Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1503: God of Heaven (6)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

There are not so many reasons for the demon fight.

Maybe it was because he looked at him more in the crowd.

Mingshu went all the way and encountered no less than ten fights and fights.

The fight between two people is nothing, the terrible thing is to fight, and become a dogfight.

At this time almost everyone was blocked and forced to watch.

For example now.

Mingshu was lying on his shoulder, and asked boringly: "When will they finish?"

It's been almost half an hour!

Fighting to occupy the road, very unconscionable, okay!

It's not pretty at all!

Bad review!

"Little Flower God is a little patient, this kind of grand occasion can only be seen once in a hundred years." Standing calmly outside the crowd.

With him as the center, there is no living creature in a five-meter circle.

"It's boring." She couldn't fight again, and she hadn't eaten snacks yet.

Yu Guang glanced at her, her lips slightly raised, and she walked over there.

The demons who fought in group fights noticed that they had come down and stopped, and suddenly united the front.

"Why do you lose your title?"

The peach blossom eyes bowed into a beautiful arc, "What can I do to participate in the feast of the demon race? You are not knowingly asking."

The demons over there raised a hundred thousand points of vigilance.

However, losing the title is nothing more than lifting the sleeves, and the group was flew out and smashed into the street.

A small sign flew out of them, and reached out to catch it. "Thanks."

Mozu: "..."

The title went through the crowd.

Only when the rank went far away did the crowd start talking.

"Who is that?" Most of the demons who participated in the demonic feast for the first time did not recognize the title.


"He just lost his rank?!"

Although I don't know, I have heard the name.

Who is the title?

More than four hundred years ago, this man suddenly appeared in the demon world, killing the twelve demon kings with one person.

The Twelve Demon Kings are the twelve Demon Races that are rampant and domineering in the Devil Realm and are evil.

Become famous in one battle.

After that, Devil World kept telling him that he was either killed or who had an enmity with whom...

Anyway, the title is not a good reputation in the devil world.

But he looks good, but he is not the dream lover of the girl Mozu.

The Demon Race was originally a killer race. Killing so many people in the rank will only make the Devil feel he is powerful, not cruel.

The demon...

Not many good things.

Either you die or I die.

A total of three demon feast feasts, three times he won the championship.

This year he came to participate again. The Mozu people who participated in the Mozu feast had no desire to win the championship.

Who can compete with him?

Mingshu listened all the way and had a little understanding of his brilliant record.

"Are you so powerful?"

"That is, Little Flower God, you have to listen to me, I cover you."

"Hehe..." I'll see you make it!

Mingshu and the title drop are arguing, walking all the way to the devil, seeing good things, the title drop will really ‘buy’ back.

The approximate mode is as follows:

Title: "This is pretty, how much is it?"

Mozu: "...No, no, no money, give you, give you."

Title drop: "It's so embarrassing, how can you not give money, it is not easy for you to get one, it is better..."

Mozu: "No! This is worthless! It's really worthless! I picked it up. You like it."

Title: "Thank you so much."

Mozu: "No thanks, no thanks."

Ming Shu was silently holding what was returned from the title ‘buy’.

He was robbed of justice.

And it really can't be robbed, because from the beginning to the end, he is talking about buying, people have to give it to him, what can he do?

This little goblin is better than me!


Well, it's really fragrant.


A roar that exploded on the flat bottom stopped the position and he looked back.

Behind stood a big man with a big back and a huge waist, carrying a big hammer on his shoulder, with a group of fierce young men.

There was a smile on the beautiful and uncommon face, and there was a woman's exclaiming voice all around.

"Tiger Flame." The title was turned around, and the white clothes flew upside down. He asked leisurely, "Is something wrong?"

That tone seemed to meet old friends.

Tiger Flame carrying a big hammer mouth widened, showing a yellow tooth, a roaring roar: "You dare to come here even if you lose your title!"

"Why don't you dare?" The title smiled very flatly, "Baqi Hufa invited me to come and have to give face."

Hu Yan's eyes narrowed into a slit.

"That's good, today we will be considered the previous account." Hu Yan smashed the hammer on the ground, the ground cracked a crack, and the crack spread to the foot.

The line of sight dropped on the crack, and he smiled unclearly.

"Ah, he smiles so beautiful!"

"I don't know what he looks like in bed, it's just like the fairy kings in Jiuzhongtian, it's really uncontrollable."

"It looks really good."

"Hee hee, I think..."

The female magicians have no guts, no shame, no shame, and dare to say anything.

The flower lying on the shoulder of the dropped head turned around and looked into the crowd.

"Hand over Wuji!"

Hu Yan's roar came with the spell.

Lightly tapping the ground at the tip of the position, the figure emptied, and the spell fell to the ground.

The crowd retreated automatically, making room for them.

Hu Yan waved his hammer and roared toward the title.

As a demon guardian, Hu Yan's strength should not be underestimated. At least he would be thrown away without waving his sleeve.

Instead, they fought seriously.

Mingshu was seeing a lot of energy, and was suddenly thrown out, plus the aftermath of the spell, Mingshu was directly pushed out of the distance.

Mingshu: "???

She collapsed and tried to catch her, but was cut off by Hu Yan.

Mingshu snapped and fell into the crowd.

Sweeping her gaze to her side, seeing that she was fine, she gave up her plan to concentrate on fighting with Hu Yan.

Mingshu moved from the crowd to the edge.

Old sigh.




I still had snacks.

......Eat it or not.

Mingshu sat in the corner and made a gesture of holding face very humanely.

The rank is very conspicuous.

Most of the demons are dressed in black and autumn, and the girls are dressed brightly.

But absolutely no one wore him as snow-white.

As a demon, the demon has no consciousness at all.

Mingshu's thoughts fluttered around, and suddenly found that the crowd had a brighter presence.

Mr. X!


There is nowhere to look for broken iron shoes!

The man is deep in the crowd!

Mr. X, who was shining blindly, only looked at it for a while before exiting the crowd.

Mingshu looked at the title, this little goblin didn't need her at all.

So Mingshu got up and followed Mr. X happily.

The more Mingshu looked at the person, the more familiar that person was.

A figure flashed through the brain very quickly.

Mingshu fog.

The Prince of Jiuzhong, what is he doing here?

That's right, this man Mingshu saw was the prince.

The original owner liked it for nearly a thousand years. In order to save him from serious injuries, he finally had to hold the apricot flower **** in high position, and he married the original prince to the Prince of the North Sea Dragon King.

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