Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1520: God of Heaven (23)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The coexistence of gods and demons naturally has its truth.

If the Demon Clan dies, only the Protoss, and the Protoss without threats, what will it look like?

Anything without checks and balances will deteriorate.

The Demon Race is strange.

Just when they learned the news, the Demon Race had approached Jiu Chong Tian with a large army.

The Protoss had no precautions at all, and the Heavenly Emperor summoned people to the Lingxiao Temple and worked out an emergency plan.

Carrying a root cucumber, Mingshu slipped to Nantianmen to watch the excitement.

Outside the Nantian Gate, the black one pressed, and the devil's qi was skyrocketing.

There is no demon king in the team.

Leading the way are the guardian of the Eight Qi and Tiger Flame, and the banner of the Mozu flutters silently.

The Protoss side is the Protoss general, and both sides are at a stalemate at this time, and no one has started.

The scene is magnificent.

It was strangely quiet.


The burning red flashed from the afterglow of Mingshu, and the left shoulder was photographed, but when he turned around, he looked empty.

Ming Shu turned to the right, and Ying Luo was frowning at her.

Ying Luo learned her to squat, "what are you doing?"

Mingshu is very honest, "Go to the theater."

Ying Luo hugged his face, "I didn't fight again, what's so good about it. Hey, how long do you want them to stand still? Can't they fight?"

"Do you want to go to war so much?" Ming Shu glanced at her.

"Hey..." Yingluo rubbed his hands. "I used to be locked up by my father and my brother and I wasn't allowed to come out. I wanted to practice my hands long ago. And the last time the demon, I have to get revenge! Little girl revenge, not a hundred years later !"

Mingshu: "..."

Living long, revenge is so random.

Ming Shu demolished her stage: "Did you not win last time?"

Ying Luo pouted, "Last time I didn't care about Xing Lian, and didn't dare to give my best. Who knows she pits me like that?"

Mingshu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't you blame your father?"

"Why blame my dad?"

"He didn't help you teach Xing Lian."

"Oh, you said this, my dad said, if you let Ling Wu find a suitable excuse, Xing Lian not only won't go to the heart platform, maybe even remove Xing Lian. But he gave Ling no step down, he took advantage of it. Except for the position of the flower **** of Xing Lian, the position of the **** of flowers is not so easy to climb. My father said that this is the best way to teach Xing Lian. By the way, it can also restore your identity and kill two birds with one stone."


So to restore her identity, is it just by the way?

Mingshu bite two cucumbers, this is the essence of the Feng patriarch thief.

Mingshu and Yingluo crouched behind.

"Will they fight?" Ying Luo waited a little impatiently. Mingshu had already returned to get two snacks, but he hadn't fought.

Mingshu also felt their ink.

Just look at the other party, can you show the other party to death?

"Eh, eh, look and see..." Ying Luo suddenly shot Ming Shu.

Mingshu almost choked on fruit.

She looked in the direction of Ying Luo's fingers.

The Demon gave way.

The demon flew from the back to the front, and the Protoss team stirred slightly.

But for a moment, there was a Protoss running back, presumably to report.

The devil wants to see Lingwu.

"Eh... why are you going?"

Ying Luo was looking up, and suddenly found Ming Shu slipping away.

Has she finished snacking again?

However, Yingluo found that Ming Shu's direction was not right. She if...maybe... went to the Demon Race.

Ying Luo looked around, gritted his teeth, and followed.


Ling Wu arrived soon.

Both sides shouted.

Mingshu listened to one ear, probably meaning that Ling Wu will hand over Xing Lian, otherwise he would go to war.

Under the threat of the Demon Demon Array, the demon dared to chase the nineth heaven.

It can be seen that the devil is deeply in love.

The true beauty is bad.

Here should let the goblin look.

Ling Wuwei could not hand over Xing Lian, but he still didn't fight and kept fighting.

Mingshu and Yingluo had already slipped to the vicinity of the Demon Race, blocking their bodies by the clouds.

Ying Luo was puzzled, and he saw Mingshu suddenly attacked the Devil.

Ying Luo's eyes widened, she she she... what is she doing?

When Mingshu attacked, he moved to another place, continued to attack, flicked and ran.

The demon riots gradually grew.

"The Prodigal villains!"

"Suddenly engage in a sneak attack, have the ability to step on the horse and don't hide your head!"

"A group of tortoise grandsons, no %&@#¥......"

The Protoss heard the scolding over there, and the unconvinced scolded back.

"Who do you mean?"

"Who is going to come to our site first?"

The demon are not convinced, "You guys engage in sneak attacks!"

The Protoss taunted, "Whoever engages in a sneak attack is your own self-direction, and it's for us to plant the stolen goods!"

The war of words between the two sides intensified.

Gradually, the situation was out of control, and the devil and tomb could not be stopped.

"Damn it, **** them!"


Demon and Protoss hands at the same time.

The fighting outside the Nantian Gate suddenly shook the sky.

Mingshu was in a turmoil on both sides, and this one became more and more unstoppable.

Ying Luo watched the whole journey, and she was full of brains to provoke the demon and the deity to fight.

Although she wanted to fight, she didn't think so.

Anyway, she still remembers her identity.

She is a protoss.

"Don't you want to fight? Not yet?"


Ying Luo hesitated.

"Don't you want to do anything else?"

Ming Shu's innocent face, "What can I do?"

"Are you... not doing anything yet?"

"Anyway, they will have to fight sooner or later. I just let them fight in advance and have fun. Is there anything wrong?"

If I don’t fight, how can I be naughty? !

Yingluo was flicked away by Mingshu, she sat in the cloud and gnawed two cucumbers, then got up and went to the demons.

Mingshu wears a black dress. As long as she doesn't look at her face carefully, not many people will pay attention to her in confusion.

"What did you do!"

The outer periphery is chaotic, but the inner periphery is very orderly.

Mingshu was blocked by the demon.

"I want to see your devil." Mingshu said with a smile.

"You are not a Mozu!" Mozu snapped.

The atmosphere of the demon race is very different from that of the protoss. Even if it is specifically converged, it is close, and if you look carefully, it will still show its original shape.

"Yes, I'm sincere." Mingshu dropped his donkey down, with a sincere look on his face, making people unable to tell the difference between true and false.

Mozu: "..."

The Mozu looked at Mingshu several times.

At this time, the Protoss suddenly sent people to surrender?

How do you think it is a conspiracy?

So Mozu intends to drag Mingshu out and chop.

Mingshu: "..."

Why do you have so many cannon fodder? Buckle chicken legs!

If he couldn't get in this way, Mingshu could only get in.

"What's going on?" Demon King frowned as he saw the movement on his side.

Mozu asked a few words in the past, and soon returned to report: "Return to Mojun, there is a Protoss woman who says he wants to see surrender."

Protoss... woman? surrender?

What are the gods doing?

Unwilling to give Xingli to him, so change the girl?

Is he so easy to pass? !

The Demon King looked over there, the figure moved, covered so tightly, he could not see who it was.


The Demon Race was lifted off, revealing the people inside.

The devil's eyebrows jumped wildly.

Why is she again!

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