Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1508: God of Heaven (11)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Xing Lian was suppressed, and looked a bit pitiful.

Before Mingshu gave a speech, she turned around and walked away. She walked so fast that she couldn't see Xingli almost in an instant.

Mingshu: "..."

Let me draw a hatred!

What are you going to do! !

Leaving that place, the title came out and said, "You see her so good?"

"She's good and I'm not good." If the little cutie ran away, wouldn't it merge with Mr. X? How can she and Mr. X meet.

With a weird smile, "Little Flower God..."

Mingshu shook the leaves, "Why?"

"……It's nothing."

Going down to the front, I never said a word again.

Mingshu: "?"

what happened again?

Goblin's heart, needle under the sea?


The night gradually came.

The magic palace is brightly lit, bright and full of human voices, and talks in groups of two and three.

"Is the wedding about to begin?"


"It's finally starting. I want to see how beautiful the bride is, so that the devil can marry her."

"I heard it was a flower demon..."

Mingshu listened to the gossip in the crowd, the leaves lay on the cheek of the title, and the title was flicked away a few times, and Mingshu reluctantly took it over, and he gave up.

The green leaves touched his cheeks and itchy slightly.

With the unique fragrance of plants.

The position is relatively high, because no one dares to be with him, so the neighborhood is empty, forming an excellent viewing position.

The people behind were huddled together, but they were busy.

"The devil is here!"

Outside the hall, the devil dressed in a happy costume was surrounded by two guardians, Hu Yan and Ba Qi.

"Long live the devil."

The demons saluted one after another.

Standing with his arms folded, there is no meaning of salute.

Of course no one dared to say anything about him, but Hu Yan wanted to scold, but he was caught by Ba Qi.

The devil also counts as a talented person, Feng Shen is handsome, he puts on the wedding dress, and adds a bit of handsomeness.

During the pilgrimage, the Demon King ascended to a high position, glanced down below, paused for a few seconds at the position, and then moved away.

"You don't have to pay much courtesy, today is the day of the king's wedding, and those courtesies are free."

"Xie Mojun."

Mojun said a few words with a smile.

"Mojun, the auspicious time is here." A Mozu reminded him.

The demon nodded, beckoning the wedding to begin.

The bottom of the group was full of emotion, curious about the bride the devil was going to marry.

The sound of silk bamboos began to rise, and there were demon masters reading the opening words. The sentences were long and complicated, and everyone could get dizzy after listening.

"Please bride--"

The hall calmly came by.

Everyone looks in one direction.

The maid dressed in a pink dress came curling up, among them there was a girl dressed up, petite and exquisite, with a beautiful appearance, and curling up.

There are maid helpers on both sides of Xingli, saying that it is help, but in fact it is holding.

"It's so beautiful..."

"The devil originally liked this type, but it was really beautiful..."

"Is this a flower demon? Why didn't I feel the demon in her?"

Xingli couldn't move, she could only be held by the maid to the devil.

There were still tears on her face, biting her lower lip tightly. It was really pitiful. I saw pity.

The demon appeared from Xing Lian, his gaze could not be changed, he was faintly excited.

When Xing Lian was sent to his side, he held out his hand, held Xing Lian's palm, and his smile bloomed at that moment.

Mingshu propped his chin, "You said that this devil had married the **** of flowers in the Jiuzhong Heaven, will Jiu Zhongtian come over?"

"No." The tone of the title was determined.


"Little flower god, the war between gods and demons is not that simple." The corner of the lowered lips hooked a faint arc.

"There is a saying that Chong Guan is angry with anger."

"Small flower god, are you reading a lot of small books?" She fell in love with her. "Behind every story that rushed to the crown and became angry, ambition was hidden."

"Ningling was arrested, is this enough to fight?"

"Heavenly Emperor has more than one son."

"You know a lot."

"Small Flower God, do you adore me?" His head dropped, his eyes sparkling, like ripples in the spring pond, melodiously swaying into people's hearts, bringing up circles and circles of ripples.

"..." The kind who wanted to hit him, to die.

"Couple worships..."


The ceremonial shouts accompanied the kicked temple door and landed at the same time.

Everyone looked out of the hall.

A man flew in, stepped on the shoulders of the demon, and approached the front. There were many people behind the man, rushing in at the same time.


"The Protoss people are coming in!"

"I was yelled at by the horse, copy the guys and **** them!"

"Grass, the dog legs of this group of Protoss, dare to run to the Demon Palace to spread the wild, and give it to Laozi!"

The two sides met, without much nonsense, and began to work directly.


Ming Shu exclaimed.

The gaze fell on the man, Lingwu...

His wrinkled eyes were slightly heavy.

"Eh, where are you going?"

The title is retreating out of the crowd.

He didn't answer Mingshu's words, and quickly withdrew from the crowd. Mingshu looked at the chaotic hall and jumped off the title.

Grabbing her subconsciously, she caught empty.

He looked up again, and Mingshu was gone.


Frowning frowned, his eyes moved back and forth outside the hall and finally left the hall.

Not because she affects herself.



Inside the hall.

Mingshu mixed into the crowd and ran to the high platform in his own right.

Xing Lian was held in the arms by the demon king. She looked at Ling Wu excitedly, and wanted to go, but was pressed by the devil king.

Ling Wu splits several demon races blocking the road and falls on the high platform.


Xing Lian was very excited, opened her lips, but no sound came out.

Ling Wu's sword pointed directly at the demon king, "What did you do to the pity?!"

"Reassure that I won't hurt her." The devil said: "How can I be willing to hurt her."

"Let go of pity!"

"Hahahaha, His Royal Highness, the man who came to Benjun, how could he let go."

Mingshu moved close to the edge. She leaned out of her head, looked at Lingwu's position, and slowly moved over.

The opposite animal lay there motionless.

Mingshu shook the leaf and gestured for it.

The little animal turned over and ignored her.

Mingshu: "..."

The last time she said that it was stolen, she swallowed it alone!

Don't help her!

The shovel is a big liar.

Ming Shu: "..." You never thought of me when you ate a single food!


Little Beast: You eat solitary food!

Ming Shu: You don’t eat solitary food too!

Little Beast: Who gave it to you when you were in trouble?

Ming Shu: Who gave it to you when you were in trouble?

Little Beast: You are ruthless, you are cold-blooded, you are unreasonable.

Mingshu: (snacking snacks) Oh, then I ate it alone.

Little Beast: (Hug) You are the best.

[Under normal circumstances, neither Mingshu nor the little beast will share anything with each other, so there is no one who is not good to others. 】

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