Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1515: God of Heaven (18)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

When Xingli heard Mingshu's voice, she was stunned.

Seeing Mingshu's face at this time, she pinched her palms tightly, and she even returned to Jiuchongtian!

Ming Shu's eyes passed through the crowd and fell on Xing Lian.

Xing Lian panicked at the pair of smiling eyes.

"How will you be here!"

Ling Wu suppressed the doubts and surprises in the bottom of his heart and questioned sharply.

While in Demon Realm, she suddenly disappeared, as if crushed by the Demon Formation.

Now she is sitting on the nineth heaven with a grandeur!

Ling Wu was not surprised.

Mingshu withdrew his eyes and took a glass of glass, took a sip of wine, and replied with a smile: "Of course it was soaring up. I didn't come back by smuggling. His Royal Highness rest assured that he won't let you catch my braid."

Ling Wu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

But how to explain the destruction of God Tower!

How could anyone have a fake when they saw it with their own eyes?

Is God's Destruction Tower broken?

Ying Luo stared at Mingshu dumbfounded, she she she... she was Jin Se?

Just now she told her the gossip of Jin Se...

Soaring up, that is to be recognized by Tiandao, a reasonable and legal existence.


No one can say anything!

As for the death of the Dragon King of the North Sea, as Ming Shu said, even if the Dragon King of the North Sea was killed by her, she had already died once.

Mingshu put down the Liuli Cup and said with a smile: "I know you are impressed by my beauty, but now is not the time to look at me?"

Everyone: "..."

This is definitely not Jinse flower god!

How can the narcissist be narcissistic!

But I have to admit, is it still the same face, it feels completely different, is more beautiful and moving.

But Mingshu was right.

There is still one thing unsolved right now.

The patriarch of the Feng clan looked at Mingshu several times, and his eyes were a little complicated. He turned to Yingluo and said, "Yingluo, you will talk about it again. His Royal Highness, shouldn't you not give this opportunity?"

Ling Wu believed Xing Lian, so after Xing Lian told him, he had no doubt at all and almost convicted Ying Luo.

At this time, the patriarch Feng said that he could only nod.

Ying Luo's eyes almost stuck to Ming Shu.

The patriarch Feng called her several times before she recovered.

"This is the case. That day my father asked me to go to Ziyang Mountain to find my brother..."

Ying Luo was instructed to find her brother, but no one was found, so she stayed near Ziyang Mountain and waited for her brother to come back.

This is just a few days.

However, instead of waiting for her brother, she waited for Xingli.

Contrary to what Xing Lian said.

Xing Lian was chased by the Demon Race, and she stepped forward to help, but the Demon Race was a bit powerful, and Xing Lian and she were both caught.

Yingluo's temperament is not bad, and escapes together with Xinglian.

Unfortunately, when he escaped, he was discovered by the Demon Race. Xinglian pushed Yingluo to the Demon Race for his escape.

The flame that Ying Luo waved out, fell on Xing Lian's arm.

At that time, Ying Luo didn't even know that she was Xing Lian, but she saved a white-eyed wolf when she was unlucky.

Seeing her just now, I knew who she was.

Ling Wu asked: "How did you escape?"

"My brother saved me." Ying Luo said: "I don't believe you can ask my brother to ask!"

"That's your brother, he certainly speaks for you."

"You..." Yingluo was flushed with rage, "You don't help her to speak, what evidence does she have? Just rely on her sentence, will you condemn me?"

"I have evidence!" Xing Lian's voice is weak, "can prove that what I said is true."

Ying Luo was shocked.

What evidence does she have?

"Everything is false." Mingshu got up, the skirt like a gauze fluttered, rippling as she walked.

"Jinse here is not your thing!" Ling Wu yelled.

Ming Shu exaggeratedly patted his chest, "What are you doing so fiercely? I'm afraid of you, do you want to fight?"

Everyone: "..."

I didn't see you afraid at all.

You still have an appointment!

The flower **** who has been to the goddess of destruction is different!

"I have evidence!" Xing Lian's tone was firmer.

"The evidence can be faked." Mingshu looked at her. "Who knows that your evidence is really fake. You don't believe the little princess brother's testimony, why should you believe your evidence?"

Ling Wu: "..."

Xing Lian: "..."

Ying Luo: "That's it! Why can you believe it, but my brother can't believe it?"

Ming Shu turned and smiled, his lips opened slightly, and the words were clear.

The Destroying Platform of God Realm can destroy all the gods and spirits.

Qinxindai vowed to accept punishment if he lied or violated.

"Yes!" Ying Luo immediately echoed, "Don't look at any evidence. I have no doubts. I am willing to ask Xintai to swear to prove innocent!"

Ying Luo was in this posture, and everyone's eyes were on Xing Lian.

As long as you don’t lie, at this time, you are not afraid.

The evidence is much weaker than the Xinxintai.

Because sometimes the evidence can be faked, but the questioning platform can't.

Xing Lian clutched her clothes, her face pale, her forehead oozing with dense sweat, and her heart was beating like thunder.

Where did she dare to ask Xintai?

"Pityer?" Ling Wu frowned.

Xing Lian glanced around, pale lips slightly opened, "I..."

Being so watched by so many people, Xing Lian strongly supported, she bit her lower lip, and the pale lips showed a little blood.

"I am willing to go, but my body is still weak..."

"It's just an oath, how much effort can it take?" Mingshu interrupted Yingluo's gesture before learning Ling Wu. "If you can't go, you can let your prince brother hold you. If you don't go now, that's guilty conscience. , Guilty conviction proves that you are lying."

"If you lie, you will complain against the wicked first, but it's bad intentions. When I was young, it was a battle between two women. When I was bigger, I said, you are provoking the relationship between the Emperor and the Phoenix."

Mingshu's voice was not in a hurry, Ling Ling tried not to interrupt her several times, but did not intervene.

When you want to say something, don't be influenced by others.

Otherwise you will become the passive party.

Ling Wu's previous hat was nothing.

Mingshu's several hats were buckled down, and the height rose between the two forces.

Xingli was almost unable to sit still.

"You are not talking nonsense here, Jinse!"

"Oh, then go to the heart platform and prove it with facts. What's the use of shouting at me?"

Ling Wu stared at Ming Shu and walked to Xing Lian, holding her hand, "Lian Er?"

Xing Lian shivered a little.

Ling Wuxian was doubtful, although his eyes were dark.

He clenched Xing Lian's hand slightly.

"I go!"

Seeing the change in Lingwu's sight and the skeptical sight around him, Xing Lian made a noise.

"I'll ask the heart platform."

But she said that she regretted it.

But the words have been said, there is no room for recovery.

There was still some distance on the way to ask Xintai, so she could find a way out.


Ask the heart platform.

The little fairy who kept asking the heart platform was frightened by the sudden arrival of so many people, and he did not dare to kneel on the ground.

This asks Xintai that there will not necessarily be anyone coming for thousands of years, how come so many people suddenly?

The Qinxintai is similar to the Destroying Deity, it is a circular table.

Mingshu found a place to sit down, holding a plate of fruit, "Don't linger, let's get started."

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