Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1522: God of Heaven (25)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu didn't expect that he would kiss himself suddenly when he lost his title.

His body was completely imprisoned in his arms. He pushed her slightly and sat on the table, covering her slender figure, holding her waist in one hand and the tabletop in one hand, supporting their strength.

The kiss was hurried and clumsy.

Mingshu had some tingling on her lips.

She lifted her head slightly, her beautiful neck stretched, the lines were beautiful and smooth, and she could see tiny blood vessels under her fair skin.

The distance between the two was increased.

Looking down at the red lips in the distance, his eyes were a bit tired and confused, "What's wrong?"

"No title, Ming people don't tell secret words, what on earth do you want? I'm so pleased, I don't hesitate to betray me."

"Pleasant... betray the hue?" The title repeats these words again.

He suddenly chuckled and hugged Mingshu, resting his chin on her shoulder, just blocking Mingshu's sight.

He is laughing.

But in the peach blossom eyes of those hooks, there was no half smile.

In the most beautiful voice, saying love, "I can't help but like you, little flower god, don't you like me?"

This resignation is more like telling yourself.

He couldn't help but like her.

When I don't see her, I think about every detail with her.

She was in the dream at night.

Those dazzling dreams.

Sometimes he can't tell clearly what he is doing.

Drop the rank and hold the person in your arms.

What should he do.

"Little Flower God, what should I do."

Mingshu wanted to break free of him, and suddenly heard such a sentence, slightly stunned.

The powerlessness in the voice, hesitation, hesitation... let the man's armor piled on his body disappear completely. At this time, he is as fragile as a newborn baby, and anyone can destroy him.

Mingshu stretched his hands around him, patted his back, and asked softly, "What do you want to do?"

"I think……"

The voice of the title stopped suddenly.

For a long time, he whispered in Mingshu's ear: "Little Flower God, are you willing to die for me?"


Ming Shu refused very simply.


Who wants to die for others?

She loosened her position, took two steps back, and sorted out her clothes.

The beautiful face is still that confusing smile, the peach blossom eyes are full of light and luster, which is fascinating.

Sunlight fell from the window and outlined the slender figure of the man, so that the face that dropped the title was more brilliant and eye-catching.

His lips twitched slightly, "Little Flower God, see you soon."

Mingshu sat on the table and watched him leave.

Mingshu touched the little beast, "Follow him and see what he wants to do."

The little beast is not happy, "Why me again!"

Mingshu praised it, "because you are cute."

Little Beast: "..."


Don't think you praise me, I will help you!

Ten sentences must be praised!


Mingshu has some strange behavior and purpose, but judging from his tone, he should not be able to do anything big for the time being.

So Mingshu intently tied Xing Lian.

Xing Lian has been with the prince. When the devil said that Xing Lian was going to be sent, Ling Wuzeng sent someone to guard. At this time, the entire palace was estimated to be unable to fly in.

She can't get in, but Xing Lian can show up.

So Mingshu wrote a ‘love letter’ to Xing Lian on the big rock outside the palace.


The cover is so marked.

Mingshu got the letter into spells.

Xing Lian really appeared soon.

Stopped at the door, Xing Lian went back again.

Mingshu sat outside and waited. Sure enough, there was no meeting. The person at the front door was led away. Xing Lian came out from the inside and went straight in one direction.

Mingshu leisurely followed her.

Xing Lian reached the place, his expression was calm, "Where are you? I'm here!"

No one responded to her. In fact, Xing Lian's heart was too panic.

The secrets buried deep in her were suddenly revealed.

She always felt that she had done nothing.

The only failure was to speak the words in front of her the night before Jinse got married.

Xing Lian took a deep breath.

The moment she turned around, she caught a touch of pure black color.

Xing Lian seems to be pressed the pause button.

Mingshu walked slowly and gracefully on the steps.

The light lingered around her, and the smile of her lips bloomed like a spring breeze blowing through the heart lake, soft and comfortable.

Obviously it is a pure black color, and the partiality makes her wear a holy feeling.

Envy spread in Xingli's eyes.

In the past, she was not much different from the rest of the Protoss, but her beauty was striking. Even if she did nothing, just stood there, it would become the focus.

Now she is dressed like this, but more dazzling than before.

Xing Lian nails pinched into the palm of his hand, "Jin Se... really it is you, you asked me to come here to do..."

Xing Lian's words were not finished yet, Mingshu flashed past, and in her shocked sight, the hands were up and down...not by hand.

Xing Lian's eyes darkened and her body softened.

Mingshu was too lazy to pick her up and let her fall to the ground.

Then he drew out the sack and put it in.

Tied people, I am professional!


Jiuzhong has martial law in heaven.

It's easy for her to go in and out by herself, but it's not so easy to bring a person.

Mingshu waited until the right time to slip out with Xing Lian and went straight to the place where the demon was.

Mojun never thought that Mingshu was so fast.

"How do you put her inside?"

The demon pushed away Mingshu and quickly released Xing Lian.

Seeing the people inside, just fainted, nothing else, the devil was slightly relieved.

Mingshu sat down and poured himself a cup of tea.

She looked at the devil's movements and said with a smile: "I remind you that this little cute is so powerful, you can watch it closely."

The devil's eyes dimmed.

"No need to say."

The demon cuddled the man to the temporary bed next to him, covered the quilt gently, and set up a formation around him.

"Eh, I said, what do you like about her?"

The devil turned his back to Mingshu. "As long as she is, she likes everything."

Mingshu thoughtfully, "Oh."



Xing Lian's soft voice sounded.

"You're awake." The devil's eyes were surprised.

Xing Lian winced, as if afraid.

What is this place?

she was……


Jin Se brought her here!

Sure enough, Xingli saw the Mingshu behind him, and her expression was excited, "Jin Se, you even colluded with the Devil Race!"

Mingshu played with the cup in his hand, and said quietly, "Little cute, you and the demon lord are married in a church, and the princes, I just return you to your husband, how to collude with the devil."

"I didn't, he forced me!" Xing Lian retorted.

She won't marry the devil.

The person she wants to marry is Prince Lingwu.

"Prince will come to save me!" Xing Lian firmly said.

"Well, yes." Mingshu nodded.

Xing Lian didn't understand why Mingshu had attached himself.

In the next second, Mingshu added with a smile: "After all, you are his treasure."

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