Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1528: God of Heaven (31)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

"Not kissed."

"My dear, I feel uncomfortable."


Mingshu gave a perfunctory kiss.

She lost her title and kissed her fiercely for a while.

Mingshu was pressed under him, and the hot temperature passed through him, and the suffocating kiss made her dizzy.

She seemed unable to control her position, her palms had been stretched into her clothes, and her fiery fingertips ignited clusters of flames on her to dispel the chill.

The clothes on Ming Shu's body spread out, revealing a curvy body.

Suddenly closing Mingshu's clothes together, gasping slightly, the pupils murky and sane came back a little bit.

"Don't do it?"

She turned and hugged her, let her lie in her arms, "Little Flower God, can't want you here."

this place……

How is it worthy of her.

He dropped his fingers and pinched Mingshu's shoulders, his voice was ambiguous, "Why, Xiaohuashen was disappointed?"

"A lot of things." Those who do big things are just to be inconspicuous!

Yu Guang fell on Mingshu's chest, and her clothes were untidy, and she could vaguely see a bit of spring.

Closed his eyes closed.

Press down all the heat.


The next day.

Looking down at the person in her arms, she saw that she was still sleeping, her lips slightly lifted, carefully buttoned her clothes for her, and got up outside.

Yesterday the half-moon beast lay in situ.

He walked to the half moon spring, the cold half moon spring reflected his shadow at this time.

The half-moon fierce beast may have been drinking spring water. It is completely different from the fierce beasts outside. It is so powerful that it can even use spells.

But this spring does have a wonderful effect.

He was soaked in it for a while, and everything is fine today.

Take a bottle out of the title and fill a bottle of spring water.

He returned to the cave, frowning slightly when he saw that Mingshu had not yet risen.

Is she a little sleepy?

In the past, he got up and walked around, but did not wake up the first time, she would wake up the second time.

Even if it depends on him, it is awake.

"Little Flower God?"

The title was softly called her.

Mingshu did not respond.

After the title was dropped several times, Mingshu didn't wake up, his heart tightened, he picked up the man, and put his finger on her wrist.

"Little Flower God? Little Flower God are you awake?" There is no problem with the body, and the temperature is normal.

The title drop was a bit anxious.

In his voice was the tension he had never had.


Mingshu seemed to be quarreled, reaching for his face and pushing him away, then hugged him and continued to sleep.

Seeing that she was responding, she was slightly relieved, but she was not completely relieved.

He had to wake up Mingshu.

Mingshu opened his eyes in a confused way, hugging his neck, "Why?"

"Little Flower God, what's wrong with you?"

"No... why." Mingshu yawned, "very sleepy."

"Little Flower God, if you are awake, why are you uncomfortable?"

"Just sleepy..." Mingshu's voice was weak.

"How sleepy, you look at me, little flower god, aren't you hungry?"

"Fortunately... Mingshu murmured and rubbed the title, "Don't be noisy, I want to sleep. "

She is really sleepy.

The position was more urgent, and asked her if she was hungry or not, did she say it was okay?

This is as rare as gold in the sky.

"Little Flower God, don't sleep..."

"Little Flower God?"

"Little Flower God?"

Mingshu slept in the past, no matter what method he used to lose his title, he could not wake her up.

He anxiously took people back to where they lived.

I tried my best to wake up Mingshu, but it didn't work.

But there was nothing wrong with her body, like she was suddenly falling asleep.

The title drop was very urgent at first, but gradually calmed down.

She seems to have entered a state of cultivation.

She thought that she had choked water in Banyue Spring before, and she should have drunk.

Falling in the position beside Mingshu, I felt guilty in my heart.

Half-moon spring water can make half-moon fierce beasts powerful, and naturally can also make people, gods, and demons powerful.


He didn't know what was going on in the end.

I only hope she can do well.


Covered his face.

No matter what she becomes.

She is her own little flower god.


One day in the sky, one year in the world.

Nine heavy heavens.

Three hundred years have passed since the title was turned on.

Although the closure was timely, some fierce beasts ran out.

The Demon Race was not spared, and the Demon King retreated with the army and returned to the fierce beast that ran out of the Mozu Encirclement and Suppression.

While closing the teleportation array, Xinglian Flower God contributed the most.

Leading her to retreat and cultivate for more than three hundred years, the devil knew this and did not send troops anymore.

"Xing Lian Flower God is out?"

"It seems that I saw the prince hurried to the place where Xing Lian Hua Shen closed."

"The last time was really thanks to Xing Lian Hua Shen."

There are many discussions among the little fairy in the nineth heaven.

Soon the news of Xing Lian's exit was spread to Jiu Zhongtian.

"Why do you say that the Xinglian Flower God can close the seal?" There was Xiaoxian curious.

Xinglian Flower God is a flower god.

How can she have such power?

A little fairy said mysteriously: "I heard that the Xinglian Flower God seems to have something to do with God."

"Which **** is there? I haven't heard which **** is related to flowers..."

"I do not know."

"Wouldn't she be reincarnated?"


"It is very likely that she had suppressed the Demon Town before in the Demon Clan? This time it sealed the entrance of the Honghuang fierce beast. Such a force might be true."

Rumors are scattered.

As a party, Xing Lian and the prince came to see the emperor together.

"Xing Lian, the last thing, thanks to you, you see what requirements you put forward."

Xing Lian's face was ruddy, and she showed a delicate and charming look, and she looked at Ling Ling without a glance.

"Xing Lian has no other requirements, just ask the Emperor to keep Xing Lian and the Prince together."

Heavenly Emperor frowned slightly.

Xing Lian made such a great contribution to Jiu Chong Tian, ​​and if Heaven Emperor refused again, it would be a little inhuman.

"This matter..." Emperor Tian thought for a moment, "Let me consider."

Xing Lian bit her lower lip slightly and was aggrieved. "Yes."

Heaven Emperor rewarded many things, and after a few words of greeting, let them leave.

Out of the Hall of Ling Xiao, Ling Wu reached out and hugged Xing Lian's shoulder.

"Your Highness." Xing Lian grieved grievances.

"It's okay, it's me." Ling Wu consoled Xing Lian, "I'll take you to see someone."

The news that Yun Yao went to God to accept Xing Lian as a disciple quickly swept through Nineth Heaven.

Although there are many Gods in the Nineth Heaven, the most prestigious is the God of Yunyao, who is the God closest to the ancient god.

Even if Heavenly Emperor saw him, he had to be polite and respectful.

Now this god, even want to accept Xing Lian as a disciple.

Xing Lian's position in Jiu Chong Tian, ​​then the water will rise.

Heavenly Emperor estimated that there was no way to hinder her marriage to Lingwu.

Of course, if she is an apprentice of Yun Yao, the Emperor of Heaven will not necessarily block it.

Being able to have a **** as a master can be much more cost-effective than those big clans.

For a time, Xinglianhuashen became the most enviable object in Jiuzhong heaven.

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