Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1530: God of Heaven (33)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

The ancient **** who just returned to the throne, so called the gods, the kind of meeting outside the temple, but also sitting casually.

Sit as you like.

But can't stand.

Because the ancient **** looked up and looked upset.

This ancient **** seems to be a little different from what they thought.

Of course, it turns out that a flower **** himself turned into an ancient god.

The one who brought Mingshu to eat, put a small table.

Mingshu was sitting on the steps.

Xing Lian couldn't panic, and always felt that something bad was going to happen.

But now she can't do anything.

"What does the ancient **** want to say?"

Heavenly Emperor asked Mingshu carefully.

When the ancient **** existed, he didn't know where it was, and where he dared to stand with Mingshu.

Even if the person in front of me is familiar...

He didn't dare.

Thinking of her previous attitude towards her, the Emperor was even more anxious. Will she settle the bill afterwards?

The ancient gods identified by both Samsara Clock and Heavenly Dao will never have a false identity.

"It's not a big deal, don't be nervous."

Mingshu is like a sister next door, smiling sweetly.

But what is so special is the ancient god.

No matter how sweet they are, they have no bottom in their hearts.

They held their breath.

Mingshu smiled and said: "In the future, there will be a variety of fruits and other kinds of food, and there are too few varieties to eat."


Wait a long time, just say this?

You are an ancient god, do you need to eat?

You are a fairy!

Is there any consciousness as a fairy!

"The ancient **** said, I immediately urge to do it." Heavenly Emperor should come down.

Mingshu clapped his hands after planning his future snacks. "The next thing I want to say, there are a lot of people involved."

Everyone looked at each other.

Mingshu said in a faint tone: "This matter will begin with His Royal Highness the Prince's calendar."

She didn't say it before because no one would believe it, wasting energy.

Xing Lian's face was pale and her body was crumbling.

Yun Yao glanced at her without much expression.

He accepted Xing Lian as a disciple, but only in the face of the Prince.


Yun Yao looked at the **** the steps.

When he met this person, he was just a teenager. Although the ancient spirit of Jiuling in his impression was gentle, he was extremely courageous and a decisive person.

But now...

I always feel wrong.

However, after so long time, she is back in place, it is understandable that her personality has changed.

Mingshu has a soft voice and can change his tone. When he tells a story, it is like listening to a book.

Outsiders are not clear about the lower bound.

But Ling Wu was not very clear.

Mingshu said those things, he knew.

It turned out that at that time, the person who followed him was her... no, it was Jin Sehua.

But Jinse Huan never told him.

Not mentioned a word.

"Your Highness Prince thought that Xing Lian saved you in the end?"

Ling did not look up, did it?

Mingshu moved his chin towards Xinglan, "Little cute, what do you say?"

Xing Lian shuddered, bowing her head, not daring to look at people.

"Lianer?" Lingwu took Xingli's arm, "What's wrong? Did you save me?"

If the person opposite is Jin Se, she can say so, because Ling Wu will believe her.

But the person on the opposite side is the ancient **** who is in place. Even if she reverses black and white, the gods who fear her strength will also agree.

Not to mention this matter, she had lied.


Ling Wuxiang wanted to get an affirmative answer, holding Xing Lian's shoulder and forcing her to raise her head, "Li Er, you saved me, right?"

Xing Lian's eyes were flustered, and he dared not look directly at him.

She called out quickly, "His Royal Highness, I..."

"The person who saved you is Jinsehua." Mingshu used the title of the original owner, but it didn't sound wrong in the gods.

When she was Jinse Flower God, she was different.

Ling Wuxin had the answer long ago.

At this time, the strength of the whole body seemed to be taken out.

Anything Xing Lian will help her, because he feels owed her.

But suddenly someone told himself.

Not at all.

He has always been wrong.

Mingshu ate two snacks, "Next talk about the death of the North Sea Dragon King."

When Mingshu was promoted to Flower God again, this matter was discussed by everyone, but the Heavenly Emperor did not say that they could only think that life was life-to-life, and the cause and effect were decisive.

After all, the North Sea Dragon King is not going back.

He just reborn into the world.

"The Beihai Dragon King is not willing to marry the Jinse Flower God, so please ask your friends to kill yourself. Of course, I think this Beihai Dragon King's brain is a bit wrong." Ming Shu also did not forget to comment.

Gods: "..."

"Unfortunately, the friend didn't kill him, he still breathed."

"Then the wedding was held as usual, but in the end it became the Jinse Flower God and killed the North Sea Dragon King."

"Here, we need Xingli Xiaocui to tell everyone how to blame Jinse Flower God."

"Come, please ask Xing Lian to start your speech."

Xing Lian's face was as white as paper, and her delicate body shivered.

It's like a delicate flower blown by wind and rain.


But now no one dares to speak.

What happened before Ying Luo has made the gods have some different ideas about Xing Lian.

Do not dare to go to the heart platform.

It is clear who is right and who is wrong with that matter.

Now it's about the Dragon King of the North Sea...

"Xing Lian!"

Heavenly Emperor's voice was low.

"Can the North Sea Dragon King matter to you?"

Xing Lian looked up at Heavenly Emperor, seeming unbelievable.

She seemed to anticipate something, struggling to get up.


"How did the North Sea Dragon King die, Xing pity you and make it clear!" Heavenly Emperor interrupted her.

Xing Lian's lips tremble.

The Emperor Beihai certainly doubted the matter of the Dragon King of the North Sea, and even investigated it.

But this incident involved Ling Wu, his son, so it would be pressed down and pretend that nothing happened, just Jin Se did.

The bad is bad, Jinse is back.

Emperor Tian will certainly not hand over the tomb.

So only her is left.

She became the abandoned child this time.

God's mood is also very complicated.

At first, it was too casual to deal with Jinse, thinking that the left and right is just a flower god, and it is important to calm the anger of the North Sea.

Who can think of today.

"Xing Lian, the death of the Dragon King of the North Sea, is it that you planted the Jinse Flower God? You tell me carefully, how to do it!"

"No, I don't have it!" Xing Lian retorted sharply, and she shouldn't be abandoned.

"Why did the ancient spirits of Jiuling say so? Can the ancient gods defile you!" Emperor Tian stared at Xing Lian with a warning.

Xing Lian was stared at by Emperor Tian, ​​the pressure was doubled, and if he reached his throat, he could not say anything, as if someone choked her throat.

Do not……

Xing Lian shook her head.

But she heard her voice speak slowly.

From how to meet the North Sea Dragon King, and how to hide the North Sea Dragon King to prove his death, has nothing to do with others.

Finally planted to Jinse.

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