Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1511: God of Heaven (14)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!


Ling Wu appeared with the several protoss who had been bound before, and while the Demon King was distracted to deal with the Demon Array, he robbed Xing Lian back.

"Go!" Ling Wu didn't recognize the formation and had no plans to fight.

They are **** clan, and the Demon Array is useless to them, they can leave here.

"His Royal Highness..." Xing Lian pulled her, "I can't go."


"I have devil qi in my body..." Xing Lian pushed him, "Can't go, your highness, let's go."

Ling nowhere is willing, holding Xing Lian's wrist, Xing Lian did not lie, she really had magic energy in her body.

Xingli could not leave, and Demon Jun and Lingwu could fight for her at this time.

Mingshu held the lotus to watch the drama, poked the title with the leaves, "Look, isn't this just rushing the crown to anger?"

Title: "..."

The title changed position, avoiding the golden light falling from the sky, and did not discuss this issue with Ming Shu.

With more and more golden lights, the Demon Race felt uncomfortable even if they didn't touch it.


Sword Qi came from the front, drawing a deep ravine on the ground and heading straight to Mingshu.

Raise your hand when the title is down, and push your palm outward.

Jian Qi was blocked, changed direction, and hit both sides. Some demons were implicated. After being hit by Jian Qi, he met Jinguang again.

The skin and bones of the demon began to melt, as if thrown into the oil pan.

"Who are you!" Ling Wu stared at the rank.

This man doesn't look like a demon...

But it was indeed devil lingering around him.

"Nine Chongtian's prince..." whispered the title, and Taohua's eyes were slightly cold: "What did you want to do?"

"Fulian give me!"

The title suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, did you hear the little flower god?"

Ming Shu said: "It's better to give it to me."

Title: "..." Okay! One by one, you all have the idea of ​​playing Lao Tzu Lotus! !

"I don't give it?"

"Now in the Demon Formation, your Demon Race ability is weakened, you are not my opponent!" Ling Wudao: "Give me the lotus."

"I need Buddha too." If he doesn't need it, why bother to find it? How could it be handed over!

Ling frowned, throwing the sword in his hand and drawing two curved arcs in the air.

The figures of the two flickered in the golden light.

You can hardly see the moves.

Last time Mingshu let the small beast attack, so he fell.

Playing head-on, Ling Wu's strength cannot be underestimated.

It is inconvenient to drop a hand, and it is convenient to put the lotus into Mingshu.

Mingshu: "..."

Get rich!

Mingshu held the Buddha that had her title down and swallowed it. It smelled delicious.

I want to take a bite.

Mingshu held the lotus, and could not grasp the title, so when the sword energy swept over in front, Mingshu was swept by the aftermath, and his body suddenly planted.

"Little Flower God!"

Take the title and catch Mingshu.

Ling came without flash, and his sword waved to the title, and the title turned back to him. At this time, it was too late to return to the defense.

In the electric light and fire stone, Mingshu jumped on his shoulder with the hand that dropped the title, and the body suddenly became larger, blocking the sword.

His head jumped violently, turning back to embrace Mingshu, and backing away at the same time.

Jin Guang fell on him, he didn't avoid it, he resisted hard.

"Little Flower God?"

The flowers of Mingshu pulled down and looked at the leaves he had cut, "He cut my leaves!"

Listening to Mingshu's voice is no problem, the title is slightly relieved, soothing her: "It doesn't matter, it will grow."

"I'm going to beat him." The leaves are hair! Isn't it bald without hair!

How dare you cut my hair!


"Little Flower God..."

Mingshu suddenly felt a little dizzy, and the lotus that had just been absorbed was rushing into her body.

The lotus, who was still held by her, was automatically walking into her body.

What is this stuff?

"Little Flower God!"

The cry of falling title sounded, with a bit of anxiety.

Mingshu could not resist those forces entering her body.

"Little Flower God..."

The voice of the title was separated, her consciousness kept falling... falling...

Then he fell into a strange space.

The brain was dizzy, as if returning to a place, a place that made her feel very comfortable.

But this feeling soon disappeared.

The pain swept through, and my limbs began to hurt as if pulled vigorously.

It hurts...

Not knowing how long it took before Mingshu felt the pain disappear.

Aura came from the outside and nourished her body.

Finally, the tiredness disappeared.

She tried to open her eyes and the light re-entered her world.

"Huh, you woke up."

A girl's face appeared on it, with a pleasant smile, and a small dimple on her face, which looked very cute.

Mingshu blinked hard.

The goal is to climb a shelf full of purple flowers. She is now lying on a soft couch under the shelf. The gauze is hanging around the shelf, and the smoke is swirling like a fairyland.

Isn't she in Demon Realm?

"What is this place?"

"Nine Chongtian." The dimple girl replied crisply: "You are a new flower fairy."

Mingshu: "?"

Flying... Soaring?

"How did I get up?" She remembered the last fight, and then Lotus seemed to have to let her absorb it, and then... soared?

"Flying up." The dimple girl wondered: "Don't they all come up like this?"

Can it still soar?

Soar after sleeping?

Mingshu sat up and his eyes fell on his white hands.

...Have a body!

Finally no need to eat dirt!

"Did you eat?" Mingshu grabbed the dimple girl, her eyes full of little stars. She hadn't eaten for a long time.

The dimple girl was uncomfortable by Mingshu, "Yes... yes, you wait, I'll get it for you."

The dimple girl quickly brought something back to Mingshu.

"Thank you." Mingshu offered her a bright smile.

The dimple girl froze for a while. When she took care of her before, she found that she looked particularly good. She didn't expect to laugh and look better.

Her cheeks flushed slightly, "My name is Qingzhi, what is your name?"

"Jin Se."

"What kind of flower are you?" Qingzhi wondered.

"I don't know, it's probably a wildflower." I don't know any flowers, and I'm desperate.

"Wildflowers can also soar? You are so powerful!" Qing Zhi's face admired.

Ming·Wildflower·Special: "..."

I also feel so good, soaring after a sleep.

Mingshu asked Qingzhi while eating, and learned about the previous things.

Hundred-flower cultivation rises up, and it will appear here as a body, and it will be transformed after being nurtured by fairy temperature.

Qingzhi is here to take care of these newly-increased flowers immortals.

That's right, it's not the flower god, it's the flower fairy...

She is a flower fairy now...

I always think something is wrong.

Mingshu asked Qingzhi about the outside world. Qingzhi almost never left here. She didn't know anything about the outside world.

Green Garden said: "I will take you to the side of the Flower Temple Hall for a while. After registering, you will be a flower fairy with an identity."

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