you..."

The sound of Chao Jin stopped abruptly.

If not afraid that someone would contact her urgently, Yu Jingya wanted to shut down.

This man...

Why exactly?

Since the virus broke out, has he been concerned about her and Frost Cream?

Sometimes she wonders if Frost is his real child.


Today is the last day. The support activity will end at 24 o'clock. Whether you can maintain the top ten depends on today. Please let your friends work harder! !

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