Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1487: Mermaid Legend (33)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Why don't you let me go? Why are you still chasing me here?"

The man roared.

Mingshu: "..."

I just chased you just now, don't you be so excited?

Soon the man said the following sentence, and he puzzled Mingshu: "What benefit does the Apocalypse Tower give you, do you want to help it like this?"

Mingshu squinted slightly, and looked at him with interest, and called out a name, "Ye Ying?"

the man:"……"

Ming Shu's doubtful tone shocked Ye Ying's body.

She seems...

Don't know who you are? !

So what did he do just now?

Ye Ying wished to slap herself.

Why is he so stupid!

It was mainly when I saw her that she panicked.

How did he recognize her?

Before she inexplicably pulled out the submachine gun, he was already a bit skeptical.

Confirm that it was just now, her tone...

It is estimated that few people can imitate it.

The grinning makes you feel creepy.

"You haven't died yet." Ming Shu's tone was amazed. Not only did this person not die, he also came to these planes.

And he still has memories...

Is it because, he was in the tower at that time?

Ye Ying turned her back against the rooftop and forced herself to calm down. "I'm not so easy to die! How did you find it here?"

Ming Shu didn't say, "It's very simple. Although you didn't show up before, you will definitely be in contact with other people. Before you sent someone to spread me... This thing about the body virus, I found it here along with him."

As long as a person has an activity track, he will never be completely invisible.

She also suddenly remembered that missing person.

However, because the signal was not good now, it took some time for Mingshu to find out who the person had contacted and what they had done.

Mingshu found that the man would buy a ticket every other week and arrive in the city.

So let Harmony adjust the monitoring, some have been deleted, and some cannot be used because of failure.

The center point drawn last is near here.

After squatting, he successfully found out that Ye Ying was trading with people.

Ye Ying didn't expect that he was exposed during the day. He gritted his teeth and secretly said: "You saw it during the day... why come now?"

"How can you not cherish the beauty of Liangchen..."

"Speak human!" Ye Ying yelled, who wants to hear her go crazy here.

"Oh, I was nibbling pig's trotters at that time. I haven't eaten for a long time. I want to find you and then I'll find you." Mingshu's eyebrows were bent. "It's more powerful to hit you like this."

Of course, by the way, chase those few people and grab the strange bottle back.

Night Shadow:"……"

You are crazy!

"Okay, I have finished answering your questions. You should answer me."

"..." The night film and television line swept all around, sketching the best escape route in my mind.

"You caused the virus?"

"How is it." Shit, why is it so high here, why run up! !

"You let humans and mermaids kill each other?"

Ye Ying sneered, "The war between mermaids and humans has always existed, how can I let them kill each other?"

There were only three opportunities for the props he used to run the road last time, and he ran out...

So he has only one way now, jump from here?

Ye Ying Yu Guang glanced below, this is the seventh floor, even if he jumped and did not die, it is estimated that it would not be far away.

"The destruction of the two largest races in the world can already affect the normal development of the world. Do you want to steal world energy with this?"

Mingshu's voice was soft and shallow, and it was soft and harmless when blown by the night breeze.

Ye Ying's sweeping eyes slowly moved to Ming Shu.

Ming Shu let him look at it.

I don't know who he is, she doesn't know the purpose of him.

But knowing that he is Ye Ying, it's much easier to understand.

"I'm not stealing." When Mingshu said this, Ye Ying didn't hide it. "There is so much energy in the world, I just borrow a little."

"You killed so many people to borrow? Your face is so big, what if you are a fairy?"

Night Shadow:"……"

So many people don’t die, he can steal...No, borrow?

This plane is nothing but a dead person. What's so great about it.

"The Apocalypse Tower is simply not good intentions, why did he shut us up? Why do you chase after me, we are all the way."

Mingshu's eyes moved up and down, "I am not the same person as you."

"You are not..."

"You are so ugly, it's all your way, and it affects my beauty."

"..." Neuropathy!

Although she is a neuropathy, Ye Ying still has to draw in.

"You might as well stay with me, don't care about the Apocalypse Tower, as long as we have enough power, the three thousand world is ours!"

"You are too ugly."

"...You help the Apocalypse Tower, what benefits does it give you? You might as well join me, we join forces and will definitely dominate the three thousand worlds!"

"You are too ugly."

"..." You try to say something more laozi ugly! !

Night Shadow inhales, exhales, inhales, exhales, inhales...

After three repetitions.

He said: "When we dominate the world, there is nothing you want, who dares to stop you? The whole world is trampled on you..."

"Interrupt, I can do whatever I want now, nobody dares to stop me."

"……"blow! You stepped on the horse!

Ye Ying saw through the dim light that the **** the opposite side slowly raised the corners of her lips and pulled the arc out of it, which was spooky and weird.

"What about antidote?"

Ye Ying laughed strangely.

I don't know what is laughing.

Xu Yu asked Mingshu: "Do you know what this virus is called?"

Mingshu did not answer.

Ye Ying went on to say naturally: "The virus that the mermaid can't bear... It's called Bleach, and there is no antidote at all."

The tone was full of gloating.

Mingshu: "Are you sure?"

Ye Ying: "What do I deceive you to do, my purpose is to kill them, why do you want to get a detoxification agent?"

Ming Shu: "..." It's right to make a point.

Mingshu pinched his wrist.

Ye Ying subconsciously went back.

But behind is the rooftop, and there is no retreat at all.

He was stunned.

Cold sweat pervades the back ridge for no reason.

He looked at where he was, and his heart stretched across the edge of the roof.

"If you change your mind, you can come to me, I welcome you to join...what are you doing!"

Ye Ying's voice changed.

There, Mingshu drew the gun, and the muzzle of the black hole was aimed in his direction.

The girl with the gun said lightly: "Fuck you."


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