Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1514: God of Heaven (17)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu and Yingluo were finally caught.

Ming Shu could have been able to run, but was eventually hugged by Ying Luo, saying what he would die with.

Mingshu: "???

Please, shall we meet for the first time?

Where did one live and die together?

Do you know how easy it is to be deceived, little girl?

"I'll take you to the party to eat!" Ying Luo hammered it out.

and so……

Finally, Mingshu sat at the banquet, and asked Mingshu to sit next to her, otherwise she would not attend if she died.

Ying Luo draped a tulle in front of her and could only vaguely see the figure outside.

Yingluo had arrived, and Lingling did not come late.

There was a lot of talk among the people below.

"Where did the crown prince go?"

"Why not come yet?"

"Prince is afraid of being with Xing Lian Flower God..."


Opposite a man slapped on the table with a slap, and his face was somber, with ‘I’m not in trouble’ written all over his body, and the argument suddenly disappeared.

"That's my father." Ying Luo whispered and Mingshu introduced, there was a little pride in his tone that could not be hidden.

Ming Shu looked at the past, a little familiar, the original owner should have seen.

Ying Luo didn't feel late about Ling Wu and who was there, so this little girl didn't like Ling Wu.

She pulled Mingshu and said, "Did you know? In the past, there was a flower **** in Jiuzhong who liked Lingwu, but Lingwu didn't like that apricot pity, and he caused that flower **** to die, and Lingwu was a scum! That flower! God is so miserable, I will never marry him!"

Mingshu looked sideways: "Isn't Jinse killing the North Sea Dragon King?"

"Well, the North Sea Dragon King is reluctant to marry the Jinse Flower God, but Heavenly Emperor’s order is not easy to violate, so I begged my father to beat him. My father took it lightly and didn’t kill him on the spot. That day, but it was that day, and now it’s time to reincarnate..."

"So... Jinse Flower God was pushed to the God-destroying platform, as well as your father's credit?" The North Sea Dragon King didn't say that he was grumpy, didn't the Heavenly Emperor dare to mess with it?

Why did such a thing happen?

Looking for someone to kill yourself to resist marriage? The result was directly killed...

Are the fairy's operations so arrogant?

I'm really scared!

Ying Luo retorted, "That's not it, when King Beihai died..."

"Prince is--"

The appearance of Lingwu broke the strange atmosphere of the hall.

Also interrupt the conversation between Mingshu and Yingluo.

He and Lingwu appeared at the same time, and there was Xinglian. Xinglian was supported by Xiaoxian, following Lingwu, with a graceful posture, a slender waist and a grip, and a delicate face with pale colors, a little bit Lean beauty.

"Why is she." Ying Luo was a little surprised.

Mingshu propped his chin to eat grapes, one bite at a time, heard the words, and looked sideways: "You didn't say that Lingwu has someone you like before, don't you know?"

"I've only heard it, but I haven't seen it." Ying Luomei eyes rounded, "She..."

Prince Wuling and the apricot flower god, who doesn’t know about the nineth heaven?

Today it can be said that Yingluo and Lingwu had a blind date... but Lingwu came with Xing Lian.

The meaning is self-evident.

Ling Wu personally arranged a seat for Xing Lian.

Ying Luo's father's face was extremely poor, and the wine glasses were almost crushed by him.

The Feng tribe is an ancient **** clan, and even the Emperor of Heaven must give face.

Ling Wu has no one in his eyes, what makes him the head of the Feng clan?

The rest of the people also wondered what Lingling did today, and looked at each other a few times, seeing shock and doubt in each other's eyes.

Even if Lingwu likes the apricot flower god, he doesn't have to come out at this time.

The Patriarch of the Feng Family is still here!

Isn't this hitting someone's face?

It is not wise to offend an ancient **** race.

"His Royal Highness, what do you mean?" Shen Sheng, the patriarch of the Phoenix clan asked, his tone fairly calm.

Ling Wu did not stand above, "Today I have something to ask the Princess Feng."

The patriarch of the Feng clan frowned slightly, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction, and he endured his anger and asked, "What is it?"

"Have you ever been to Ziyang Mountain?"

"Have been there." Ying Luo's voice came through the curtain.

"Did you meet the pity?"

"..." Ying Luo frowned, "Meet."

"His Royal Highness, you ask what these do?" The Patriarch of the Feng clan got up and said annoyedly: "What if my daughter has met the apricot flower god? Today we are not here to listen to you!"

"Patriarch Patriarch, don't worry, let me finish." Ling Wu said indifferently.

The Patriarch of the Feng family glanced down and glanced at his daughter and slapped it on the table. "His Royal Highness, if you can't give a reasonable statement today, don't blame me."

Ling Wudao: "The princess of the Phoenix clan somehow provokes the demon, the princess passes by, and is accidentally involved, but the princess of the princess pushes the princess to make a shield, and runs away, causing the princess to be tied to the demon..."

Mingshu uttered his tongue, "You have done this before."

Ying Luo reddened his eyes and quickly excused: "I don't have it!"

Ming-Shu raised her thumb and praised her with a smile, "Good job!"


"His Royal Highness! What nonsense you are!" The first to explode is the patriarch of the Phoenix clan and the unconditional guardian. "Even though Luoluo is stubborn, he will never do such a thing!"

Ying Luo also opened the curtain and went out.

"Dad, this is not the case at all..."

"Princess Feng clan personally admits that she has been to Ziyang Mountain and has met the pity."

Ying Luo was interrupted, and she stared angrily at Lingwu.

"I met, but I..."

Ling Wu didn't seem to intend to give her the opportunity to defend herself innocently and interrupt her again.

"There are traces of flames unique to your Feng clan on Pian'er, can this also be fake?"

Under the watchful eye of everyone, Xing Lian lifted her sleeves to reveal a scar.

There are only a few people in the Feng ethnic group who possess a special flame, and this kind of flame, after burning people, will leave a special mark, no one can pretend to be.

"I did touch her, but that was her first..."

Ling Wuru’s gaze fell on Ying Luo, "Are the princesses of the Phoenix family confess?"

"His Royal Highness, why do you have to give my daughter a chance of self-identification? What do you mean by being so aggressive?"

"The patriarch said it rightly. Now it is more like His Royal Highness, giving the little princess a black pot."

A crisp echo came from behind the curtain.

This sound made Ling Ling's expression slightly change. He looked towards the curtain. He raised his hand, and the curtain automatically moved without wind, exposing the people inside.

The girl in the black dress sat in front of the case, her white hands, holding the glass cup, flicking on the table case, her fingertips suddenly jumping like light.

At the moment when the girl's appearance appeared, there was a breathing noise around her.

Even the patriarch of the Feng clan showed a surprised look.

"Is that Jinse Flower God?"

"I seem to be hallucinating."

"Look exactly the same..."

"Jinse Flower God..."

"But the Jinse Flower God is not..."

Did the gray smoke disappear?

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