Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 1547: Meet Zhi Ye (9)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Mingshu didn't expect a large group of people camping here by the sea, and he was having fun at this time.

Before Zong Yu approached, someone ran over.

"Ayu, what did you do just now?" The man hugged Zongyu's neck, and before he was steady, he was lifted by Zongyu.

Men don't care, "I tell you, you come out to relax, take a look...hey...female?"

The man's eyes fell on Mingshu behind him.

"A Yu, did you bring this?"

The man stared at Zong Yu, who did not deny it.

"Brothers and brothers have a big deal!!!" The man yelled suddenly.

People over there came one after another.


"A Yu brought a woman over!" The man pointed at Ming Shu.

Mingshu: "..."

What's wrong with women? Haven’t you seen a woman?

"Isn't it possible? Isn't it like posing as a woman?"

"How could Ayu bring a woman over, don't make a joke, Liu Zhihan, don't step on a horse to tease us, this must be from you."

"It looks pretty."

Liu Zhihan shouted, "Fart, what does it have to do with me, this person is really brought by Ayu. I don't believe you ask Ayu."

Everyone looked at each other and looked at Zong Yu.

The latter looked at the void, and no one looked at it, but he did not refute it.

He suddenly reached out, grabbed Mingshu's wrist, and led her into the camp.

Everyone: "..."


Mingshu was thrown at a table.

Liu Zhihan brought the group of brothers around, "Sister, what is your relationship with him?"

"...It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter if he takes you? Don't lie to your brother, what is your relationship with him?" Liu Zhihan glared at Mingshu.

"It really doesn't matter." No for now.

"I don't believe that Zong Yu is a female insulator. Apart from Jiang Xiaocai and his sister, I haven't seen any other female. Jiang Xiaocai is still hot, and A Yu ignores her."

Jiang Xiaocai?

I met the little girl who scolded you abnormally before?

"Sister." Liu Zhihan glared at Mingshu, and his eyes were full of gossip fire. "Hurry, tell your brother, what is your relationship with him?"

Mingshu glanced at Zongyu and said, "I rent his house... count as my landlord."

"Let's live together!"

Liu Zhihan shouted.

A lot of people followed the coax at one time.

Mingshu's mouth twitched: "Renting a house and living together are two words."

"Almost the same."

"..." Is it much worse?

When Liu Zhihan and Mingshu spoke, Zong Yu just looked at it, and did not block or express his opinion.

Mingshu had a simple understanding of this group of people.

All are Zong Yu's friends.

Of course, friends are divided into familiar and unfamiliar.

Liu Zhihan, who has been talking to her all the time, is obviously more familiar, and may even be a good friend.

"Since it was brought by Ayu, then you can play casually, what do you need to tell your brother, and my brother promises to help you solve it."

Liu Zhihan patted his chest to ensure.

He looked at the curious people around him, "Okay, let's break up, don't scare the little sister."

"Chi Han."

The person next to him dragged Liu Zhihan to the periphery.

"The woman's origin is unknown. Do you say that Ayu will be deceived?"

"You think so?"

"Now women are all for money, I think we have to investigate."

"It makes sense." Liu Zhihan agreed, "but she and A Yu live together, and I will apply her words for a while."

"A Yu...I'm worried. You said his sister was gone. He sold everything, and he left..."

Liu Zhihan patted him on the shoulder and returned to Mingshu.

"Sister." Liu Zhihan leaned to Mingshu, "You tell me, where does he live now?"

Zong Yu suddenly handed the phone to Mingshu.

Liu Zhihan stretched his neck to look.

Seeing nothing, Zong Yu took the phone back.

"He won't let me tell you." Mingshu shrugged.

Zong Yu glanced at her.

Liu Zhihan almost shot the table.

Is it a friend!

No one knows where he lives now.

He usually comes out about ten times in normal mood.

Liu Zhihan told himself to be calm, "That little sister, we add WeChat."

Ming Shu glanced at Zong Yu, who slapped his phone on his head without stopping him.

Mingshu and Liu Zhihan happily added WeChat, and the latter few were also crowded up to add.

After all, this was brought by Zong Yu, a rare animal!

In the end, Liu Zhihan drove him away.

Someone sent them a barbecue, and Mingshu was three points more than Yan Yuese.

Zong Yu suddenly got up, and he knocked on the table next to Mingshu with his fingers.

Mingshu looked up and looked at him blankly.

What are you doing?

Zong Yu's cell phone screen has a walking word written on it.

"I have not eaten……"

No matter what she said, Zong Yu lifted her feet and left.

Liu Zhihan yelled, "Oh, Ah Yu, you left?"

Zong Yu raised his hand and waved.

Mingshu quickly greeted them and took two kebabs to catch up.

"Zhi Han, what's the point of this woman?"

Liu Zhihan scratched his hair irritably, "I don't know, check it."

"I think she has a good personality, always smiling, shouldn't it be a bad person? A Yu is very nice to have someone to accompany..."

"The bad guy's face says that I am a bad guy! How many years has Jiang Xiaocai been around Ayu? He has seen one more time? This woman hasn't seen it before, and it suddenly appeared, which is too strange." Liu Zhihan slapped him with a slap. "You are less addicted to female **** one day, check!"



Zong Yu's long legs walked fast, Mingshu caught up with him, he was already in the car, or the two-wheeled one.

Obviously biting two barbecues.

This is completely inconsistent with his temperament!

But thinking about his tattoos seems to

Zong met Mingshu standing over there and honked his horn.

Mingshu quickly got on the bus, Zong Yu handed her the hard hat.

"No need to……"

Zong Yu directly covered her head.

The hard hat is a bit big, like putting a pot on the head.

Mingshu pushed the helmet up, solved the barbecue in one bite, buckled up the helmet, and hugged Zongyu's waist.

Zong Yu lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at the white hands around his waist. His eyes changed slightly, and he quickly started to drive the car.

The seaside was quite far away from where they lived, and at night Mingshu was a little sleepy.

Zong Yu also controlled the speed of the car very slowly, and the wind blew on him, making him even more sleepy.

She urged Zong Yu, "Mr. Landlord, will you hurry up?"

Zong Yu was unmoved.

"The big night is great for drag racing, what was your passion before?" !

Zong Yu suddenly stopped the car and touched his phone to type.

"Speak again and you will go on."

"I'm so sleepy." Mingshu suddenly got out of the car and drove Zong Yu back. "I'll drive. You big man grinds, and the big girl gets married, can't bear to leave?"

Suddenly being dragged behind: "..."


Is Mingshu a straight man today?


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