Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1488: Mermaid Legend (34)

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Ye Ying's pupils contracted slightly.

His heartbeat soared at this moment, as if he could hear his heartbeat too fast.

Poo Poo-

Intense and intense.



Ye Ying felt like she was frightened, her fingers let go, her body fell down, and the bullet rubbed his scalp, and the warm blood flowed down, spilling from the air.

Do not!

How could he die like this.

Absolutely not!

He has so many things left unfinished that he cannot die.

Mingshu ran from the rooftop and lay down on the rooftop to look down.

The darkness filled with fog.

Ye Ying has disappeared.

There is a horizontal advertising shelf on the second floor. The advertising has been removed, but holding the advertising shelf should be safe to land.

Ye Ying is not an ordinary person, it is not difficult to achieve this.

Mingshu didn't take the beast, he didn't dare to jump around, he could only get downstairs.

Mingshu turned around under the building and found no night shadow.


There is no trace on the ground, he did not come down?

Can't you just disappear from the sky like last time?

Mingshu looked up at the direction of the second floor, his eyes narrowed slightly, and turned to the upper floor.

The second floor seems to be a chess and card room. At this time, the door is open, and the tables and chairs are piled up in a mess. Some equipment is old and has long been invalid.


The sound of broken glass came from the left.

It seems that someone broke the glass.

Mingshu carried the gun and stood on the spot. After a few seconds, he walked in the opposite direction of the broken glass.

There is a glove cabinet in front.

Mingshu moved his neck around and raised a perfect arc on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly flew and kicked on the cabinet.

The cabinet fell, and there was a mumble inside.

Then a figure came out of it, Mingshu backed up, raised his gun, aimed...


Bang Bang--

The bullet hit the glove cabinet, the wooden glove cabinet splashed wood chips, the bullets brushed the metal, and the sparks were scattered.

Ye Ying was beaten chaotically and looked quite funny.

Ye Ying pushed the clutter to Mingshu's side, and at the same time, a bullet penetrated the board. Ye Ying's body was tilted backwards, and her shoulders dropped weakly.


He kicked the cabinet to Mingshu, no matter what was next to him, and threw it to Mingshu.

Everything was flying around the room.

The two separated by a table, Mingshu avoided those things and aimed at Ye Ying's legs from the gap.


The figure over there was suddenly short.

Ye Ying took a deep breath, grabbed a chair, and threw it at Mingshu, and he slammed into the window.

The glass shattered and Ye Ying fell out of the window.

There was a car coming from the street opposite the window, the light gradually approaching.

Ye Ying rolled on the spot and rolled to the corner of the wall. He took a breath and did not dare to delay. He ran straight to the trail beside the building.

When Mingshu chased down, the car over there had already arrived, and several guards with guns got off the car, looking around carefully.

Ming Shu disappeared into the dark.

Then move to a safe place.

Mingshu looks to the sky.

At this time, the sky kept rolling a row of words.

He affects the entire world, and he must be obliterated and his soul fragments confined.

Soul fragments...

The night shadow is not complete.

But he can keep all memories?

This horse is hanging!

"Captain, look up!" someone shouted upstairs.

"what happened?"

"I don't know clearly, anyway, come and see."


The following people went upstairs with a small team.

Mingshu put the gun away, patted the dust on his body, and chased it in the direction that Ye Ying left.

Ye Ying was injured and could run fast, and it was not easy to deal with.

Not to say that he is worth the force, but that this girl likes to play with Yin.

Mingshu chased Ye Ying all the way and found that the route he ran was to the beach.


Sea area.

The battle between mermaids and humans continues to ferment, and the battlefield continues to expand.

Xu Shi's survival dominates the fighting spirit of mankind, and with the continuous supply of troops and weapons to help, the mermaid seems a bit weak.

"Sir Anton...would we go back to the deep sea first?"

As long as they return to the deep sea, they are safe.

Although this will make them lose the sea...

But it's better than fighting humanity now and suffering heavy losses.

An Leng's silver-white fish tail was half exposed, and he was wearing a white shirt with a knot on his chin, just covering the junction of the fish tail and body.

"Humans will not let us go."

Yaze emerged from the bottom of the water.

An Leng sneered, "Why didn't you think about this when you colluded with humans before?"

Yaze: "..."

He just wanted to use humans! That's it!

Yaze decided not to worry about An Lu, "I was on the human side before, and I heard that they developed a new type of submarine that can reach the depths of the deep sea. If they catch the mermaid and ask us where we are, the entire mermaid will know We can’t retreat because of the disaster."

The mermaids looked at each other, "What should I do? Is it just like this? Our people have been caught by them a lot, I..."

"I secretly went to the coastline last time, all of them are corpses."

"Thinking of the fact that we have so many ethnic groups and slaughtered by humans, I wish I could kill them all!"

"Kill them!"

"Sir Anton..."

"There is actually another way."

Yaze successfully attracted the attention of all fish.

He looked at An Leng, "Mermaid treasure box."

An Zhen frowned, and Yaze continued: "It is said that the treasure box has the power of Poseidon and can call the wind and rain to control the entire sea area. Even if this legend is exaggerated, it should be able to create wind and waves, which is beneficial to us."

The mermaids looked at An Leng one after another.

They all knew that the treasure box was in his hand.

An Zhen pursed his lower lip and said, "The treasure box cannot be opened casually."

The mermaids were excited.

"Sir Anton, now is the time. Humans are going to kill us, they are killing our people, so many people, so many..."

"Look, now the sea is red, this is the blood of our people!"

"Sir Anton!"

"The treasure box can't be opened casually." An Zhen still said this.

"Would you rather let the tribe die than open the treasure box?" Ya Ze asked with a question in his speech: "Do you really want to kill the fish tribe?"

"You don't know anything at all!"

An Zhen raised his voice slightly.

Yaze: "..."

The legendary power of Poseidon, if it can control such power, it is the master of the sea.

"The treasure box cannot be opened. Let's prepare for the next battle."

After finishing his speech An An went to a distance.

Yaze looked at his figure, thoughtfully.



Yaze: Am I not a villain? Why is it so suffocating! !

Little Fairy: Ye Ying appeared.

Yaze: Ye Ying played again?

Little fairy: The name is nice.

Yaze: ...This is the reason why I am so suffocating?

Ye Ying: dei, change?

Yaze: Do not change bye.

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