Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1512: God of Heaven (15)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The level of immortals is lower than that of gods. Generally, they can only be assigned to various palaces.

If you don’t register, you won’t be able to get out of the Flower Temple, and you won’t be able to hear about things outside.

Mingshu can only register first.

Qing Zhi took her past, while introducing her to the layout of the Flower Temple.

The original owner used to be the owner of this place, and he is very familiar with this place in his memory.

Qingzhi took her to the hall, "You wait, I'll knock on the door."

Qing Zhi took the skirt up the steps and knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Qingzhi with the new flower fairy registration."

"..." The voice inside the door waited a few seconds before saying: "Come in."

Qingzhi pushed open the door, signaling Mingshu to keep up.

The layout of the room is exactly the same as in the original master's memory, even the people sitting behind the table are the same.

The immortal officer in charge of the throne bowed his head and wrote something, and without looking up, he asked, "What flower immortal?"

On this issue, Qingzhi was stumped.

She doesn't know what a flower fairy Mingshu is!

Not even herself.

Mingshu walked a few steps forward. It happened that the immortal officer didn't hear the sound, and looked up. Qingzhi wanted to pull Mingshu, but didn't hold it. Her face suddenly showed a worried look.


Xianguan got up and led the chair, looking at Mingshu in shock.

"Jin... Jinse Flower God..."

"Still know me." Mingshu supported the table.

"..." The immortal official's color of shock increased without decreasing.

It's really her!

But how is it possible?

They saw with their own eyes that the Jinse Flower God was pressed onto the God Destroyer...

"Jinse Flower God..." Xianguan turned from the table, a little bit excited, "You... Are you really back? Did I really see you?"

"Do you think it is a dream?"

Xianguan pinched herself and made her teeth grin.

The original owner was also in the Flower Temple for so many years. At that time, the Mausoleum did not want to push Xing Lian to the upper position.

However, under the power of His Royal Highness, they have no choice.

After Xinglian commanded the Flower Temple, they were convinced on the surface, but dissatisfied in their hearts.

Seeing Mingshu at this time, Xianguan was more than excited.

Their Jinse flowers are all right!

Aozhi looked confused.

Do you know this new flower immortal?

how can that be possible?

"Cough, Qingzhi, you go back first." Xianguan thought of Qingzhi still, and quickly ordered.

Qingzhi looked at Mingshu and bowed her head, "Yes."

"Xing Lian?" Mingshu leaned against the table and asked casually.

"Xingli Flower God..." Xianguan had some scruples.


"Apricot Flower God is on the Prince's side. Apricot Flower God is injured in the lower realm and needs to be nursed."

Mingshu grinned at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Did you hear about the devil world?"

Xianguan nodded: "I heard some."

"Tell me about it."

Xianguan didn't know what Mingshu asked about this, he wanted to know how she came back, and what happened to Destroyer.

Of course she could not help but answer.

"The Devil's Thing..."

Fairy officials are all hearsay, the truth pieced together.

In short, probably after she was in a coma, Xinghuahua God temporarily sealed the Demon Array with a method.

But the Xinghuahua God was hit hard, and Ling Wu kept her unscathed after bringing her back.

There is no news from Mozu, or there is news, his position is too low to inquire.

There is nothing about losing rank.

Mingshu pondered for a moment, the goblin should be fine...

He is so powerful.

"Jinse Flower God, did you come back?" Xianguan asked carefully.

"Come back from flying up," Ming Shu said.

Xianguan's eyes widened slightly, and he stumbled and asked: "But...before, you..."

Destruction God Tower!

Ming Shu blinked a shallow arc at the corner of his mouth, "Maybe I can't die."

Xianguan quickly echoed: "Jinse Flower God Fuze is deep..."

She paused, "The God of Jinse, the King of the North Sea?"

Mingshu didn't care much, ticked a fairy fruit on the table, and took a bite.

"Isn't it..." Xianguan waved his hand: "We believe in you. The death of the Dragon King of the North Sea must be irrelevant to you. I'm just worried that if someone knows that you will come back, you will inevitably talk about this matter, which is not good for you."

"Then come."


Mingshu lightly registered himself, and floated out in the complicated sight of Xianguan.

Xianguan has not recovered for a long time.

How did he feel that Jinse Huan was very different... He smiled so beautifully.

In the past, there was always sadness in the eyes of the Jinsehua God. Even if he smiled, he only smiled with a slight lip. He rarely smiled like that just now.

But that face, he would never admit it wrong.

I don’t know what Jinsehua God experienced...


When Mingshu went out, Qingzhi was still waiting outside. When she saw her come out, she pulled her and asked Dongdongxixi, wondering how she knew Xianguan.

Ming Shu made up a reason randomly.

"Did Xianguan arrange a place for you?"


"Ah... Did Xianguan forget?" Qing Zhi scratched his head. "No. Since you know Xianguan, Xianguan will definitely arrange a good job for you."

Speaking of which, Qing Zhi smiled, "It must be difficult to arrange for the time being, then you live with me first, and wait for you to arrange it, how about you go?"

Mingshu did not refuse.

She followed Qingzhi back.

All kinds of flowers are planted here, and some are just fairy plants, which are sent to various palaces.

Some are flower immortals that are about to be transformed.

Qingzhi took care of them.

Xianguan knew that Mingshu was here in Qingzhi and came over from time to time, making Qingzhi think he had done something wrong.

Immortal officials did not dare to arrange things for Mingshu.

Fortunately, Xing Lian is not in the Flower Temple now, Xian Guan is fully responsible, and is not afraid of anything.

Mingshu occasionally went out to inquire about the lower realm.

Devil Realm should be fine. After all, Xing Lian has become like that. Can't she let her pay for nothing?

As for Xing Lian...

Haven't been back on the prince's side.

Mingshu held a grass and lay under a plum tree.

The flowers here are always in full bloom without the four seasons.

The plum blossoms above her head were blooming and blooming.

Occasionally, petals fall and spread around Mingshu.

"Huh, why are you this flower fairy lazy here." On the trail next to the plum tree, turned around a few fairy, one of them saw Ming Shu, quickly stepped forward, "I haven't found anyone for a long time, you still Lay here and be lazy, take us quickly to get Xian Zhi."

Mingshu chewed the grass, remembering what Qingzhi left to tell her today.

She stood up from the ground, "Come with me."

Bring this group of little fairies to the place, Mingshu leaned on the flower tree next to them, watching them move things.

One of them looked at her and pointed at her: "I said that you are a flower immortal, why don't you know how to help? So many, you will help us to send it over, delaying the palace banquet, you look good!"

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