Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1507: God of Heaven (10)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"You know that no one welcomes you, and you still have a shameful face, do you have any shame?"


The shadow of the tree was mottled on his white clothes, and the peach blossom eyes that had fallen in the ranks were bent, and the sound line was soft, like an invincible spring breeze, haunting the ear.

He raised his hands and clapped, and there was silence around him, as if only applause remained.

"Mozu talks about shame and Hu Yan's protection. It really opened my eyes and deserves the magic palace protection."


Hu Yan was angry, and the big hammer in his hand waved, "Hurry up, otherwise don't blame me!

"Tiger Flame!" The elusive man flashed out of nowhere and pressed down Hu Yan's arm. "Today the devil is married, don't be rude."

"Baqi, you don't have to do business, I have to..."

"Tiger Flame!" Baqi yelled, "You want to make Demon King angry and don't catch up with everyone!"

After listening to it, I was refreshed and stepped forward to hold Hu Yan.

"Protect the law, calm down."

"Don't be impulsive to protect the law."

"Protection is calm!"


Hu Yan was pulled to the back, and there was an unwilling roar in his throat.

Baqi turned around, a pair of eyes were exquisite, and he smiled very quickly on his face, "The title is dear, today is the day of the devil’s wedding, and Hu Yan is also excited. What offends, please please Forgive."

She started acting very cooperatively, "It's hard to say, I'm not a person who cares so much."

When Baqi heard this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched obviously.

I didn't know who it was before, because in a word, people who chased him would not let go for thousands of miles.

Baqi suppressed the anger in his heart, "Please drop in the title, please."

Laughing without a toothless smile, the glory circulates in the eyes, and walks inside with a sleeve.

Baqi's eyes fell on his shoulder.

I didn't take a closer look, I thought it was embroidery, but when I turned around, I realized that it was a real flower.

And it's familiar.

Black flowers are relatively rare, and a few pictures flashed in Baqi's head, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

Is it!

Seek the little flower demon of the devil before.

Not only did the demon grab the crown prince Lingwu, but also set fire to a palace in the devil's palace, making the devil grab her everywhere.

He beckoned behind, and a demon stepped forward to listen.

"Baqi protector?"

"Follow him and see what he wants to do."

The demon nodded and quickly followed.

Baqi went to see the demon king behind.

The devil dressed in a happy dress is standing in front of the water mirror, and a satisfactory photo is taken.

The whole demon king was delighted, and he felt it with the demon who was waiting.

Three days ago.

The demon went to the place where the demon was held and brought back a demon.

If you don’t say anything, you will get married, and you won’t be able to stop it.

In the past three days, they all saw that the devil seemed to really like the flower demon...


"You don't greet in front, what are you doing here?" Mojun looked at Baqi from the mirror.

"Devil, the title is here."

"..." Demon King gritted his teeth, "Why is he here again! Drive him out to Ben Jun!"

"Devil, his subordinates are worried about fighting, and missed the wedding hour. The master let him in." Baqi said: "And...I found one thing."

The demon just wanted to speak, and when he heard the following sentence, his voice changed, "What's the matter?"

"The subordinate saw a flower demon on his shoulder, much like the previous one."

The devil's eyes were cold, "Is it with the title?"

Hachi: "They are together."

If it is indeed the flower demon, it must be a gang.

After all, that person...

Don't talk about living people beside him, even if there are no living flies.

He can let a flower demon lie on his shoulder, the relationship is definitely not simple.

"That little flower demon..."

After waiting for a while, Baqi didn't hear the words behind Mojun, and raised his head and asked, "Mojun, what's wrong?"

The devil looked down and shook his head a moment later.

"It's okay, don't make trouble today. After the king's wedding, you will execute your plan. No mistakes are allowed today!"

"Baqi understands."


The title was turned around in the magic palace, followed by a small tail.

"Little Flower God, how are you going to lead that demons away?" He whispered and discussed with Mingshu.


"You look good, it's pretty eye-catching."

"Don't go." The little goblin dared to instruct me, and my little book could not remember the death you made!

Mingshu hugged the leaves and said, "You let me have a delicate flower to deal with a demon, you can also think of it."

When the corner of the mouth fell, Jiaohua...

Can you miss Jiaohua!

Are you not Jiaohua at all!

"What's the use of raising you."

"good looking."


The title was held on his chest, he couldn't go up, he couldn't go down.

He glanced back, forget it... I'll talk about it tonight.

The devil's wedding is different from the protoss.

They held formal ceremonies in the evening, eating, drinking and drinking during the day, and waiting until the night was the most lively time.

Randomly chose a path.

At the corner, a figure hits face to face. According to the law, it does not fall into the arms of love at first sight, but also hits the ground, and brings a romantic encounter.

The result hit the end of the title...

Mingshu looked at the person flying out like a broken kite, and the leaves forgot to shake.

"over there!"


Several demon races came up from behind. The person who fell on the ground in a red robe with a crooked crest crooked on his head, even if a little embarrassed, did not affect her beauty at all.

This should be our bride's lovely.

Xing Lian heard the cry, and she didn't care about the pain and got up from the ground.

"Stop her..."

"Don't let her run away!"

Seeing that the road over there was blocked, Xing Lian turned and ran towards the end.

She looked up and saw a white man standing in the corridor.

The red silk flew from behind him, and the man was excellent in dust removal, just like a fairy.

The beauty that is completely different from Lingwu, this person... seems to be able to indulge in his beauty, rather than Lingwu's coldness of rejecting thousands of miles.

He should not be a demon...

Xingli's eyes lighted up slightly, and ran towards this side with more effort.

"Stop her." Mingshu encouraged her to lose her title.

"Why?" The dismissal sounds cold for no reason.

"Don't you think she looks good?"


"Have you stopped?"

He dropped his head and looked a little weird in his wrinkled eyes. He raised his hand, and the cuffs were automatic without wind.

Xing Lian said at the same time: "Young Master Helps..."

Next second.

Xing Lian flew out again, just hitting the group of demon behind her.

Xing Lian was caught by the demon clan and could not move.

She looked at the title drop in disbelief. He flew himself for the first time. It can be said that he didn't know that he thought someone was attacking.

But for the second time...

He can even fly himself?

For hundreds of years, Xingli was held by Ling Wuwu in the palm of her hand, Jiu Zhongtian, who dare to do this to her?

This man...



There are only ten days left in a month. How about everyone's monthly tickets?

Vote to buy sugar for Mingshu!

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