Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1486: Mermaid Legend (32)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Yaze wanted the mermaid, and he did cooperate with humans, but today's situation is not the same as he thought.

He had never thought of working with humans, and would put the mermaid at this point.

An Zhuo and Ya Ze talked for a long time, and finally reached an alliance to fight against humanity.

The fighting between the two sides became more and more intense, and there were countless floating corpses on the sea.


On the cold streets in the city.

A man in black clothes hurriedly walked across the street and reached a seven-story building. He looked around and entered the building.

This is an old building, there is no elevator, you can only walk.

The man walks fast, two steps and do the first step, and in a blink of an eye is the fifth floor.

He stood in front of a door on the 5th floor. He found a bunch of keys and opened the door to enter.

The room was dim, and the man pressed the light skillfully.

The light spread, and I saw several glass water tanks for fish farming in the room.

The water tank was full of black water, and the mermaid curled up in the water, which could only be judged from the slightly undulating chest of the mermaid. The mermaid was still alive.

The man closed the door and walked to the water tank. He looked down and looked like he was checking the status of the mermaid.

Next to the water tank, there is a row of utensils for experiments.

The man changed clothes, sterilized, walked to the test bench, and started to play with the bottles and jars.

He shuttled in front of the water tank and the test bench from time to time, and the man occasionally stopped rubbing his eyebrows, as if to be stumped by something.

Not knowing how long it took, the man stopped and looked at the liquid in a glass bottle.

He seemed a little excited, holding a glass bottle and walking to a clear water tank with a mermaid in it.

He used a dropper to drop a drop of liquid into the tank.

The liquid melts and blends into a transparent color.

The man stared at the water tank and seemed to want to see the answer immediately.

Unfortunately, the mermaid in the water tank did not react.

The man frowned and watched for a while, the mermaid still didn't respond.

This is one night.

The man fell asleep on the sofa, and as soon as it was outside in the morning, the man was awakened by the clatter of water.

He looked at the water tanks for the first time.

The first few water tanks were quiet, except for the one where he dripped the liquid last night, when the water splashed.

The mermaid inside was tumbling back and forth, as if suffering a huge torture.

The man jumped up and ran to the water tank.

Disgusting pustules appeared on the mermaid. The **** ruptured and the turbid liquid flowed into the water, which was muddy.

The smile on the man's face gradually widened, a little excited, and a little crazy.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The man ignored the mermaid, went to the test stand, and packed the liquid in the glass bottle separately.

He took something out, stood at the door and waited for a while. Someone ran from the corner of the street, and the man gave it to him, "throw it into the sea."

The man should turn around and run away.

Then came several others, the men all told them so.

After the last bottle was given, the man turned upstairs.

He wandered around the room for a while, returned to the bedroom, lay on the bed, raised his hand, and flipped in front of him for a moment.


The man fell asleep in bed.

In the middle of the night, he awakened.

He swept the room subconsciously, the familiar room, the familiar furnishings, and nothing unusual.

Sweat came out of his back, making him very uncomfortable, and he sat up with his body propped up.

As soon as I moved, I found something wrong.

Over the window...

The man glanced over there, and there seemed to be a man standing next to the curtain.

The man reached out and pressed the lamp at the head of the bed, but he pressed it several times, and none of the lights turned on.

He drew a gun from under the pillow, facing the curtain, "Who is it?"

The night wind blew in from the unclosed window, the curtains wobbled, and the figure also wobbled.

The man blinked hard, just looking at something that looked like a humanoid.

Dazzled by a false alarm.

The man figured out the lighting and went out from the bedroom. The room outside was gleaming with cold light.

The mermaid in the water tank is like a corpse, which is scary at first sight.

The whole city was dark. Even the settlement site was covered with black paint. It should be blackout.


The doorbell rang abruptly.

The man looked towards the door, and the light in his hand also struck.

But the icy door closed tightly, and there was no room outside.


At this time... who will knock on the door?

The man always felt that this evening was not right, but he couldn't say it, but his mind was a little hairy.


Dingdong Dingdong——

People outside the door seemed to be a little annoyed.

The man moved the door with a gun. This is an old house, and An's video intercom is no longer available.

Unable to see who was outside, the man took the doorknob, took a deep breath, and then slammed the door open.

The corridor was darker than the room, and his gun was aimed at the darkness. His sight was within reach, and no suspicious objects were found.

Oh shit!

Damn it?

The man sank his heart, slowly pushed the door open, and the muzzle gradually moved towards the door.



The man's wrist was kicked and raised upwards. The loaded gun fired and slammed, and the gunshot echoed in the corridor.

The gun fell from his hand, and the man stepped back immediately, trying to close the door.

A plain hand was stretched out behind the door and gently pulled the door.

A head came out from behind, and a smiling voice spread across the corridor, "Good evening, Mr. X."

The man's back stiffened.

"It's you!"

The voice was full of anger and anger.

The man immediately retreated, trying to pull the door shut.

Mingshu stretched his foot, the door moved towards her, and the man was taken two steps outside.

"What are you going to do? I found it in the middle of the night. Very tired. Does your family have anything to eat?"

The man glared at Ming Shu and raised his hand to cut it with a knife.

Mingshu tilted his head back and pushed the door inwards. The man's hand hit the door. With a bang, the bones seemed to be broken.

"Be careful." Mingshu reminded him with a smile, "How painful."

The man covered his hand and kicked his foot.

The two crossed hands on the corridor.

The men's moves are a little bit fierce. Mingshu looks soft, as if he has no strength, but every time the men are not pleased.

When the two moved, the man had moved up the stairs.

He glanced upstairs, and after two strokes with Mingshu, he pulled his leg and ran upstairs.

Mingshu: "?"

The building was not high at all. The man went up to the top floor, pushed open the roof door, and went straight to the edge.

Mingshu pursued closely and forced the man to the edge of the rooftop.

The man snapped: "What do you want?"

Ming Shu walked to him with a smile: "How can I treat you, you are a big man, and are you afraid of me a little girl?"

The man gasped, "Don't come over."

Mingshu raised his eyebrows to encourage, "You jump."

Man: "Do you think I dare?"

Mingshu: "I didn't say you didn't dare, you jumped."

the man:"……"

No, why is he here to tell her this kind of thing? !

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