Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1523: God of Heaven (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Xing Lian didn't know what the brain supplemented.

"Jin Se, do you think you can make the prince change her mind after catching me?" She definitely wanted to take Ling Wu back from her hands.

That's how this woman is.

It seems that there is no desire and no desire, but in fact the deepest mind.

Always want to **** the prince.

She had seen her through!

Mingshu didn't know Xing Lian's thoughts, just grinned and said with a smile: "He doesn't look back, he doesn't change his mind, I don't care, really, I just think he hates me more, it's enough.

I'm not so superficial, I want something much more powerful!


Be sick!

The devil also thinks Mingshu may be sick.

Xing Lian made up her mind and suddenly said: "Do you want to tell the prince about it so that you can win the trust and sympathy of the prince?"

Ming Shu glanced at her, and this little cutie made up for something.

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Xingli's face, "Do you think the prince will believe you?"

Mingshu got up, dragged his chair, and went to Xinglian's side.

The demon reached out to stop her.

"I'm afraid of anything. I won't hit her." Mingshu sat down on the spot. "I'm curious. How did you make everyone misunderstand me and killed the North Sea Dragon King?"

At that time, the original owner had no chance to see any evidence.

Almost after the incident, within a very short time, she was pushed to the God of Extinction.

There was nothing to order, she didn't believe it.

Xing Lian's pale lips twitched slightly, and Yu Guang swept over the Demon King without saying a word.

Mingshu looked at the Demon King faintly, "Devil Master, we girls have a little private matter to talk about, can you avoid it?"

The devil stared, not bold.

What should this little flower demon bully Xing Lian do? !

Mingshu promised casually, "Relax, if I beat her, I must say hello to you first, you can't stop me anyway."

The demon almost blew out Mingshu with a mouthful of blood.


Too arrogant!

The demon added two layers of protection outside Xing Lian and stepped back three steps away.


Xingli's eyes were fixed on Mingshu, as if to use sight to poke a few holes in her.

She didn't answer Mingshu's words, but asked: "Jin Se, why didn't you die?"

"Life is big, born, you don't envy you."

Xing Lian: "..."

She is jealous.

She could still come back on the Goddess of Extinction.



Xing Lian suddenly laughed, her delicate face, slightly twisted, her eyes hidden a little crazy.

"Even if you are alive, the prince will not like you, he will never like you, and he will never know that you saved him. Jinse, you are the loser."

Mingshu drew out snacks and started eating.

It doesn't matter to watch Xing Lian performance.

Xing Lian shouted for a while, and found that Ming Shu ignored him and was eating very hard, suddenly suddenly mad.

"Jin Se! I'm talking to you!"

"I'm listening." Mingshu agreed cleverly, "You continue."

Xing Lian felt a fist hit the cotton.

She screamed all over here, she was totally uncomfortable over there and took herself as a joke.


She is the loser!

Her Royal Highness is hers!

"You want to know why it was pushed to God Extermination Platform so quickly, I tell you."

Mingshu raised his head slightly.

Xing Lian laughed, smug and cheerful.

"Do you think that with my ability, I have such a great ability?"

"Jin Se, it's His Royal Highness who helped me."

"Hahaha, wasn't it a surprise. If it wasn't His Royal Highness, if you were a flower god, how could you be convicted so quickly and be pushed to the **** extermination platform?"

The North Sea Dragon King thought he was dead, and found that he was still in a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, I met Xing Lian.

When Xinglian sent him back, he knew the plan of the North Sea Dragon King.

The North Sea Dragon King has left something to prove that his death has nothing to do with anyone.

But she hid that thing.

After the death of the North Sea Dragon King, she lied to Lingwu and said that she was present at the time and would be treated as a murderer.

Later, there was evidence to prove that Jinse did it.

So in order to make Xing Lian not related to this matter.

Facing his beloved, Ling Wu didn’t go into the obvious loopholes. Under the “oppression” of the North Sea, he took the opportunity to push Jinse to the **** extermination platform.

"Do you think His Royal Highness does not know? He is not stupid, even when the incident happened, he did not doubt, but afterwards?"

Xing Lian looked proud.

"But to protect me, His Royal Highness said nothing."

"that's it?"

Xing Lian: "..." Is this not enough?

What does her expression mean?

Xing Lian did not know what went wrong, her reaction was completely different from what she thought.

Doesn't she like the prince?


Mingshu looked ‘boringly’ and got up and left.

"Jin Se! You come back!"

"You come back to me!"

"Jin Se!"

Xing Lian's voice came from inside.

The devil was waiting outside, hearing Xing Lian's voice, and nervously looked inside.

When Mingshu came out, he would go in immediately, "Did you hit her?"

Mingshu reached out and stopped him, showing a very friendly smile, "In case of night long dreams, devil, let's get started."

"I'm going in to see her."

"I'm crazy, what do I see, hurry up, the stubble cucumber I planted will be eaten tomorrow."

Demon King: "..."

Cucumber, your uncle!

Why don't you let me go in and see!


The Nantian Gate temporarily stopped.

Ling Wuwu's heart was a little panicked, making people look at this and take the time to go back.

He went straight to Xing Lian's room.


The room was empty, and the man who had greeted him when he came back was gone.



Ling Wujiang searched inside and outside the room, and found no one, so he quickly asked someone to ask.

"How about Xingli Flower God?"

"Xing Lian Flower the room."

Ling Wuhei sullenly pointed to the empty room.

"Where? I let you look at her, what do you think?"

A group of people trembled, and under the pressure of Ling Wu, puffed and knelt down to the ground.

"We really didn't see Xinglian Huashen leaving."

"His Royal Highness spares his life."

"Xing Lian Huashen still exists..."

Ling Wubrows frowned into Sichuan characters, his eyes burned with anger, and he roared: "Not looking for it yet!"

"Yes Yes……"

However, the people turned the entire palace over and over again, but Xing Lian was not found.

When Ling was not anxious, someone sent a letter.

"His Royal Highness, this is from the Demon Race, and it is pointed out to you."

Ling Wu took the letter and unfolded the envelope, and a familiar letter and letter fell out at the same time.

Ling Wuxin jumped wildly and read the letter quickly.

After reading the last word, Ling Wuzi burst into a fierce light.

He pressed his fingers hard, and the stationery turned into powder, and it fell freely.

Everyone dared not breathe and bowed their heads with chest, hoping to find a place to get in.

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