Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1531: God of Heaven (34)

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Xing Lian explained clearly.

But Ling Wu was not mentioned, as if he was deliberately concealing him.

Heaven Emperor let her take her down, how to deal with it, Heaven Emperor said it would give Mingshu a reasonable explanation.

Ling Wu seemed to be hit, and he hadn't recovered in a long time.

Mingshu let them disperse first, leaving Lingling behind.

Heavenly Emperor hesitated.

Anyway, it is his son.

Before leaving, he could only pat his shoulder.

Empty outside the temple.

Ling Wu still sat on the ground, Mingshu got up and walked towards him.

"His Royal Highness."

Ling Wu raised his head, his focal length met Mingshu, and a flicker of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Mingshu smiled and touched the stone and put it on his eyebrow.

no response.

Not yet.

It seems that hatred is not real enough.

Ming Shu lifted his sleeves.

Let's have a meal.

Maybe it will be a fight!


Emperor Tian thought that Mingshu had nothing to do with Lingling, but the result was a beating.

He didn't know how to relax, or what to do.

Heaven Emperor swayed everyone.

"Ling'er, I disagreed with you early in the morning, why didn't you listen?"

If it weren't for that pity, how could it be today.

Ling Wu was lying on the bed, his eyes were faint, and he did not respond to the Emperor.

Heavenly Emperor said for a long time.

No response, sighed and left with a hand down.

After leaving the palace, the Emperor ordered him to look at Lingwu, which meant imprisonment in disguise.

"Jin Se...Where is the ancient spirit of Nine Spirits?"

"Returning to Heavenly Emperor, it seems to be lower bound."

"..." Heavenly Emperor couldn't control an ancient god. "The former residence of the Jiuling ancient **** is still there. Send someone to sort it out for her."


At this time Mingshu is in the world.

The bustling crowd continued to shout.

Mingshu stood in front of the sugar man stall and bought a large bag of sugar.

She inquired about any vision while eating, and the time could be estimated for several years.

After all, from that place, there will be no difference in time, and Mingshu is not clear.

It was really not easy to get out of that place. The title was squeezed into the gap in the space in order to let her out.

Mingshu reckons that it should fall into the world.

Mingshu quickly heard some visions, but all the people exaggerated and found nothing.

She went all the way, listening to a lot of anecdotes.

I just couldn't find the title.

When Mingshu arrived in the Imperial City, the scene was strange, and all the shops were lit up outside. During the daytime, the lights were on. Wasn't it panic for money?

When Mingshu was eating, he asked Xiaoer, "What do you do for lighting?"

"The girl came to the imperial city?" Dian Xiaoer almost used an affirmative tone, and did not wait for Mingshu to answer. He said to himself: "The long lanterns have been lit for several years. Broken, bright night after night."

Six years ago, the emperor's favorite beloved concubine was pregnant with the dragon heir, and the emperor Longyan Dayue was intended to be a prince before he was born.

After being discouraged by the ministers to set up the Chu, it was only after the suppression.

When the third prince was born, he was born with a vision, and the whole sky seemed to be covered with a black cloth, but he didn't see the sun.

But the three princes were born and returned to normal.

It is said that the three princes are reincarnated as evildoers and demanded that the emperor execute them.

The emperor refused to raise the three princes under the pressure of the ministers, but the matter of establishing the reserve was definitely blown.

It is a pity that the three princes are in poor health, with a minor illness in three days and a major illness in five days.

See all the doctors.

No one can be optimistic about the body of the three princes.

This gave the whole city the order to pray for the blessing by a long lantern.

Every household in the imperial city has to order, and if anyone finds that there is no order, they will be charged.

Mingshu passed over the brightly illuminated imperial city, and the long beacon gathered in each street was like a long dragon, entrenched in the imperial city, and the leader pointed directly at the imperial city.

This is the cloth formation.

Mingshu avoided the guards of the palace and went to the imperial dining room for a turn and touched a bit of food before slowly finding the palace of the three princes.

At this time the hall was brightly lit.

There are many court eunuchs.

Mingshu fixed them with a wave of his hand and turned in the window.

On the big bed, small people lay on it.

The snow-white ball is too cute.

Seemingly aware that something was wrong in the hall, he climbed up, his black eyes staring at her, and did not admit his life. He asked briskly, "Who are you?"

This spirit is not as bad as it looks.

Mingshu thought of the long lights outside...

The emperor really loved him.

Mingshu looked at him and smiled: "Child, I'm surprised to see you, you must be a talent to cultivate immortals, but would you like to cultivate immortals with me?"

"Cultivation of immortals?" The child turned his eyes twice and asked, "What's the use of cultivating immortals?"

Ming Shu answered: "Longevity."

The child tilted his head, "Why live forever?"

"Can eat..." Mingshu coughed: "Aren't people looking for longevity? You don't want to?"

The child despised, "I'm not a man."

He lifted his **** slightly, "My father and emperor said, I am a dragon and a phoenix among people. What do I need? I won't cultivate immortals with you, you must want to deceive me!"

Mingshu: "..."

It's so annoying to be a child!

Mingshu turned and left.

do not care!

Whoever wants it, who wants it!

I'm going to find snacks!


The child was sitting on the broken bed with his buttocks, and his black eyes were motionless.

Mingshu withdrew his hand and smiled: "Cultivate a fairy?"

The child seemed to be frightened, his eyes were a little wet, his mouth was flat, and he was crying in grievances: "Cure...I can't fix it yet?"

Followed by another sentence: "I want to tell the father emperor to cut off your head!"


Mingshu flickered around the emperor and took away the emperor's sweetheart.

The child was holding her neck absently, just separated from his parents, he was very unhappy.

But when Mingshu flew into the air, the child's emotion disappeared.

Looking at the long lights gathered in the Imperial City, the eyes are full of novelties.

"I'm flying, you fly a little higher..." He patted Ming Shu's shoulder excitedly, "a little higher, a little higher..."

If it wasn't for the emperor to say that the bear child could not be scared, she wanted to do a parabolic movement at high altitude.

The child asked curiously: "How high can you fly?"

"you guess."

"I don't guess." The kid pouted, with an expression of "My biggest", "I ask you, you have to answer my question!"

In the palace, no one dared not to answer his question!

Mingshu laughed, "I tell you, it's not in the palace now. What I say is what you will do in the future. If you dare to object, I will kill you."

The child's eyes widened.

The watery eyes were full of shock and grievance, and a trace of fear.

When he looked back, the palace gradually went away and became smaller.

At this time, he seemed to understand that he was leaving that place.

The child burst into tears and his voice spread throughout the imperial city at night.

A long time later, one night over the imperial city, the cries that sounded became an unsolved mystery.

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