Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1504: God of Heaven (7)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Ling was not alone, walking fast and observing from time to time.

The immortal qi on him was blocked by something, and the demons around him were not found.

Mingshu followed not far away.

Ling Wu seemed to see who he lowered his head and walked to the alley.

"His Royal Highness, I have heard that the Xinglian Flower God should be sent to the Demon Palace."

"Magic Palace?" Ling frowned.

"Yes, I heard that the demon likes the flower demon who can be transformed. He will choose a new flower demon every three hundred years to serve him. This time when he chose the flower demon. The Xingli Flower God should be regarded as Flower Demon..."

Ling did not raise his hand, and the man muttered immediately.

"Find out where the pity is, and then design the rescue."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The two quickly separated, and no one noticed the Mingshu close to the corner.

Mingshu shook the leaves, looking at Ling Wuwu's direction thoughtfully.

Xing Lian was caught in the devil's palace, is Ling Wu come to save her?

But will the flower gods in the heavenly ninth heaven be casually regarded as flower demon?

Unless Xing Lian was injured, or there was something on her body, shielding her from the Protoss breath.

Mingshu rubbed the leaves.

It was both of them, which made the original owner look like this, so that he could not eat snacks...

Mingshu decided to add some drama to Mr. X.


Magic palace.

The demon is listening to the following people reporting on the feast of the demon.

"Devil, the title is here again."

The demon who was drinking tea, puffed all over.

He put down the teacup heavily, "Who provokes him? ah!?"

"This..." the reported Demon Race hesitated, facing the demon king's angry anger, weakly said: "It's the Eight Qi Protector..."

"Baqi, this idiot!" Mo Jun stood up, rubbing his sleeve off his teacup, the teacup cracked on the ground, and the tea splashed all over the floor.

The demon were motionless.

The devil walked back and forth with his hands down.

"I told you a long time ago that you will not be allowed to participate in this title anymore. You all take Ben Jun's words as your ears, right?"

The demon swallowed and swallowed back, and the demon was angry, but don't involve him.

The Demon King scolded two words, and suddenly pointed out, "Go, call Ba Qi Hufa."


The Mozu seemed to have received an amnesty order, and ran out of smoke to call Baqi Hufa.

Eight Qi protector happened to come to see the devil.

Baqi was a lean man with a shrewd look, he bowed his hands to salute, "Devil."

The demon turned around and grabbed the thing next to it and smashed it to Baqi.

Baqi took a hard blow and knelt on one knee. "Devil, what's wrong with Baqi?"

The devil rubbed down from above, "What's the matter of losing the title? Ah? I warned you before, this time I won't let him come, the demon feast can't be done anymore! Ah!"

When Baqi came in, he was asked to point out.

Facing the angry prince, Baqi replied calmly: "The prince, the title will not be removed, and eventually there will be no peace."

"Oh, if you can get rid of it, Ben Jun has already got rid of him."

"Baqi has a plan."

The demon looked at Baqi.

Baqi got up and whispered in the ear of the devil.

After speaking, Baqi took a step back, "Baqi is willing to share his worries with the devil."

"This issue……"

"Devil, there is a flower to see..." The Mozu suddenly broke in and reported.

"Flower?" The devil looks strange, "What flower?"

"A... a black flower." The Demon look is even weirder. "She said there was something important, and she reported it to you, and her subordinates were afraid of something, so I came to report it to you."

The demon has a special liking for the flower demon.

Therefore, the Demon Clan will come to report it, and switch to other species, and have long forked out.

The devil frowned, "Just do what you said, let it in."

The first sentence is to instruct Baqi, and the second sentence is to instruct the demon.

Baqi was ordered to leave the hall.

When he went out, he met Mingshu who came in. He looked at a slap-sized flower, jumped over the slightly higher threshold, and went inside.

Mingshu stood in the empty hall and looked a little small.

On the high seat, the devil sat on her legs with her legs bent, and looked at her with squinted eyes.

"Little flower demon, courageous, tell me what's the matter with this monarch?"

As always, Mingshu went straight to the subject and asked with a smile: "Do you want to catch the God Prince?"

The protoss and the demon clan have never changed.

The devil just sneered when he heard the words: "Prince of the Protoss? Little Flower Demon, do you know where this is?"

"I don't know what I'm doing?" Is this demon foolish?

Mojun's tone suddenly became harsher, "Know that you dare to lie to this monarch?"

Mingshu akimbo: "How did I lie to you? Are you unreasonable?"

The devil sneered: "How come the protoss prince came to the demon world, even if he came, how would you let a little flower demon discover?"

Mingshu wanted to roll his eyes, but unfortunately the body couldn't do it.

Keep smiling when making flowers.

This is polite.

Ming Shu said: "Ling Wu came here to save the apricot flower god. Yes, that's right, you caught Jiu Chongtian's apricot flower god."

"Xinghuahuashen?" The devil's tone was strange.

Where did the apricot flower **** come from?

Who caught it? !

The devil knew nothing about it.

But he couldn't show it.

He stuck his neck and asked, "Ling Wucheng is really in the Devil Realm?"

"You can go and see if you don't believe it." Mingshu doubted, "Have you ever seen Ling Wu? Won't you recognize it?"

"Fart!" Mo Jun patted the armrest.

After the filming, the devil is definitely not right.

As a demon lord, even if he didn't know the protoss of the Protoss, it would be fine.

The demon stared at Mingshu with a harsh tone: "Little demon, if you dare to lie to this monarch, this monarch will make you die better than life!"

"What if I didn't lie to you?"

"What are you qualified to tell me about the conditions?" The pressure of the devil swept down from above.

A little flower demon, still undeformed, dare to come to him in front of him!

Mingshu stood motionless below.

The demon was slightly surprised.

Even the Devil can't bear his coercion, this little demon...

If the devil looks closely, there will be a small enchantment around Mingshu, wrapping her up.

Just when the devil was in doubt, a strange wind swept away, and the whole hall was screaming.

The devil didn't notice anything, and the wind seemed to be just ordinary wind, without any danger.

However, the throne behind him slammed open and the debris splashed.

The demon stepped back a few steps, and looked as ugly as a fly.

Just under his eyelids, he actually blew his throne!

The point is that he does not yet know how to do it!

He turned to look at Mingshu, who was shaking her little flowers, uncomfortable.

This little demon...

The devil calmed himself down and asked, "What do you want?"

Mingshu's voice was clear and crisp, with a smile: "It's easy to say."

Demon King: "..."

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